This one is just for fun. Please read and review!
Naruto stretched her arms above her head, yawning. She loved having PE first thing in the morning, it gave her a way to wake up.
"Good morning Naruto." Naruto turned to the pink haired girl as she walked out of the locker rooms. Her bright hair was pulled back by a red headband. She glared darkly at anything in front of her.
"Forehead, you need to learn to be a morning person." Ino grinned, coming out behind her, earning a glare.
"Who wants to run around a sweaty gym this early in the morning?" Sakura grumbled.
"I thinks its great! It gives me practice!" Naruto cheered.
Sakura's glare darkened, "That's because you don't care about your looks. I envy you."
"For what? Its not like I have some horde of guys after me or something!"
Sakura and Ino both snorted while Hinata shook her head as she joined them.
Across the gym.
"Damn, this is the best part of my day." Kiba nearly drooled as he stared shamelessly at the tan bare mid drift that peeked out as Naruto stretched. At first he had almost tried to change his schedule to not have PE first thing in the morning, after all, he wasn't a morning person. As soon as he had seen that the beautiful blonde was in his class he had changed his mind. He set about his morning routine of drooling while stretching.
"Kiba, you're drooling," came a monotone voice as Shino sat down beside him. As always his glasses covered his eyes.
"Shut up, its not like you don't appreciate it too!" this, of course, was a stab in the dark because you never knew WHAT Shino was looking at, even if he was looking at you.
"Would you two stop bickering, its too early, and troublesome."
"Can it Shikumaru!"
"Why Kiba, because you know she likes me more?" the genius sent a smirk at his doglike companion.
"Che, as if! Everyone knows I'm her best friend!" Kiba glared, standing up to face the pineapple haired boy.
"What was that?" the temperature of the room dropped as two boys stepped out of the locker room. Kiba froze, turning to stare at the pair. Sasuke was giving him the "if looks could kill" glare while Gaara actually knocked him unconscious with his.
"NOOOOO! The ultimate power Kiba's youth has gone out! We must revive him!" Lee appeared out of a cloud of dust to give the dog boy cpr.
A soft snort came from the locker room doorway, "You're all wrong, destiny shall bring Naruto and I together."
"In your dreams fate boy!" Kiba suddenly came back to life. He turned to look at Lee before turning as green as the other boy's jumpsuit and running for the nearest trash can. The argument of who was closer to Naruto rose in volume as the girl herself sat oblivious
"Um... You guys..." came the rather timid voice.
Everyone fell silent and turned to look at Choji.
"You could all just ask her..."
The eyes of every boy in the class suddenly glowed as they fixed their gaze on the unsuspecting blonde. "Naruto!" they all yelled at once racing toward the girl.
"The hell?" the girl's eyes widened as a horde of guys stampeded toward her. "Stay away!" she screamed, running out the door of the gym and slamming it behind her. That door was then torn from its hinges as the boys plowed past it. The noise slowly disappeared from the gym, the three girls left turned to look at each other.
"Yeah, she so doesn't have a horde of boys after her." Sakura said grumpily.
"Alright, it is time to begin class... Where is everyone?" Iruka looked around.
Kakashi looked up from his book and spotted the three girls and Choji. "Naruto?" he asked.
"Naruto." all four replied together.