AN – yeah yeah i'm evil, it's been years since an update. Well you would have got this one sooner if my co writer had updated her other story. So yeah apologies but better late than never. Enjoy.

Oh and for reference in this chapterRemus' thoughts and in bold, Moony speech is in italics.

Chapter 16 – The mark

Once Sirius had finally finished breakfast, narrowly avoiding the 5th round of toast Mrs Weasley was trying to force his way, Remus gently took Sirius' hand and silently drew him out of the kitchen, up stairs and to his room.

"what's wrong love" Sirius asked with concern filling his voice and drawing Remus into a hug, inhaling his scent at the base of his neck.

Remus gently removed Sirius' arms from around him, mentally telling Moony where to shove it as he protested at Remus' actions, turned, shut the door, removed his wand from his pocket whispered a quick spell to ensure them privacy then stood still.

Remus' heart was pounding, he could hear the blood rushing through his ears. He stilled trying to slow his breathing.

"Remus love, please tell me what's wrong"

Remus felt Sirius move behind him and his hand ghosting above his shoulder before it gently fell onto him.

What could he say, how to say it? Knowing Sirius he probably wouldn't realise the implications of what he was about to explain, or he would and just simply wouldn't care, foolish pup that he was. Remus smiled to himself at that thought, he still didn't realise just how lucky he was. The childish puppy really did love him, the fool, and he really wouldn't care. I love him. I cant love him and not do it, I cant do it if I love him

you must if you want him, I need my mate, you need your love. Don't you want me to be happy?

Not for a second. Remus thought without hesitation. Moony growled

Would you rather I was miserable? Or angry? Would you prefer that?

At least I would be the only one you could hurt. Remus could feel Moony growling again, or was it his foul attempts at laughing.

Sighing Remus leaned his forehead against the door. Sirius had remained still throughout this whole exchange with Moony, but he shifted now placing his chest against Remus' back.

He really does know me well, he knows I'm talking to you not ignoring him.

Moony finally stopped making the primal noise of laughter and Remus could swear he could hear sadness and longing in his head as Moony next spoke

We are meant to be, now tell him. You know he'll understand. Now tell him and do it or I will

He'll never forgive you if you do, love doesn't forgive everything and you know that.

Then Remus heard something that he'd never heard before and thought he never would.

Moony whined then simply whispered Please

That was enough to tip the emotional scale Remus felt in his heart, tears finally spilt from his eyes and rolled down his cheeks

I don't know if I can

Could you still live if you cant

Sirius obviously felt the tears falling because his grip tightened, he wrapped his arms around his neck and buried his face into Remus soft locks.

"Remus please talk to me, Please don't cry"

Remus slowly turned in his arms and softly brushed lips with his love before softly pulling back. His mind was made up.

Alright Moony, your right, I couldn't live without him any more, I'll try

"sit down Sirius, there's something I need to tell you"

Remus saw a look of confusion flash over Sirius amber orbs but it quickly left as Sirius pulled his hands gently down his lovers arms and lent forward brushing a tear from his cheek flashing a small but worried smile and nodded "okay"

Remus led him over to his bed, flushing slightly at the memories of the night before before pulling Sirius down next to him, avoiding his intense gaze he began to explain to Sirius another side effect of his curse.

"The mark of the mate"

RIGHT THATS ALLL YOUR GETTING FOR THE MOMENT. I know its shot, roughly about 1/3 of this chapter but the rest is still being held to ransom with my cowriter, you want the rest go hassle her to upload more of defensive secrets then you will get the rest of this chapter