"WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?" Lucy yelled, covering as much of herself as she could. She had just taken a shower, and walked over to her bed to change out of her towel when two unwanted visitors walked in.
Well, more liked jumped in... through her window.
"We're bored waiting around for Erza to come back!" The pink haired male said, flopping stomach first onto the blonde's bed.
Curiously she asked, "'Come back'? Where'd she go?"
"She left for a mission and didn't want us to bother her." Gray said as he landed in a sitting position on Natsu's back. The darker haired male merely looked around the room as if he didn't notice the other's yelling.
"GET OFF OF ME!" He yelled as he flailed his arms around.
Lucy smacked her forehead and sighed. Mumbling to herself as the other yelled some interesting profanity, she said "Gee, I wonder why she didn't want you guys to tag along."
"Get off of me damnit!"
"Oh? Do I hear something?" Gray mused. Looking around the room once again in mock wonder, he looked back down to the squirming wizard beneath him. "Oh it's just you."
"At least put some clothes on! Exhibitionist!" Natsu yelled before Gray jumped off of him.
Looking down at his body he noticed he was missing his shirt and pants which left him in only his black boxers and shoes. His eyes widened, "SINCE WHEN WAS I MISSING MY CLOTHES?"
Sitting up Natsu cracked his back; Gray was much heavier than he looks. "You were like that since Erza left, stupid."
Lucy paled, "NO. Now if you guys don't mind, I'd like to change!" She said pointing to the white towel wrapped around herself.
The two males didn't even notice she wasn't in any clothing. Blushing madly, the two walked over to the wall opposite of Lucy's bed, and rested their heads against said wall. "Thank you!" Lucy said back as she went to pick up the clothes she laid out on her bed. She frowned slightly at how wrinkled they were.
Stupid Natsu just had to jump right onto them.
Without turning, Natsu moved his head off the wall. With his peripheral, he looked at the ice wizard next to him. He laughed silently at the bruise on the other's back. Earlier, Erza had gotten into a fight with Gray and him.
It first started off with wanting to tag along. Erza then commented on how they weren't strong enough, then it escalated in Natsu flying face first onto the ground and Gray flying into a wall. The two blacked out and when they awoke, they realized Erza already left. When they both woke up, the decided to both go over to Lucy's since they had nothing better to do.
After staring at the other's back, Natsu's eye traveled down Gray's body. Natsu couldn't explain why, but his eyes were glued to Gray's body for some strange reason. Maybe he was just spacing out? Nah, that couldn't be it.
Was he attracted to him?
He shook his had furiously at the thought. That can't be it! Gray was a huge dumbass who always took off his clothes! His clothes.
Natsu thought for a bit curiously. No longer shaking his head he stared at the wall in front of him. 'How does he not notice he's shirtless? Doesn't he feel a freakin' breeze hit him or something!'
Thinking about it a little more, Natsu blushed. The thought of Gray's perfectly toned and shirtless chest made a shade of pink and red light up Natsu's face. Wait, did he just call Gray's chest 'perfectly toned'?
"Ok, you guys can turn around now!"
Turning around, both saw Lucy heading for the door fully clothed in her usual skirt, orange tank top, and boots.
"Where you going?" Gray asked.
"I'm going to buy us some food, I'm a little hungry." Before turning the doorknob, she shot the two males a glare that could probably kill. "When I come back, everything better look the same or else. Got that?"
The two shuddered and yelled, "WE PROMISE!"
With that, Lucy smiled happily and left the two. Closing the door behind her, both wizards sighed in relief. Since when could Lucy be that scary!
Yawning, Gray walked over and flopped down onto Lucy's bed. Lying on his back, he closed his eyes and rested his head on his hands. "Ne! What do you think Lucy will get us? I'm hungry, I hope—"
"Shut up, retard."
"I SAID SHUT UP." Breathing in deeply he said, "Unlike you, I'm tired from our fight with Erza earlier."
Natsu snickered as he sat on the chair near the bed, "She did kick your ass pretty bad!"
"HEY I DID NOT—huh? Hey!" He stopped his yelling to see Gray had fallen asleep. What a jerk! The exhibitionist fell asleep during their argument! And right when he was going to defend himself. He even had something witty to say. Leaning back into the chair, he rested his chin on his hand.
"Can't believe he fell asleep, jerk." he mumbled to himself. Looking out the window next to the bed, his eyes soon drifted towards Gray. Natsu felt a little strange watching the other sleep. But just like earlier, he couldn't help but stare at him. It was as if he couldn't look away.
Not like he actually wanted to look at that weirdo.
Sadly, Natsu knew he had the choice to look away if wanted to.
He just didn't want to admit he wanted to look at Gray.
Sighing, he kept watching his sleeping companion. The salamander never really noticed it before, but Gray was actually very attractive. He he meant very attractive. Normally he'd be too occupied with yelling or arguing or insulting the ice wizard to even notice.
The fire wizard blushed. He'd never thought of anyone like this before.
Because of his act-before-thinking personality, Natsu stood up and walked over to the sleeping male before him quietly. 'What the hell am I thinking!' The pink haired male thought to himself as he finally reached the ice wizard.
That's when he felt like getting hit by a train. Without thinking about it, he had leaned forward and pressed his lips to Gray's. His eyes widened, 'Why does this feel so... good?' he thought to himself as he began to move his lips against his rivals; massaging Gray's lips with his own.
Natsu smirked against the other's lips, 'His lips are just like his magic; cold.'
When Natsu heard the sleeping male mumble against his lips, Natsu immediatly pulled his lips away. After a few seconds, his previous actions finally began to sink in. 'I just kissed Gray, Gray.' He thought to himself as he slapped a hand over his mouth. Blushing like he just ran a marathon, he didn't even notice how hard his heart was pounding until his rival rolled over onto his side; facing a slightly breathless Natsu.
A few seconds passed, and the ice wizard started to show the signs of waking up.
'Shit. Shit. Shit!' Natsu thought. 'What do I do!'
Looking from side to side frantically, he ran into Lucy's bathroom and closed the door behind him.
Closing the door behind him, he leaned against it, and slid down into a sitting position. What did he just do?
"Damnit!" He cursed to himself.
It took only half a minute or so before Natsu calmed down completely. But the events that had just taken place couldn't escape him; he, Natsu Dragneel, just kissed Gray Fullbuster. Gray Fullbuster, the creep who always ends up taking his clothes off!
The pink haired male had never been faced with anything like that before. Not once in the young man's life had he been so... attracted to another person. Not mention his first kiss had taken place with someone who was sleeping.
It made Natsu feel like a rapist.
'But that couldn't count as a first kiss, right? Right.' Natsu thought to himself, 'It only counts if the other isn't sleeping. Yeah, that's gotta be true. I could always ask Lucy... What! Of course not!'
He could just imagine the interesting conversation he and his blonde friend would have:
'Not to sound weird, but I have this attraction to Gray.'
'What do you mean?'
'Well, I he's pretty hot, I stare at him a lot when he's shirtless; I've actually been like a lot lately. Oh and I kissed him in his sleep without him knowing.'
Natsu smacked himself in the forehead, 'Oh yeah, that's so not weird.' He thought sarcastically to himself.
Sighing a little disappointedly, he slouched back against the door. Like it even mattered whether or not he was starting to feel something for him. Gray had a thing for Lucy. Even though he never told anyone, Natsu could tell. It was just that feeling of knowing something. A feeling in his gut that told him it was true.
Standing up, opening the door slightly, and peeking into the room, he noticed Gray was starting to wake up. Moving around slightly, he felt an uncomfortable feeling coming off from his lowers regions.
After taking a deep breath, Natsu walked back in nonchalantly fiddling with his wristband.
"Looks like someone finally woke up." Natsu said, his voice not wavering even the slightest despite the pounding heart in his chest. Walking over to his previous seat, he jump and landed on it sideways; legs hanging over one of the arm rests as his back leaned against the other.
"Whatever." He said as he pulled himself into a sitting position. Rubbing his eyes he looked around the room. Natsu noticed the confused look Gray wore as he turn his head from side to side slightly. "Something the matter?" Natsu asked curiously.
Gray leaned against Lucy's head board and yawned, "It's nothing. So she back yet?"
"What's it look like?"
As soon as Natsu had finish talking, the door opened to reveal a happy and slightly sweating Lucy. "I'm back you guys. Man was it hot outsi—wow!"
"What?" Gray asked.
"You guys actually didn't break anything." Lucy said surprised as she walked over to place he groccery bags on her dining table.
"Wow, this is good~!" Natsu said, as he began to eat the stew Lucy had prepared for them.
"Calm down! You're on your fifth bowl and me and Gray haven't even finished our first!" Lucy said trying to calm the pink haired wizard next to her. The three of them were sitting at Lucy's dining table eating. Sitting beside Natsu, who sat between her and Gray, she started to eat her bowl.
If he doesn't slow down he'll end up with a stomach ache or choking!
"But it's so yummy!" He said back as he finished his bowl. Sighing, he leaned back in his chair completely full. "Lucy's cooking is so good~!"
Lucy smiled at the compliment, "Thank you, Natsu!"
Eating, she started to get slightly irritated. She wasn't even halfway through her first serving, and the others were already bickering like two kids.
"BRING IT, SISSY." Natsu yelled, small flames coming from his mouth with each word.
"OH I'M THE SISSY?" Gray yelled back holding a fist in between his and Natsu's face.
After trying to calm down her two yelling team mates, she decided it was futile. Once they were like this, there was no stopping them. Finishing her meal she rested her chin on her hand and watched as the two yelled back and forth. Hopefully the two wouldn't end up breaking, freezing, or burning anything.
Although the chance of everything unscathed was unlikely, a girl can hope, right?
'Is it just me, or is Natsu a little... different?' She thought to herself.
Watching the two argue, she couldn't help but notice a slight difference in the way Natsu looked at Gray. She couldn't place a finger on it, but something was off. What was it?
Oh well, maybe it was just the heat.
Lately, Magnolia Town had been stuck in the middle of a huge heat wave. For the past month it had been nothing but sun with the occasional rainy day. Even when it was raining, it would still be extremely humid! Sweating, Lucy fanned herself a little with her hand. When she had left to buy food earlier, she came back breathless and wanting Gray to freeze her. Thinking about it, she began to envy the two bickering wizards.
Natsu uses fire all the time which means he can withstand the heat.
Gray is a ice wizard which means he can cool himself off whenever he wanted to.
And then there was her; absolutely defensless to the heat.
Looking over to the two, standing ready to beat the life out of each other, Lucy knew something different about Natsu.
'I'll have to ask him later.'
Ok so this is my first Fairy Tail fic and I'm kinda new to the series so I apologize at any mistakes. I wrote this since there many shippings of these two together. Uhm... I haven't seen a lot of Lucy's apartment so I'm sorry if anything seems off. I'm pretty sure her bed is next to the window e-e. Sorry about the mistakes!
Man, this is the shortest thing I've ever written that isn't a random oneshot type-a-thing. I'll make it longer later on though and if you want, I can add some yaoi later one.
Anyways, review? Thank youuu ~~~