Note: OMG! People liked my last chapter!

Toph: She loved ZkKtTysoul's comment…she read it 3 times to make sure she read it right...*mumbles*

Maddy: *glares* Toph's mad because she didn't get any reviews.

Toph: Well of course I didn't hothead! I'm blind!

Sokka: Wait if your blind how do you know she read it 3 times?

Toph: *grins* Magic Snoozles

Maddy: *rolls eyes* Anyways! Thank-you ZkKtTysoul for you wonderful review! I dedicate this chapter to you!

Zuko P.O.V In the Earth kingdom somewhere...

"You know it's really weird." Katara said, stepping a bit closer to me to avoid bumping into the people.

"Hmm?" I replied

"I can't remember having a dream last night." I looked over at her perplexed.

"You too?" I asked. She looked over at me surprised

"Well ya. I-" She was cut off as a little boy bumped into her. I looked down at him, he was looking up to us, his eyes showed how frightened he was.

"Geese I'm so sorry lady!" He looked to me "and mister! I didn't-" he was cut off as Katara laughed.

"It's fine!" she laughed. He looked at her unsure, and I crouched down to his height.

Katara P.O.V

I watched as Zuko crouched down to look the boy in the eye. He looked scared, most likely afraid Zuko would hurt him.

"Hey, why do you look so scared? I don't bite." I felt my jaw hit the ground. Well this was new, maybe I should check his head later…

"What's your name?" The boy seemed to relax.

"Lee!" he replied with a smile. Zuko frowned and his eyes unfocused as if reliving an awful memory. Lee frowned.

"Mister?" The boy was confused. He grabbed Zuko's hand. "Mister are you ok?" I crouched down and waved my hand in front of his face.

"Zuko?" he didn't reply.

"Mister? Mister, did I do something wrong?" still no answer, lee looked close to tears.

"Zuko?" I grabbed his face; he seemed to snap out of the daze he was in.

"Huh? Oh I'm sorry!" He looked over to Lee, who had indeed started crying.

"I'm sorry mister! I didn't mean it!" Zuko pulled the crying boy into a hug.

"Shhh…you didn't do anything, Lee." I took a mental picture of how sweet the scene looked. After a couple minutes the boy's crying stopped, Zuko smiled.

"There all better?" Lee nodded and opened his mouth to say something, only to be interrupted by a growling sound. I looked around for the source of the noise and turned my head to Zuko when he started laughing. I looked at him; it was weird hearing him laugh. I don't think I've ever really heard him laugh. It was…nice? No…right. Ya, that's it! It was right for him to be laughing so openly.

"What's so funny?" He stopped laughing and looked at me, then at Le,e both boys broke into hysterics. I glared before hearing the growling, again.

"Ugh! What is that noise?" The boys laughed harder, and the people around started to stare. Finally, the boys stopped laughing and looked at me.

"What?" I said, I was getting frustrated.

"Soomeonee is hungryyy!" Zuko said in a singsong voice, well it was really weird he was starting to open up…so it seemed.

"I wonder whooo it could be?" Lee said acting puzzled and bringing his hands to his face.

"I-" I was cut off by the growling and looked down to my stomach.

"Oh." I said stupidly. The boys let out a giggle, before Zuko got off the ground and pulled Lee up with him.

"Let's go get some food." Lee started to turn around and walk away.

"Hey? Where you going?" Zuko said grabbing his shoulder.

"I-Um-" He smiled

"Want to eat lunch with us Lee?" He asked. Lee looked at him shocked and the grinned.

"Really?" Zuko smiled and nodded. Lee jumped up and down with excitement.

Zuko P.O.V

Lee had left a couple of hours ago claiming he had to get home. So now we were at the fountain in the middle of the town planning our next move of action.

"So I think we should spend a day or two here and gather supplies." Katara finished, with a smile. I nodded my head in agreement.

"Ok so we'll spend the tonight at an Inn and get supplies tomorrow." I said and she grinned with accomplishment.

"Great! I-" she shrieked as she was pushed over and in reflex I reached out and grabbed her arms, bringing her upright.

"That was close" She sighed. And as if she jinxed us, I was tripped and fell backwards into the fountain, bringing Katara with me.

I felt my breath leave my lungs as I went into the water and hit the bottom. I felt Katara land on me and I brought my head above the water. I came face to face with Katara, she was soaking wet her big, blue, beautiful eyes stared down at me. We stayed in that position for a moment before she blushed and looked away.

'Well this is awkward' I thought

Note: Well here's my super duper short chapter! As for Zuko's behavior…we all know he secretly loves kids. Just don't tell him I told you that, I –

Zuko: You what?

Me: *glares* might have to hurt you!

Zuko: *backs up* Woah! What did I do to you?

Me: Interrupted me!

Zuko: Shesh! Sorry!

Me: *Rolls eyes* Anyways I wrote another story and would love it if you decided to read it!

Zuko: *pushes me out of the way* Well she's done!

Toph: *buries Zuko to the neck in the ground*

Me:Thanks! *high fives with Toph* Next Chapter we'll get to see Toph mess with some dreams!

Toph: *grins and cracks knuckles* It'll be fun!

Me: *looks at Zuko* definitely.

Zuko: *gulps*