Here's where we start to get a little crazy :D Thanks to Lost and Sierra for the sweet reviews, I hope I didn't let you down with this chapter :)

Just so you know, I have no idea when or even if they will be doing a musical episode, but a musical-loving girl can dream ;D

And if you're not familiar with the names of the actors, this may help: http: / / www. imdb. com / title / tt0491738 / fullcredits

It had been a long day on set and everyone on set was tired. Season 6 was coming along nicely and everyone was excited to finally be filming the musical episode in the following week, but they were behind schedule by a few days, so everyone was coming in early and working hard until midnight. It was only barely noon now as James Roday finished reading over his lines for the next scene and he was already tiredly rubbing his eyes. Getting up before dawn and staying on set so late was getting to him and he didn't know how much more he could take. He could see everyone was tired, but it didn't stop them from giving 100% everyday, which he respected.

But for goodness' sake he wanted a nap.

Knowing his next scene in the police station set was almost set up, he figured the closest thing to a power!nap he was going to get was a large cup of coffee and some cold water on his face, and that wasn't even guaranteed to wake him up enough to work. But he thought he should at least try, so he headed for the bathroom, hoping the coffee cart had plenty of espresso left for when he got back.

He walked into the bathroom and straight to the middle sink, turning on the faucet and running his hands under the water before splashing some on his face. Turning it off, he groped the wall with his eyes closed and found the paper towel dispenser, pulling out a few and drying his face and hands. He sighed as he tossed the wadded up paper into the trash bin and leaned back on the sink, staring into the mirror at his reflection.

"Shawn Spencer doesn't have to work this hard, he has it easy," he mumbled.

But then something strange happened.

The mirror large mirror hanging above the three sinks began to shake slightly before the edges started to glow. James took a step back as the mirror shook more violently, the light now blinding as it framed the glass. His eyes squinted against the light, and he saw the reflection suddenly change slightly. When he saw his reflection, locking wide eyes, he somehow felt in his gut that it wasn't him looking back. How and who, he didn't know, but it still freaked him out even more than the possessed window-like mirror he was staring through.

And then something began to pull him. Them, James corrected in his mind as he saw the other him trying to fight the same invisible force that was pulling them toward each other. He tried to fight it, but whatever was happening was too strong, so he continued inching forward against his will. When his hip hit the sink, he lurched forward, his hands stretching out to catch himself, but to his shock the mirror rippled like water where he and the other James was touching the glass. Looking up from his hand, James locked wide eyes with his reflection, and then was pulled through. Suddenly he was flying back from the mirror and slamming his back and head hard against the metal bathroom stall divider, sliding down to the floor slowly, shaking.

What the hell just happened? he thought as he stared dizzily at the suddenly normal mirror before passing out.

"Shawn?" said a sweet, familiar voice. "Shawn, can you hear me?"

"Spencer, wake up," barked another, less sweet, familiar voice.

He felt a hand gently tap his cheek and he grunted in response, moving his head toward the voices.

"Shawn, open your eyes," said the sweet voice.

"Why are you calling me that?" he asked, his words slightly slurred as he finally pried his eyes open slightly to be greeted by two confused faces. "That's not my name."

"What?" asked Juliet, worry in her eyes.

"Alright, then what's your name?" Lassiter asked, trying to access the situation.

"Are you guys serious?" he demanded, sitting up slightly. "My name is James, you're Maggie, and you're Tim," he said, pointing at them respectively.

"I'm calling an ambulance," Lassiter stood, walking out the open bathroom door and cutting through the small crowd of officers who had gathered.

Juliet just sat there, staring at James in a mix of shock and worry. "Your name is Shawn, and I'm Juliet," she said slowly, her hand on his cheek.

"Very funny, Maggie, but I think you're taking the joke a little too far," he said, smiling at her.

When she remained quietly staring at him in worry, his brow furrowed in confusion and he looked up to the mirror. It reflected the same scene, only he was still unconscious, and Dulé was standing among the others in the bathroom.

"Do you see that?" he asked her, pointing to the mirror.

She looked behind her, then back at him, confused. "See what? The mirror?"

"Yes! No, I mean the reflection!" he stumbled, sitting up straighter. "I'm unconscious, and Dulé's there!"

"Who's Dulé, Shawn?" asked Juliet, humoring him out of pity now until the paramedics got there.

Once it finally clicked in, he looked to Juliet, eyes wide.

"Holy crap," he whispered, getting an even more confused look from Juliet.

Shawn's head began pounding before he even realized he was waking up. In the distance he could hear faint voices, some he recognized and some he didn't.

As he cracked his eyes open slightly, he realized that he was in the precinct men's room, suddenly remembering what had happened. As his eyes shot open and started to adjust to the light, bleary faces of Juliet, Gus, Lassiter, Henry and a few others he didn't recognize came into view.

When did Gus and Dad get here? he asked himself.

"James?" Maggie spoke, looking down at him worriedly. "Can you hear me?"

Brow furrowing in confusion, Shawn looked around the room. Where had that fourth wall gone?

"What?" he asked, trying to sit up. "What's going on?"

"Take it easy," said Dulé, putting a supportive hand on his shoulder.

"When did you get here, buddy?" he asked Dulé.

"What do you remember, James?" Tim asked, kneeling beside Maggie.

"Uh, that my name is not James, for one thing," Shawn stated as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.

The three people around him shared uneasy looks with each other before turning back to him.

"Then what is your name?" Maggie asked cautiously.

"Jules, are you ok?" he asked in response.

Maggie's eyes widened in horror.

"Where's that ambulance?" Dulé shouted.

"Ambulance? What? Why do I need that? And why is everyone acting funny?" Shawn demanded, attempting to stand up. As he did this, the mirror's reflection, or lack there of, caught his attention. He saw basically the same scene, only the people in the mirror were different, not to mention the fact that Gus wasn't in it even though he was standing beside him at the moment. As his mind raced to put the pieces together, however unsuccessfully, Shawn's head began to spin partly from the craziness of the situation and partly from his concussion. "What the hell?" he mumbled as he suddenly blacked out, Tim and Dulé catching him just in time.