Disclaimer: I don't own Totally Spies or Devil May Cry. Totally Spies is own by Marathon and Devil May Cry is own by Capcom. I don't make money off this story.

Inside of the dark night streets of Chicago. A man his early to mid forties with gray hair and wearing a black shirt and blue jeans with black shoes and a brown jacket . Was running through one of the alleys of the city carrying a small bundle in his arms with a small blood stain. The man look like your average mid age man for the most part except for the two glowing red eyes that came from his face that said he was more then human. In truth the man was really a lower level demon that had being hired by a strange mysterious man that had hired to bring to him a baby girl that had being born not more then two days ago. For a purpose that the demon didn't really care for as the man had told him to kidnap the infant by any means possible even if it meant killing the parents and even if the infant was killed in the process of the kidnapping as the guy only wanted the body and nothing else. Now the demon running down the dark alley with the infant girl in it's arms crying loudly with a small trail of blood coming out of a wound on the top of her head.

The demon was hoping that by sticking to the alleyways of the city he would avoided drawing any attention to himself from passerbys and deliver the girl to the man who has hire him in the first place. So far the demon's had work as he had hope was getting ready to run out of the alley into another one across the road. When suddenly a gunshot rung out from somewhere as the demon suddenly felt a sharp pain in his right shoulder as he was sent to the ground real hard on his back and he let go of the infant girl that was in his arms. The demon quickly ignored the pain that was in his shoulder from where the bullet hit and look up to see standing in front of him was a man about 5 11 with short silver hair and blue eyes dress in a black shirt with a black vest with a long red trench coat over the shirt and vest and also wearing red pants with black combat boots with a long sword strap to his black with one hand holding a gray 9 mm pistol that was pointed at the demon and holding the infant girl in his other hand while he was looking at the demon with his ice cold blue eyes full with anger.

"What you do you think you are doing out here in this neck of the woods Sid ?" demanded the man looking at the Demon name Sid in a icy cold voice

"That's none of your business Sparda. What I do in my time is doesn't concern you or your half breed sons." replied Sid in angry voice

"Don't give me any of that bullshit Sid. I know you long enough that what you do is nothing anything good especially when someone hired you to carry out a job that includes killing people and kidnapping a infant girl. So tell me who hired you and what do they want with a infant girl that can't defend herself or do you prefer I just kill you right where you are standing as lower level demon's like you don't deserve to live especially when they spill innocent blood. So the choice is up to you Sid you can die right now or I can kill you later on when I have the time." said Sparda a angry voice as he pointed the pistol at Sid's chest with his finger holding on to the trigger ready to fire off another round

"I guess I don't have much of a choice now do I Sparda. If have to know I was hired by a human that wanted me to obtain that infant girl by any means possible even if it meant killing both her parents. I never saw the guy's face as he had hidden it in shadows. All he said he wanted that girl no matter what dead or alive. So that's what I did as the guy paid me a lot of money to get the job done. That's all I know Sparda. If I had know you would be here then I would never have taken the job in the first place. So am I free to go or are you going to go back on your word?' ask Sid looking at Sparda

"Yeah your free to go this time Sid. As there's more important things I have to do then take care of a low life like you right now. But you better hope I don't see you anytime soon as the next time we cross paths I will make you pay dearly for all the crimes you have committed and the people you have killed in your lifetime. Do I make myself clear!" said Sparda glaring at Sid

"Crystal Clear Sparda. Now if you can excuse I have other places to be and people to see and I don't want to make them wait. Until we meet again Sparda." replied Sid in a nervous voice

With that Sid quickly ran away down the alley leaving Sparda alone with the infant girl he was holding in his left arm. Once Sid was gone Sparda decided to look the girl in his left arm over to make sure she wasn't injured in any way. As Sparda look the girl over he saw that she had short blonde hair and blue eyes . When he look the girl's head over he saw a huge open wound on her forehead that was letting out a huge amount of blood and he could already tell that she had about lost more then half of her blood supply by the way the blanket she was wrap in was basically cover in blood. Sparda knew if he didn't don something quick the little girl would die from blood loss quickly even if he mange to get her to a hospital. Which left him with one option which he didn't like as it would mean the girl would no longer be fully human.

"Man this is bad. This girl already lost almost all of her blood supply. Which isn't good considering since she is barely a week old. There's only one way I can save her and that she to give her some of my blood and turn her into a half devil like Dante and Vergil are. As once my blood is in her system. Then the healing powers it has should heal her injuries and restore any blood she already lost. I just hope I am doing the right thing as the last thing I want to happen to this little girl is ruin her life. But I don't much of a choice in the matter." thought Sparda worried as he look at the girl in his arms

With that Sparda took the sword off his back and cut his right wrist and held it over the girl's forehead allowing his blood to flow into the girl's wound as the girl cried out loud. As the little girl cried her short blonde hair turn a silver color like Sparda's with strands of golden blonde hair mix in as her blue eyes turn a icy blue matching Sparda's with silver specks in them as the wound on her forehead close right up and her blood stop flowing. When Sparda saw the girl's wound close back up and the changes that had happen to her body. He knew the girl was going to be alright as she now had stop crying and look at him with her icy blue eyes as she started to let out a giggle.

"Man talk about a close one . Looks like giving her blood and turning her into a half devil like my sons did the trick as she fully healed. The question now is what to do you her. As I can't just bring her back to her parents since Sid killed them to get to her and I definitely can't just drop off at anyone's doorstep as she now as my blood flowing through her veins not to mention she probably process the same powers as Dante and Vergil which kinda of makes her my daughter. I guess that only leaves one option and that she is to take her home with me . That way I can at least train her to use her new powers correctly without risking anyone's safety. Besides Eva probably will be thrilled to have a daugther as she wanted to have one and it probably do Dante and Vergil some good to have a little sister to play with and help take care of. The question now is what name to give you little one." said Sparda looking at the girl in his arm

Sparda look at the little girl in his amrs trying to think of a good name to give her. When he suddenly saw medical bracelet on the girl's left wrist with the name Clover written on it.

"Clover that's what your parents name you before they died. That certainly fits you perfectly little Clover. I guess it's best time we take you to your new home Clover as I am certain Eva will be thrilled to see me come home with you. Who knows you might even become a great demon hunter along with Dante and Vergil. " said Sparda looking at Clover who let out a small giggle

With that Sparda quickly took off towards home carrying Clover in both his arms as to not drop her as he leap from rooftop to rooftop at a fast pace so Eva and their sons could meet the newest addtion to their family.

That's it for the first chapter of the first chapter of the first ever Totally Spies Devil May Cry crossover. The reason I decided to try to do this kinda of crossover is because no one has never thought of doing something like this before and I wanted to be the first person to try and write it. For those who are wondering Clover is indeed now half human half devil like Dante and Vergil who will be eight years older then she is in the story. This story takes place in the Devil May Cry games which some Totally Spies characters showing up from time to time which includes Sam and Alex who will make a few appearance throughout later chapters as Clover becomes a demon hunter and hunts demons and to find out who wanted her kidnap and for what purpose. As always please review and leave comments as I want people's options on this story to help me make it better. Thanks and stay tune for the next chapter