Are you between the ages of 12-14?
Are you a boy with a traumatic pass?
Do you harbor a lot of hatred towards those who wronged you?

well come on down to demon butler Hut where we have all of your need.

Sure it may seem like a bad idea to give these young boys demon butler's but think of the endless possibility!

They can cook!

They can clean!

They can dance!

and they can kill.

Not to mention "They are one hell of a butler".

Why at demon butler hut we will match you up with the best demon butler's there is not to mention you will get a free tattoo with every butler purchases.

Here are some of our satisfied costumers

Ciel-Thanks to demon butler hut Sebastian well been a huge help i guess

Alois-Demon butler hut has really got some good looking butlers im glad i met my Claude.

Our demons are not only Handy dandy butler but good looking bishonen Eye candy

so what are you waiting for you Vengeful hate filled boy and or girl get on down to demon butler hut and get your Demon butler today

*warning demon butler may or may not turn on you, you may die get hurt in your demon butler hands, your demon butler might shove you in a box, Tattoo may be place anywhere on the body including eye. Caution once contract end with your demon butler the demon butler has the right to eat your soul, we are not responsible for any misplace soul *

Come on down Today!