Author's Note: ok sorry I haven't posted…been bored and stupid writer's block again = (. Here's the next chapter in my story, it was just kind of a brainstorm. Enjoy!

I was wondering why I hadn't seen Fitz on Monday morning. He was usually torturing some random kid in the halls. I actually hadn't seen Eli either. We would always meet outside by the oak tree.

"Adam, have you seen Eli?" I asked as I passed by him.

"Nope, have you seen Fitz?" He asked. Why did he want to know where Fitz was?

"No. Wait, why do you want to know where he is?"

"Long story. Do you think he's fighting with Eli right now?"

"Maybe. We should go and find them."

Adam was up for skipping school, while I was a little worried that my mom would find out, but I still went along with it all.

I thought about telling Adam about what happened in the hall during Vegas Night, but Eli and I both agreed that it would be best if nobody found out.

"Can you think of any place they might be?" Adam asked stopping in the middle of the sidewalk.

"Behind The Dot?"

"Too obvious. The now abandoned ravine?" I wondered how he even knew about the ravine being new in town.

We went to the ravine and there was no sign of anybody being there.

"Maybe they both just happened to be sick on the same day?" I suggested and started my way back to The Dot.

"Think about it, Clare. Fitz and Eli gone on the same day. That's not very normal if you ask me. And wasn't Eli just fine when you guys hung out Sunday night?"

Adam was right, Fitz and Eli being gone on the same say wasn't normal, and Eli did seem just fine Sunday night at the movies. "I guess so, but then where are they?"

"Clare? Have you heard of anybody dieing in the last few days here?"

"No, why?" I turned around only to see Morty staring at us from across the street. "That wasn't there before was it?"

We ran over to the hearse, but there was no Eli inside. What happened to him?

"There you are." I knew that voice. I turned to see Eli walking towards me. "Where were you this morning?"

"Where was I? Where were you? We both thought you were fighting with Fitz or something." I hugged him.

"No, Morty over here decided he wanted to make me late for school. When I finally got there, you weren't." he said, placing a kiss on my forehead.

"Oh. Well after what happened Friday…" I remembered Adam was still standing there.

"Wait, what happened Friday?" he asked, suddenly suspicious.

"Well, let's just say that Fitz brought a knife and luckily it was never used." Eli said.

"I see. Now we should probably get back to school. It's about lunch time and I'm starving."

"Then let's go."

On the way back to Degrassi, I asked Eli what he did with the knife. Apparently, he somehow got it back in Fitz's locker. Adam suggested that we tell Simpson about it. I was all for it except that he might have already taken the knife out and brought it home or something.

Finally, we had our plan. It was payback time for Fitz. He deserved it after ruining mine and Eli's moment in the hallway, and just about everything else he did to all three of us.

Adam would go running to Simpson to tell him about the knife in a student's locker, while all me and Eli would do is back him up upon seeing the knife in the first place.

"Jeez, Adam. Did you inhale that food or what?" Eli said, staring at the empty tray in front of him.

"Well, when you don't eat for twelve hours, you get a little hungry. You going to eat that?" he pointed at my pizza slice.

"Here, you can have it." I handed him my pizza. Guess he was really starving because he ate it in all of two minutes.

"Okay, Adam, ready?" Eli said, as we walked towards Fitz's locker.

"Yup. When I see Mr. Simpson-" he took off running towards Simpson to tell him.

I could hear him faintly saying something like, "Knife…Fitz…locker." while trying to take in air between words.

They started walking towards me and Eli. "Is what Adam saying true?" he asked us.

"Yes, sir. I saw it too, right before one of his buddies shut his locker."

"Well, then. I'm going to go get the master key."

"What's going on here?" Fitz asked, quite confused on why there were people crowding around his locker.

Simpson came back with the key in his hand. "Nice you could be here Fitz. Then maybe you could explain to me why you have this in your locker." he held up the knife.

"I…uhh…" we got him there.

Simpson called the police and Fitz was arrested for a weapon possession.

"No more Fitz for a while." I said happily.

Eli put an arm around me and whispered into my ear, "Want to get out of here?"

"And go where?"

"Follow me and you'll see." He turned and gave his usual smirk.

I followed without anymore questions. We ended up driving out of town to a lake that was beautiful.

"Why are we here?" I asked, a little confused.

He walked me down to the shore, still not saying a word.

"I just thought we needed a little time to ourselves. Alone." I kissed him.

We parted and he got up and started walking towards the end of the dock. I was guessing he was going to jump in after taking off his shirt.

"You coming?" he asked me.

"I think I'd rather stay dry."

"Oh, come on Clare, it's only water." he started walking towards me.

"No really, Eli," he tried grabbing my arm but I pulled away before he could reach it. We played around a bit, and he was still trying to get me to go into the water.

"Come on, Eli, stop please." I started backing away but I tripped over a rock. Somehow, Eli ended on top of me. Now I really couldn't get away.

"Can you get off me now?" his legs were on either side of my hips.

"Why would I do that? Then you'll run away." he smirked at me again.

"So how long are we going to stay like this then?"

"Until you jump into that lake with me."

I thought for a moment and looked at the lake. I guess jumping into it wouldn't be that bad. My mom might get a little mad at me, but it was only water. My thoughts were interrupted by Eli pulling me onto the dock, and before I could pull away we were in the water.


"Clare!" he teased.

"Why'd you do that?"

"Because you were going to agree anyway."

"How do you know what I was going to do? Unless you can read minds?" I splashed his face for pulling me into the water before I said anything.

"No, but I can read you. And anyways, if you didn't agree I would have made you." I loved the look of his wet hair across his face.

"By doing what?"

He swam over to me and kissed me. He was always doing that unexpectedly, though I didn't mind it. I decided to mess with him now.

I placed my hands on his bare chest, and pushed him under water. He came back up with water streaming down his face.

"So, its like that is it?" I giggled. "What are you giggling for?"

"Because you look funny with wet hair." I partly lied, because he did look funny with his hair the way it is.

"And you look pretty cute with straight, wet hair." he shook his head so his hair was now messy.

"Now, how am I supposed to explain this to my mom, Elijah?" I knew he hated having his full name said.

"Well, you don't have to tell her what happened unless your clothes dry off before you get home."

"Yeah, whatever. What time is it?"

"I took my phone out of my pocket before I jumped in. I don't have a waterproof watch either. So, I really have no clue what time it is."

"Well, thanks for the help." I said sarcastically. He really was starting to rub off on me.

We played around in the water for about another twenty minutes before we got out to dry off. I had picked a bad day to wear a white shirt, because now it was see-through.

"Turn around." I told him. He did as he was told with a confused look on his face. I turned around also and took off my shirt to wring the water out of it. I was about to put it back on when I felt a pair of arms grip my waist.

"You told me to turn around so you could wring out your shirt?"

I didn't say a word. Eli's chin rested on my right shoulder. "Yes, now can I put my shirt back on?"

"It's going to take longer to dry that way, you know?"

"So, I'm not going to walk around here in just my bra."

"Why? I'm shirtless. So, why shouldn't you be too?"

"Because I'm not a guy." I still hadn't turned around.

"Fine. Here." He handed me his blazer and I put it on and finally turned around.

"So, what now?"

"Am I the only one you've ever loved?" he asked out of nowhere.

"Yeah, I guess so. After KC cheated on me, I've never really felt the same way about a guy before."

"Well, if you hadn't said what you did, I could have been dead for all we know." I didn't like the thought of that at all.

"I don't even want to think of what Fitz could have done to you with that knife in hand."

"Well, we don't have to. It's all over now." With that, he put his arm around my shoulder and pulled me closer to him. I laid my head on his shoulder, both of us enjoying being there in each other's arms.

Love conquers all obstacles in its path, no matter how rough they might be. People say everything happens for a reason, and the chance encounter with a person doesn't happen for a reason, it happens because it's fate.

We were given two hands to hold, two eyes to see, but only one heart. Why? Because the other was made for us to find in this small world we call home.


Author's Note: I love the ending to this chapter. Tell me what you think in a review, you know you want to. = )

~Always, Sno