The war is over and everybody is back to their normal lives. Sokka has gathered the gang at Ba Sing Se with a surprise for Suki. All he has to do is get her from Kyoshi Island, and his master plan will go well. Assuming she says yes.

Chapter 1: Sneak Attack

A crash outside Suki's home awakened her from her light sleep. She rolled out of her warm bed to investigate. Suki put on her green slippers and grabbed a light robe to cover up.

Once outside, Suki rubbed her eyes to adjust to the pale illumination of the full moon. She stealthily walked around her house, adrenaline coursing through her veins to prepare for danger. She checked behind her house, in the storage shed out back, and in the vegetable garden; Still nothing. She figured she must have been hallucinating and walked slowly back to bed. All of a sudden Sokka came crashing out of the bushes screaming "Sneak attack!" and tackled Suki to the ground.

"Sokka" Suki cried. "I missed you so much!"

"You have no idea how much I missed you" replied Sokka.

"W-wait, what did you come here for?" questioned Suki.

"I'll tell you in the morning." Sokka smiled, and carried Suki back to her house.

"You know I am capable of walking, right?" Suki teased.

"I know, you're just so light and easy to carry. I missed being close to you." He smiled, and set Suki down gently on her bed.

She motioned for Sokka to sit down next to her, and he willingly complied. Suki yawned and stretched, trying to stay awake. The bed was still slightly warm from Suki's body heat.

"Am I keeping you up?" Sokka chuckled, taking Suki into his arms. Sokka was aware that Suki wasn't a touchy-feely person, however he didn't care. Sokka was glad to be able to hold the love of his life, and feel that warm feeling again.

Sokka cradled his girlfriend close to his stomach, and Suki's breathing slowed into a steady rhythm. Sokka pulled back the covers and placed Suki in her bed. He carefully climbed into bed with her as to not disturb her calm sleep. He closed his eyes and his breathing slowed. Sokka had been up for most of the night flying with Appa to get to Suki. He was so excited to see her that he couldn't wait until morning to fly to Kyoshi Island.


Sokka was the first to wake up, and watched Suki in her peaceful sleep. He thought to himself 'I wonder if this is creepy, watching my girlfriend sleeping? Nah..'. Sokka propped himself up on one arm and caressed Suki's cheek with the back of his hand. He smiled to himself at the thought of having the most beautiful girlfriend in the world. It didn't matter that his previous love interest had turned into the moon, Sokka knew, to put it into Aang's words; Suki was his "forever girl". Suki breathed in sharply and sat up. She was startled by Sokka's gentle touch, because she wasn't used to being in a bed with someone else.

"I forgot you were here, I-I thought last night was a dream!" Suki said, tripping over her words. Sokka chuckled lightly, and softly kissed Suki on the forehead.

"No, that was all real! You fell asleep in my arms, it was so adorable. Good morning by the way." Sokka said warmly.

Suki didn't take to kindly to being called adorable; she was a warrior, right? She quickly flipped herself on top of Sokka and had him pinned on the ground. Then Suki realized that Sokka was her boyfriend and he was allowed to say those types of things. She dropped heavily on top of his chest, knocking the air out of him and kissed him. He wrapped his arms around her and she sighed happily. It had only been 2 months since the last time she saw the love of her life, but it seemed like years.

"Hey Sokka?" Suki asked.

"Mmm?" He grumbled, twirling her chocolate colored hair in between his fingers.

"You said you would tell me what you came here for in the morning, and well, it's morning!" She laughed excitedly.

"After breakfast, I promise." Sokka smiled, knowing it was making Suki crazy not knowing what was going on.

They stayed there for about 5 minutes, breathing in rhythm with each other, just as if they were sleeping. Then Suki rolled off Sokka back onto her side of the bed and sat up. She rubbed her eyes drowsily and stood up. She was dressed in her underwear, as was Sokka. She tossed him his shirt and pants, and grabbed a skirt for herself. She was decently covered up, at least enough to get some breakfast.

"What are you waiting for lazy bones?" Suki teased.

"I'm just prolonging the time between now and when I tell you what we're doing." He said this with satisfaction, even though he wanted to tell her really bad. However, that would ruin the surprise.

Sokka finished getting dressed and slipped some shoes on. Suki was ready to go, she had already done up her hair, and was impatiently waiting for her boyfriend. He opened the door like a gentleman, and closed it behind them. He held Suki's hand in his, gentle as always.

"Papaya or Mango," Sokka said, offering the two fruits to Suki. She went around him and picked up a mixture of berries instead.

She chuckled as she trotted off, leaving Sokka to pick up the tab.

"Water tribe money ok?" He said, putting 2 copper pieces down on the counter.

"Hey, money's money" Replied the shopkeeper.

"Thanks have a good day!" Sokka waved as he walked away.

Suki had already started munching on the berries when Sokka arrived back at her house. She had blackberry stains on the outside of her mouth. Sokka leaned over for a kiss, but instead, Suki squished a berry on his face.

"Cute." Sokka said sarcastically.

"I know." Suki laughed as she put a berry in his mouth.

They ate their breakfast of berries, and finished getting ready for the day. Sokka used his boomerang to shave his moustache that he was quiet proud that he could grow. Suki washed her face and applied a little bit of makeup. Partway through putting on her makeup, Sokka stopped her.

"Why are you putting on makeup?" Sokka questioned, his eyebrows furrowed in a confused manner.

"Because I want to look good! My boyfriend's here 'ya know."

"Oh come on, you know I think you look beautiful ALL the time." Sokka kissed her lightly. Suki smiled, and kissed him back.

"Thanks, Sokka. However I'm going to put on my makeup and there's nothing you can do to stop me!" She retorted in a joking manner.

"Oh yeah?"

"YEAH!" Suki said, getting right into Sokka's face. At that moment, Sokka stole Suki's makeup and ran out the door, taking off as fast as he could. Suki ran as fast as she could possibly go and finally caught up with him.

"Wow you got faster!"

"Or did you get slower?" Suki said, as she tackled Sokka to the ground. "Just because the war's over doesn't mean I've stopped training." Suki quickly picked up her makeup and started walking back to her house, leaving Sokka on the ground.

Sokka got up quietly and snuck up behind Suki. He scooped her up and carried her the rest of the way to the house. He put her down, and she finished putting her makeup on. Suki didn't put on war makeup unless she was training that day. Generally she wore a small amount to define her eyes and features.

"I have to ask you something, and I know it sounds a little bit weird but I just want you to trust me." Sokka said, suddenly very serious.

Concerned, Suki sat down next to him on her bed. "What is it Sokka? Is everything ok?"

"Yeah, nothing's wrong, I- I just want you to come with me to Ba Sing Se." He was hesitant. Sokka's surprise was waiting for Suki in Ba sing Se, and he didn't want to give anything away. She sat there silently for a moment, and Sokka's heart started pounding; he thought his whole plan was falling apart.

"I'll bring you back, I mean it's only for" Sokka was cut off.

"Of course I'll go with you! You talk too much." Suki smiled and passionately kissed Sokka, and he kissed her back. Sokka wrapped his arms around Suki's small waist and pulled them closer together. The kiss lasted for at least a minute. Suki pulled back to breathe, and left to tell the people of Kyoshi where she was going.

Sokka started to pack up Suki's things, and put them on Appa. He got some snacks for the trip, in case he or Suki got hungry mid-flight, and then went down on the beach to wait for his girlfriend.

Suki went to the Kyoshi Warriors first and announced, "I'm going to Ba Sing Se with Sokka. He won't tell me why, but I should be back in a few weeks, maybe a month or two." Ty Lee ran up to Suki and hugged her powerfully.

"I'll miss you Suki! Have fun at Ba Sing Se!" Ty Lee said, perky as ever. The other Kyoshi warriors gathered around Suki, all saying their goodbyes.

"Thanks guys, I'm really going to miss you. However I'm coming back. It's not like I'm going to die or anything!" Suki laughed lightly, as did the rest of the Kyoshi Warriors. They had a massive group hug, and Suki walked out the door.

She walked to her house to get some money, and her things only to discover that Sokka had already packed them. She grabbed her stash of coins and locked her door. She wasn't concerned about her house being broken into, seeing as the war was already over. Suki did it only to keep possible animals out. She walked down to the beach where Sokka and Appa were waiting patiently. Appa was munching on some leaves Sokka had found for him.

"Are you ready to go?" Sokka asked as he looked at her lovingly, picking up on Suki's slight sadness. He gently took her hand, and waited for a reply.

"Ready as I'll ever be." She replied heavily. Sokka helped her up onto Appa's saddle, and took the reins to guide Appa.

"Appa, yip yip" Sokka yelled, and the happy couple were on their way to Ba Sing Se.