"You know what's really funny though? Not funny as in 'haha' but funny as in interesting? It's that look for look, Professor Snape glares MUCH better than Voldiekins does.

No, I'm serious!"

"You're not Sirius, you're Harry."

"Yes, thank you for that clarification. Anyway, take away the whole freaky snake-faced thing and Voldie really only has a couple glares and they're honestly not that powerful. He has "I'm the Dark Lord! Fear me!" and "You are a disgusting piece of filth!" Sometimes he combines them, but that's all.

Snape, on the other hand-"

"Professor Snape, Harry."

"Professor Snape, on the other hand, has a myriad of glares and intensities depending on whether he's angry, suspicious, just annoyed, or if he truly wants to kill or expel you. Some of my favorites include:

-The only reason you are still breathing is because I am too polite to kill you in public

-You had best be thankful that heirs are still a possibility

-If I ever get my way there will not be enough left to feed you to the things I feed to my live potions ingredients.

-I know a number of hexes/curses that are both painful and humiliating. I do not suggest you try my patience further lest you experience my knowledge first hand.

-I would glare some more, but you are clearly not worth the time

See what I mean? The man's absolutely brilliant when it comes to glaring. I wonder if he practices?"

"Practices? Like in a mirror? How seriously do you think he takes these things?"

"When have you ever known Sn- I mean, Professor Snape to NOT take something seriously?"

"Good point."

"The only kind I have. Anyway, if old mouldy was TRULY serious about scaring people, he should take lessons from Professor Snape."

"Thank you, Mr. Potter. I will make a note of it. Perhaps we can discuss this further in detention tonight?"

"Yes, sir." Whispers to others, "See? Low level glare, but clearly stated that 'any further mischief on my part would end in wishing I had never heard of Hogwarts'. Genius, it is. Pure genius."

Disclaimer: No, Harry Potter is not mine. If it were so, I can think of a few characters who would have slightly different fates.

Anyway, just a drabble that hopped into my room this morning. Stupid bunny tried to distract me from school, but I managed to fend it off until I was done working.