My eyes got wider, but they stayed, focused on my knees. I mean, I must have made that up myself, my mind was tricking me. It's not like I could just fall asleep with Adam and a very unconscious Eli and wake up without Adam, but with a very awake Eli. It didn't seem possible, I mean he was so still when I looked over at him last night. I sucked in a deep breath, noting how not a single word had been said since I "heard" that question. So I decided I would look up.

Okay... maybe I didn't look up immediately. Or at the first time I counted to three.

One... I bit my lip, trying to prolong the next number. I sucked in a struggled breath of air, then counted two... I squeezed my eyes together as I tilted my head up a bit. Then I managed to count the last number, Three.

My eyes snapped open and I bit my teeth into my lip again, trying to avoid smiling at what I saw, just in case... it wasn't real. There was Eli, his arms covered in that red jacket he had been wearing for Vegas night, that black collar half-up, half-down around his neck. Then, on his lips was a bit of a smile, a look of amusement, which showed in his eyes. His green eyes, which forced a smile onto my lips, I couldn't resist. "Eli..." I began.

He chuckled a bit, a sound I was unsure I was gonna ever hear again. "Really, it's true. I see you as more of a morning person."

And almost as if we were just sitting at a picnic table in front of the school, I smiled and replied calmly, "Oh, I am. But I fell asleep pretty late last night."

He nodded, "Oh, I see." But his amused expression fell and he added with a slight frown, "You shouldn't have been worrying so much. And you should have gotten a good night's sleep."

I shook my head, a bit annoyed. "I should have been worrying so much? Eli, I thought you were going to die!" Suddenly I gasped softly, smacking my hand over my mouth. I hadn't meant to tell him that... that I doubted him.

Eli shook his head at me. "Clare, Clare," he began, a sigh making it's way past his lips. "Did you really think I would have left you alone?"

I looked over at him and shook my head, feeling a bit embarrassed. "No... I mean..." I paused, shaking my head slowly. I couldn't really tell him a lie—he could read me too well. "You would have felt the same way if you saw what you looked like!"

He shrugged, "Maybe. But I'm here now, so obviously—you were wrong."

I bit my lip, letting the conversation fall. Looking around, I forced myself to realize we weren't arguing during school, like we did almost every day, this time we were at the hospital, and Eli was recovering from something that could have killed him; getting stabbed. And I lost what I was going to say to him, becoming instantly quiet from the realization.

But Eli seemed at ease, drumming a fast beat on his side table. I turned my attention to him, letting my eyes trace over the silhouette of his messy, slept-in, dark brown hair. I was a bit surprised when he moved his eyes over to me and nodded, like he had just remembered something.

"Clare," he began, playing with his hands a bit, like he was nervous, something I had only seen from him once before. I stared at him innocently. " You know, I remember what was happening, right before I lost... consciousness." He was a little strained at that last word.

I looked at him and nodded, telling him to continue.

He did, continuing to mess with his fingers. "I remember... when the paramedics came, I heard them. Then I could... feel, when you were taking off my jacket, and how you kept telling me to stay with you as you took forever-" He chuckled a bit at that, amused. I felt myself blush as he went on. "-to take take apart the buttons. And... I couldn't open my eyes, because I felt.." His teeth ground together. "weaker with every second."

My blue eyes watched him as he finally stopped messing with his hands and started right back at me. "And I remember," he paused, hesitating, unsure how he should stay the next sentence. I hoped it wasn't what I thought it was, but of course, I was wrong. "I remember when you said you hadn't had the chance-" No. Not now. No. "To say you love me."

I felt the blush run hotter, as he gestured for me to sit on the bed next to him. Hesitantly, I walked over, running a hand over my curly hair. I sat in a way I could still look at his eyes, trying to measure his actions.

Eli didn't bother waiting for me to start up a follow-up conversation, he just continued. "See... in a way it scared me. But... in another way, I knew it was true."

I nodded, leaning my hand against the hospital bed. He must have known, since... we'd been through a lot since he came to Degrassi, all the things about Adam, and KC, and Fitz.. and Julia. "I... I'd hope you'd know it was true... after..."

I didn't have the heart to continue, nor the time his hand overlapped mine and a slight smile appeared on his face. I watched his green eyes, even as they moved closer, him leaning over to me. I did the same without thinking, letting my eyes close just as our lips met...

The End.

There it is.

I know this part is short, but hey, it's part two, after all.

And I tried to avoid a whole recap thing, since that would be summarizing season 10 for you, and I don't think I'm all that qualified to do that.

No epolouge, but I guess you can fit this into the breaking point however you'd like. Or maybe you won't at all, just leave it as is.

But I have to say thank you for reading this(: It's the first series I have finished on here, even if it is short. Thank you for the reviews, and I guess you should stay tuned(: because I already have an idea for my next fanfiction. And yes it'll be Eclare.

Love the author,
