"Fitz, please," Clare pleaded, looking over at Martin Fitzgerald, who was now hovering in front of us, his face looking distraught and frustrated. I looked over at his hand, which was gripping the small knife mercilessly, the blade reflecting the small window of light that glowed into the hallway.

Fitz was quick to cut Clare off, but it was a harsh, angry voice that made my ears go hot. "Shut up, bitch!" he yelled to my Clare. I was too scared to say something snarky back, I knew that would set him off and one of us would certainty end up dead. She looked hurt as she took one terrified step back. I used my hand to push at her lightly.

Quietly, I instructed her, "Get away from me." I tried to keep my voice from shaking, but I couldn't help it, that weakness that shown through.

What I did next emphasized my innocent attempt at negotiation.

"Look Fitz," I began, even though I knew that was not a good way to start this plead. Not when it sounded so forceful. I sucked in a breath and continued. "I'm sorry about before, I'm sorry about everything. You win."

He scoffed, then chuckled softly, a sick, sadistic sound. He seemed to need medical help when he replied. "Ha!" My heart jumped, but I tried to keep calm. "I've heard that one before."

Fitz slammed a hand at my chest, pushing me back. I could feel the tears, they starting to choke me. I spoke quietly, weakly. "I'm serious." This time I was serious, but of course it was too late. Eli Goldsworthy had inflicted this upon himself.

"Yeah, so am I," Fitz stated cruelly. I heard a soft whimper from Clare, who was stunned, her body frozen to my right. "You've had this coming for a while." I had done a lot to Fitz, but it was just minor things, nothing that would hurt him as much as he hurt me. My gaze dropped to the ground, I felt helpless. And I knew fighting back wouldn't do anything good. So I sucked in a breath as he continued. "What's wrong Emo boy? No smart-ass comments?"

"Fitz..." I hesitated, letting the name hover in the air. He backed me into a corner. "Please don't do this."

"Someone's gotta shut you up," Fitz explained with a sadistic laugh.

My hands were shaking, my eyes watery. I heard Clare suck in a cold breath as he swung the knife back. I silently prayed that Clare wouldn't try to stop him, this is what I deserved, she didn't have anything to do this. Suddenly the knife pierced the skin in my stomach, digging itself deep into my flesh. I sucked in a surprised breath when the pain hit me. The searing pain that pulsed around that cut, especially when he ripped it right back out and I saw my vision change to this deep red, to the point where I was straining to see what he was going to do next.

I heard Clare gasp as I clutched my stomach, closing my eyes as my back slid down the wall, the tears stinging my eyes. Blinded, I turned my face up toward Fitz, who's hands were held up in the air, an almost satified smirk on lips. The police had just stormed in, I heard them yell "Put your hands where I can see them!"

I felt Clare's warm hands, tracing along my hips and then around to where the gaping hole was, I was sure the blood was starting to seep onto her hands. "Eli..." she muttered, leaning over me, her hands running through my hair. I felt her tears when they hit my shoulder, burning hot. I blinked until my vision cleared a bit, I stared at the innocent blue eyed girl, knowing she didn't deserve to go through this. Not like I did with Julia.

Footsteps came our way and I closed my eyes, starting to become dizzy. I was loosing a lot of blood, and everyone knew it. Especially the police officer that bent down to talk to Clare.

"Hun," she began. I wasn't sure if she was talking to me or Clare. "The paramedics are on their way in."

With a shaking voice, Clare asked, "How can I help? I need to help, now." I tried not to listen to the moments when she studdered through her sentence, since each moment made my heart feel heavier.

The police officer sighed, a soft hum. "Expose the wound." Then she left, leaving Clare to take care of me.

I tried to control my strained breathing as Clare's hands moved over my jacket, her fingers working shakily over the buttons, all while she tried to avoid the blood. I huffed softly, leaning my head against the wall, feeling more dependent on it now. My vision seemed to be getting darker, the world starting to slip away. I breathed softly, doing my best to ignore that pulsing pain generating from the hole in my stomach. It wasn't working too well.

When Clare noticed my eyes closed, she spoke to me in a slow, strained voice. "Stay with me, Eli. Please."

I'm sorry Clare, I can't force my eyes open. I don't have the energy.

I wished I could really respond to her, but I was still stunned silent by the way the world was starting to slip away from me. When Clare began again, she sounded a lot quieter, much farther away. I wondered if this was how it was for Julia, did the world slip away slowly or did it just... disappear? "Please..." her soft plead made me want to stand up and pull her into a hug. I wished I could. "You can't leave. You won't leave. You won't leave me."

I sighed inwardly, know I would try my best to keep to those words. I didn't want to leave her. And I would try my best to stay with her, if I could fight.

"You can't. I haven't." She stopped, sighing as she finally pushed away my jacket and started working on my white button up shirt. I heard footsteps behind her, but they sounded so far away.

It was like a sheet of black was lowering behind my eyelids, blocking my sight, my sound, my feel. I waited for her to finish her sentence, trying my best to fight that blanket away. It was a losing fight.

"I haven't gotten a chance to tell you I love you."

Stunned, I stopped fighting, letting the world fade to a solid black. I didn't mean to stop fighting.