Disclaimer: I do not own Degrassi because if I did, well let's just say the kiss before Eli's French exam? It would have happened to me. :)

We walked into English class holding hands. I still felt kind of nervous because I wasn't sure if Martin would believe us or not, but that thought disappeared completely when I saw his face fall as he noticed our intertwined hands. I felt really bad but I had to remind myself why I was doing this. Calm down Clare, you know he was getting really annoying, I thought to myself. I could tell Eli was really enjoying this because he smirked as he caught a glance of Martin's face, and squeezed my fingers in response. He was really enjoying this pretending, but part of my heart wished it wasn't just acting.

"So, Clare-bear. To make this seem official, I think we should go to the Dot after school," he leaned over and whispered as the teacher started her lecture.

"Oh, Elijah. Are you asking me out on a date?" I whispered back sarcastically, but in my head all I could think of was Say yes! Say yes!

"Well, it's all purely for the acting. I need to prove to you that I can in fact be a good actor," he replied, just as sarcastic.

We were sitting in the Dot, discussing anything we could think about. I was actually really enjoying myself, although I had said we were only acting. If acting was this much fun, I couldn't wait to see what it would be like when we really did start going out.

I saw Adam walk past the Dot, vaguely looking in the window. He did a double-take when he saw me with Clare and ran inside to our table.

"No way, dude. You guys are FINALLY going out?" he exclaimed, looking surprised. "I never really thought you'd ever realize you both liked each other,"

I was a little shocked, but inside I was surprisingly happy when he said that. Maybe there was a chance Clare liked me nearly as much as I loved her. Whoa, I just admitted I love her, I thought. It finally hit me; I was in love with her. My thoughts on how to ask her out for real evaporated when Clare said,

"Oh, ummm… I got annoyed at Martin for trying to be my boyfriend so Eli suggested that we act as if we were together. So we're just, umm... Acting."

"Yeah, what she said," I said, a little disappointed but trying not to show it by taking a sip of my coffee.

I couldn't believe I just said that. I may have ruined my only chance with Eli Goldsworthy. I hated how upset I was when he agreed with me when I said we were just acting.

"Come on, guys. Do you honestly believe you're just acting? Everyone but you two knows you like each other. Just accept it and move on, become a couple, etc. We all know that it's what's going to happen." He sighed and walked out of the coffee shop.

Without being able to stop myself, I could already see my future with Eli in it. He would walk to me class, kiss me, and take me out on dates… I could even see up to our wedding day, me in a beautiful white gown and him in a tuxedo- black, of course. I looked at Eli and saw he was staring at me, as though trying to decipher a really difficult puzzle.

"What are you looking at?" I wondered.

"Well, you, of course. But also thinking about what Adam said. Why don't we get out of here," he answered, saying the last part quickly as he got up and we left. I couldn't really understand what he was in such a rush to do, but ran and followed him anyways. I walked over to his hearse, thinking he was going to drive me home but he grabbed my hand. He brought me to the park that was near the Dot and we sat on a bench near some trees.

"So, are you as in love with me as Adam thinks you are?" he asked, his green eyes piercing into my blue ones. I blushed and looked down, mumbling something incoherent. He put his hand on my cheek and forced me to look up into his face. I was pretty sure by now I was blushing ten shades of red. Yet I was not at all expecting what he did next.

I saw the moment as if it was happening in slow motion. Eli leaned forwards, all while keeping his gaze locked on mine. Just inches away from my face, he stopped moving and whispered "Well Adam was wrong."

"Umm, wrong how? You don't like me?" I whispered back, my throat closing off and my eyes starting to fill up. I tried to look away so Eli couldn't see that I was crying because of how much that hurt me. I guess all those things he did really were acting; he had no feelings for me. Instead, he held my face gently but hard enough so I couldn't move an inch and waited till I looked back at his emerald eyes.

"He was wrong. Because I don't like you, I love you," he whispered fiercely before placing his lips on mine. The kiss was soft and gentle, yet filled with love and kindness. "I love you too, so much," I whispered back, tearing up again but this time with tears of happiness. I thought about how I never knew how much Eli actually cared about me and I was confident that I really loved Eli and that even if we hadn't known each other for very long; this was something that would last a long, long time. After that my thinking ceased altogether as he deepened the kiss. We continued like this for the rest of the evening, only pausing for air and when Eli would look at me, his emerald eyes filled with love. This was one night that would surely be the best, maybe even of my whole life. Because it was the day Eli said he loved me. And I loved him back, with all my heart.

Okay, so I'm not sure if this is a good chapter or not, but it will probably be the end of this fic. Yes I know, I'm sorry! And I'm also sorry that it was a short fic, but wtv. I've run out of ideas, but I got the best ideas for two new stories. Preview of those stories for everyone: Story 1- Eclare, only the way they meet and multiple events will be different from the show and this fic. Story 2- Eclare get married! Story will be from the engagement to the big day. I got this idea when I went to a wedding show and saw how magical they are, and how Eclare really should get married. So it will be my idea for their wedding. Add me to author alerts because it's easier than checking my profile each day to see when I write these stories :). Hopefully they will be up soon and ill try as hard as I can to publish them ASAP. So review this chapter, say anything! And thanks to EVERYONE who has added this story to alerts/favourites, adding me to alerts/favourites, and reviewed. I love you all! Check out my other fics, more to come soon! 3