Disclaimer: I do not own Degrassi cause if I did then I'd be the one with Eli (:

I walked into my grade 11 Advanced English class, looking around for a familiar face. I spotted Adam, a new boy at our school who seemed rather friendly to me and took a seat beside him.

"Hey, you're in this class too?" he asked.

"Yeah, my writing was good enough to be placed in the advanced class. I hope the teacher doesn't move us, I don't know anyone in this class besides you," she said, slightly scared at the thought of being alone.

But of course the second the teacher, Mrs. Dawes, walked in, she announced,

"Everyone get up, I will be seating you in alphabetical order."

Everyone in the class groaned, slowly got out of their chairs and moved to the front of the class, waiting for their new seat. She called out various names in alphabetical order according to their last name and pointed to where they would be sitting for the remainder of the year.

"Collins, David. Down, Samantha. Edwards, Clare. Goldsworthy, Elijah. Oh. He isn't here yet. Well, moving on…" The teacher continued as Clare moved to her seat.

Since the seat in front of her meant for this Elijah was vacant, she put her feet on it and tried to relax. She sighed in relief as Adam was placed in the row beside her. They high-fived and Clare thought, maybe this class wont be so bad.

All of a sudden, the door of the classroom flew open and a boy dressed all in black stood there, looking a little out of breath but smirking all the same.

"Sorry, my car broke down and I had to run to school," he explained.

"Ah, I'm guessing you must be Mister Goldsworthy. Please take the seat in front of Miss Edwards." The teacher said as she pointed to the chair in front of Clare. Clare frowned a little, but removed her feet from his chair.

Eli walked to his seat, but his eyes never left Clare. Well, this is a little odd, she thought. This stranger was looking at her with a look that could basically be translated into; I want you. What was strange for Clare was that although she knew nothing about this stranger except his name, she found herself liking his stare. She blushed as he sat down, but tried to pay attention to what the teacher was now explaining. She didn't realize how her whole life was about to change, and all because of this stranger.

Okay, so this is my first actual story, but I have made a one-shot of Eclare before. (Check it out and review!) I have an idea for a plot but it'll be different from the show, so just forget about the show unless I tell you otherwise. This is just a cute, fun Eclare story but some of the events will be based on my life. Don't worry, I'll make it interesting but still have the characters act like the Clare and Eli we've come to know and love. Okay, so please review because I want to see if you like it, if there are things I should change and if you have suggestions. You review, it helps me want to write to write and you get chapters that much faster. Okay, got it? Now…review! 3

Btw; Chapters will come out on an irregular cycle because I'm starting school tomorrow so I don't know when I have time to write. But don't worry; they will be up as often as possible!