A/N: I lied; it is not complete. I got so many great reviews that I actually considered where this would go if I continued it. This idea just came to me and I thought it was kinda cool so I wrote it out, and then I had to force it into a chapter. I don't know if you realize how much research I did to make all of this go together. Will I continue? Only if I get enough reviews. :)

Chapter 2:

"Stink-Dib, you will come with me to my base—" Zim looked around the skool hallway, "I mean, housing facility—after skool."

"But it's Halloween," said Dib. "Aren't you going to go to the dance or anything?"

Zim glared at Dib. "You do not question ZIM!" The human shouldn't have to ask; he should know exactly how Zim felt about Halloween.

Dib conceded, "All right, I'll come."

"That's more like it."

This was really a change for Zim to do more of his research without his disguise on.

Dib caught up with Gaz before she left skool. "Hey, Gaz, I'm going over to Zim's base after school and I might not be home 'til late tonight. Don't wait up for me."

Gaz didn't look up from her handheld game system. "I'd be glad if you didn't come back at all."

Dib ignored her mean comment and said, "See ya later, Gaz."

She gritted her teeth in response.

On the walk to Zim's base, Zim clutched at Dib's hand, eyes darting left, right, and even up. He glanced behind them several times.

Dib raised an eyebrow at Zim's behavior. "You're acting more paranoid than usual."

"Those slimy, dis-GUS-ting, odious creatures came after me before and they'll come after me again! They have their minds set on one thing: candy. A substance of which I cannot, and will not, provide, yet they do not seem to understand."

"Candy's not that bad. I bet you'd like it."

"It's human food, it'll hate me."

Dib dug through his pocket. He knew he had a piece of chocolate somewhere, but which pocket was it in? He tried a different pocket. A-ha!

"Here." Dib held out the wrapped chocolate for Zim to take. "It's chocolate. You should try it."

Zim eyed the brightly wrapped candy. It wasn't moving on its own like the cafeteria food. Zim picked it up. It didn't immediately seize his hand in an attempt to consume it. He let go of Dib's hand to warily unwrap the confection. Slowly, he put it in his mouth.

Dib triumphantly observed the surprised expression that crossed the Irken's face. Zim moved the chocolate around in his mouth and slowly started chewing on it. It wasn't burning his mouth, and it actually had a pleasant taste. It was definitely better than the waffles GIR made. After a while he swallowed.

"How was it?" Dib asked.

"It was…not bad."

"Oh, c'mon. It was probably the most delicious thing you've ever tasted."

Stubbornly, Zim muttered, "Maybe." Secretly, he wanted more.

They reached Zim's house. The lawn gnomes detected heat and movement, and they could be controlled remotely. At the moment, they recognized Zim's pack signal and didn't move.

As soon as they entered the base, Zim commanded, "Computer! Seal the upper level."

Metal shields came down over the windows and bolts locked the already reinforced door. Zim had had them installed immediately after the first Halloween incident. He spent every Halloween since then improving and perfecting the lockdown.

Dib felt a little nervous with all of the exits completely closed off. And a little confused as to why Zim needed him there if he had such a good defense.

Zim immediately discarded his disguise. Dib already knew what he looked like, and he didn't want to spend any more time than necessary in the itchy wig and scratchy contacts.

Dib followed Zim down to the base. He loved coming down here, but this was the first time he wasn't sneaking in to get a look at it.

Dib had been trying ever since he got possession of Tak's ship to learn Irken. He still had trouble translating speech, but he could now read the language flawlessly. Glancing at a computer screen, Dib saw what looked like chemistry, but it was in what he assumed was Vortian. Was this Zim's new plan to conquer Earth?

Zim saw the Dib looking at the screens and taking in as much as he could. "Can you understand all of that?" Zim asked.

Dib was startled out of his thoughts. "Most of it, yeah. You have a lot of research pulled up about humans and their weaknesses. But I can't read that one." Dib gestured towards the one screen. "I think it's in Vortian."

Zim grimaced. He had definitely been on Earth too long if a human had had enough time to learn how to read Irken and recognize Vortian. "Stop reading my files! Those aren't for you!" Zim reached for the nearest keyboard and hit a few commands. The text on all the screens was replaced with the symbol of the Irken Empire.

Zim calmly turned back to Dib, eyes narrowed. "What's your opinion, Dib?" He stepped dangerously close, pinning the boy against the computers to where he was almost sitting on the keyboards. "What do you think is the one weakness all humans have?"

Dib mentally willed Zim to lean closer. Dib said, "I said I would help you with this one research project. I didn't say a thing about helping you conquer Earth."

Zim did lean teasingly closer, seriously invading personal space. Dib couldn't think straight.

Zim's antennae twitched. "What's that smell?"

Dib hadn't done anything and he couldn't smell anything unusual. "What smell?"

Zim backed up some and then leaned in again. "It's you," he stated.

"Is that bad?" Dib hoped it wasn't.

"Tell me, Dib, when we made that antidote for the bologna DNA, how much did you alter it from its original compound?"

"I added a sample of my own DNA before I was turned into a bologna. Why?"

Zim exploded. "You IDIOT! You were supposed to replace the Irken DNA with human DNA."

This didn't sound good to Dib. "You mean I have Irken DNA in me? Wait, what does that have to do with how I smell?"

"Irkens don't have pores. Humans do. Somehow, it makes you smell…," Zim's antennae twitched some more, "…pleasant."

Watching Zim twitch his antennae, Dib could only describe the movement as adorable, similar to a cat with its ears at attention. "Like, what, pheromones or something?"

"Exactly," said Zim.

"Is that even possible?"

"You tell me."

Well, if extra terrestrial beings on Earth were possible, anything was possible.

"You know," Zim said thoughtfully, "this might actually make my research easier. I can now smell when you're getting aroused."

Dib blushed. He didn't like the sound of that; it was something he couldn't control and now he was exposed, vulnerable. Zim must not have picked up on the scent before now because his wig was blocking his olfaction.

Zim moved away.

Dib looked around the base. "What did you want me here for anyway?"

"You're here to remind me that Halloween is not and never will be as scary as what's inside your big head."

"My head's not big."

"It depends on relativity."

"Relative to my body, my head is not big."

"Relative to a squirrel, your head is big."

Dib frowned. That had absolutely nothing to do with anything!

Zim began typing at one of the consoles. Dib was being ignored and he didn't have anything to do. He decided to the upper level and watch TV.

"I'm makin' muffins with waffle in 'em!" said GIR when Dib stepped off of the elevator platform. The kitchen was clean except for a five foot radius around the robot where muffin and waffle mix and batter created chaos.

Dib headed for the couch. He flipped through the channels until he found a movie that looked somewhat interesting.


Dib didn't remember falling asleep, but knew he had to have been because he was waking up. Something was waking him up. Dib blinked through his askew glasses as the something was repeated.

Zim's red eyes studied him while the alien gently caressed his face in an awed manner. Sharp Irken fingers grazed over Dib's lips and Dib resisted biting at them.

"Humans are so inferior," Zim said, kind of ruining the moment with the insult. "Irkens don't sleep. Humans spend about one-third of their lives sleeping."

Dib realized he had never seen Zim sleep before, and that new information would explain it. Zim must be getting complacent around him to be dropping information so casually. "Sleep is important," Dib responded.

"Humans need sleep for the body to repair itself, to restore energy. My pak does all of that for me."

Dib looked at his watch. "It's midnight. I should probably get home."

Without warning, Zim pinned Dib to the couch by his wrists. "Not yet," he whispered. The scent was getting to Zim. He mashed his mouth against Dib's. Dib responded willingly, with just as much fervor.

Zim reached up under Dib's shirt that was annoyingly in the way, stroking smooth skin. He had to stay in control, but the smell was chasing every thought out of his head. He began to bite and lick a trail down the sensitive skin of the human's neck. The mixture of Irken and human DNA made the taste bearable if not pleasant.

No! It wasn't supposed to be this way! Zim had planned on observing and analyzing no matter how much pleasure he got out of it. Zim stopped his actions just as quickly as he's started them, giving Dib one last peck on the lips before removing himself from the couch.

"You're right, stink beast. You should probably get home."

Dib was breathing heavily. Despite that Zim was telling him to leave, Dib couldn't help but think Zim's voice was like liquid velvet. He was not afraid to admit it to himself now—he was attracted to Zim.

A/N: So, to clear a few things up. Dib is not going to turn into an Irken, the Irken DNA is just to make it seem more possible that Zim and Dib drawn to each other. They're completely different species even if Irkens are humanoid.

I hope you enjoyed! What was your favorite part of this chapter? And I know I forgot to ask on the first chapter, but what was your favorite part there as well? ^_^