OK then, one more! :D

Jennys life had been perfect for nine blissful and fantastic years now. She had the perfect urban lifestyle and she had known, from that day, when she had come home to them, that it was how it was supposed to be. It was spring now, and the sun shone down on the little gathering in the garden. People were laughing and hugging and drinking.

Connor was playing on the grass with three little Children as Abby and Sarah skittered around, trying to keep everyone happy and safe.

Jenny came out of the house, dressed in a yellow summerdress and carrying a plate full of sausage rolls. Nick put an arm around her waiste and kissed her as she went to walk past him. She smiled, beautifully back at him and he grinned.

They were more in love now than they had ever been before and Jenny felt as though she had been living in heaven for the past nine years. There had been so few anomalies that all Jenny had had to do was research and paper-work and she could sleep soundly at night knowing that everyone she loved was safe. She also knew why there had been so few anomalies, Helen had kept her promise, however unspoken it was. She had steered clear of the ARC team and Jenny guessed that the reason they had had so few anomalies was because Helen had been dealing with them. Jneny had known there was good in that woman!

She set down the plate of sausage rolls and removed the foil that lay on top of it. There were flies all over the place today and Jenny tutted as one landed on her swiss rolls. She impatiently swatted it and it flew up into the cool air. Jenny kept her eye on that tiny fly before turning and speaking to the closest person. It was Danny.

"Take that," She said, holding out the tea-towel, "And swat any flies that go near my food!" Danny put his hand to his head in mock salute and Jenny gave him a playful slap. Danny smiled and took the tea towel, posed and ready for action. Jenny rolled her eyes and put her hands on her hips, smiling when she saw Connor.

He was running back and forth, lousily, in front of a goal and trying not to hard to stop the kids from scoring.

The kids...

Connor and Abby's little blond, beautiful baby boy, Jake, who was seven and not so much of a baby any more. Sarah and Danny's little six year old girl, Caitlyn and Nick and Jenny's youngest daughter. Emily was five.

Helen had never told them that they already had twins when she took Emily from them, although it didn't explain why Emily hadn't dissappeared when Nick had died. Jenny had told everyone the whole horrific story when she got back through the anomaly that Helen had opened for her and she had returned to them. They had no recolection of it what so ever, which meant they also didn't remember Emily! There was another downside, too, there was no Stephen in this world!

At that minute, Nick and Jenny's twins came running into the garden from the patio doors, both dressed to the nines and donning bright badges, one blue, one pink, with a giant 9 emblazened on the front.

"Horray!" Danny cheered. Everyone clapped and Nick hugged his children before Jenny stooped down and planted a kiss on each cheek.

"Happy birthday, my sweeties!" She said, and she felt pressure on her arm as Emily tried to poke her way into the circle. Nick swooped in behind her and lifted her onto his shoulders. She squeeled in delight and everyone laughed.

Already, Jenny could begin to see the Emily she had known come through in her little girl. Her eyes were bright, almond shapes and deep green. Her hair hung about her face, black ringlets already beginning to darken from her baby blond. She smiled at her mother and Jenny clutched the girls hands as Nick lowered her back to the floor.

The twins, Stephen and Olivia, ran off the patio, after each grabbing a sausage roll, and ran to the end of the long, long garden to play on their new, sixteen foot trampoline and were followed closely by Jake and Caitlyn. Emily, who was yawning widely, decided not to go on the trampoline and instead sat on her fathers lap . Jenny saw the bushes behind the fence move and smiled to herself. She set the towel she had been cleaning her hands on, because Emily's were so sticky, on the table and whispered into Nick's ear.

"I'll be back in a minute!" She said, and he nodded at her, smiling, before continuing his conversation with Danny and Sarah, who had given up on rounding up the older children and was feeding Ethan, her sixteen month old son.

Jenny walked up the garden path, careful not to trip on the occasional uneven flagstones. She was wearing flat shoes today, which wasn't too strange for Jenny now, though it would have been if this were...nine years ago. She saw Caitlyn open her mouth to shout, but put a finger to her mouth, quickly. Caitlyn got the message and closed her mouth, Jenny winked at her.

Jenny reached the gate and braced herself before yanking it open. And there she was.

"Long time, no see!" Jenny said to Helen, who smiled at her, gently.

"Yeah," She spoke in a voice that Jenny didn't recognize, it was gently and content, "I've been...busy!" She said, her mouth curling into a smile.

Jenny glanced back up the garden at Nick. He was smiling at Emily, who appeared to have said somthing amusing, and swigging beer. She stepped out into the alleyway and pulled the gate shut behind her, leaning on a post.

"How've you been, Jeny?" Helen asked, and Jenny was taken aback by the woman's pleasentness. Jenny knew that she had been kind the last time they had met, but this was Helen and she hadn't expected her kindness and niceties to last over nine years! Jenny smiled back, cautiously.

"I've been great, Helen!" She said, the gratefulness evident in her voice. The unspoke: thanks to you was louder than if it had been screamed and Jenny saw Helen's eyes crease into a smile.

"Yeah, I've been pretty good myself!" Helen said, pulling something out of her bag, "I found somewhere I'm happy, and someone I'm happy with!" She said, showing Jenny a photograph.

It was Helen, obviously, with a tall, dark haired man whose muscles looked as though they weighed him down. On the man's shoulders was a tiny little boy with hair as dark as his dads, he was grinning into the camera and Helen was looking up at him, her face blissful.

When Jenny looked back at the woman before her, she felt tears in her eyes.

"Helen..." Jenny said, but she found no words. There was no way to explain how she felt right now. She was grateful to Helen, for bringing her back and for helping her to start her family, and she was grateful to the gods for granting Helen a family of her own.

"Thats Aaron," She said, pointing to the man, "My...husband!" Helen flashed Jenny her hand, happily and Jenny saw the sun glint of something. On her finger was a huge rock.

"And that," She pointed to the little boy, "Is Liam!" She said, with such tenderness.

"I've never been happier in my life, even when I was with Nick, and I feel as though there is no-where in the world that I belong, unless it's with my guys!" She finished, simply, and Jenny nodded, understanding the feeling completely.

"I hear you have a family!" Helen said and Jenny smiled at her, but then her smile falterred.

"Why didn't you tell me I had twins?" She asked, curious. Helen's answer was simple.

"Because I didn't know!"

"You have twins?" She asked, obviously as curious as Jenny herslef had been. Jenny smiled.

"Yes, Stephen and Olivia!" She said, smiling, "They're nine today!" She informed Helen, who smiled at her and then looked confused.

"But why...?" They realisation dawned on her face.

"I wondered the same thing," Jenny said, reading her mind, "Why didn't she dissappear when Nick died?" Jenny spoke in a whisper, in a conspirital tone.

"Because it didn't reach her!" Helen said, her eyes lighting up, "The ripples! Obviously when something happens in the past, it doesn't take immediate affect on the present!"

Jenny was surveying Helen, the woman spoke as if she were on the brink of an incredible discovery.

"So..." Jenny said, pulling her out of her riveree.

"Yeah, I'd better be going!" Helen said, pointing a fist at the alleyway behind her, where an anomaly sparkled in the April sun. Jenny nodded, smiling.

"Yeah!" She said, "So is this...goodbye?" She asked, unsure of what she wanted the answer to be.

"No..." Helen said, as if she were debating, "Well, for now lets say yes!" She said and Jenny nodded. She knew that she would see Helen again.

The two women, who had once been as different as Ice and Fire, stood in front of the anomaly as equals, as...well not quite friends, and clasped hands. Jenny had an immediate feeling of de-ja-vu and grinned at Helen.

"I remember this!" She said, "But last time, it was me leaving!"

Helen smiled back at her.

"Thanks Jenny, for everything!" And then she was gone, and Jenny stood in the alley thinking about how much things can change and about how much it helps people for the better. She thought of Helen, so cruel and callous in the beginning, returning to a home where she had a husband and a child...

Then she thought of herself and Nick, who had been close to loathing eachother in the beginning, but had eventually changed to friends, then to more...then to more. As their relationship progressed, they began to grow together, as equals and as lovers and as friends and as...soul mates!

When the gate creaked open behind her, Jenny turned. It was Nick. Her soul mate.

She smiled as soon as she saw him and he grinned at her.

"Guess what!" He said, excitedly, bouncing on his heels ennergetically.

"What?" Jenny said, giggling at his enthusiasm.

"There's an anomaly around here!" He said and Jenny felt her heart leap, and then sink when he said, "The old hand-held in the lounge started beeping about ten minutes ago and it took us forever to find it on top of the cabinet where you had hidden it!"

"The hand held, ey?" Jenny said, looking guilty, and Nick's face fell.

"What?" He said, in a tone so different from the one she had used that it made her giggle harder.

"There is no anomaly!" She said.

"What? How do you know?"

"Because! The anomaly was here! Literally outside out back gate, and I was talking to...Helen!" She finished.

"I'm not even going to ask what she said!" Nick spoke in a smiling voice, and put his arms around her, "Because I don't care!"

"I love you, Nick Cutter!" She said, wrapping her arms around his neck.

"And I love You, Jenny Cutter!"

Then they kissed...