Well, this is it. Big thanks to all who have read/reviewed/alerted and so on. It's been over a year since I started this now, time flies. Thank you again, and let's all wait in anticipation for series 2 of Sherlock! (I doubt very much they get out of the pool situation similar to my story. If they did, I'm psychic!)

Do not own, just borrowing…for the last time.

3 Weeks later

Even though they'd been out of the hospital for about two weeks, the amount of fussing Mrs Hudson was doing over them was still strong. Not that Sherlock and John complained.

They were slowly recovering from their injures, but neither of them had done any work over this Moriarty thing; Mycroft dealt with everything. John had a sense that this annoyed Sherlock, but he didn't know how; that Mycroft was clearing things up, or that Moriarty was dead. It didn't escape John that Sherlock would miss the challenge that Moriarty possessed, but even Sherlock had to admit that Moriarty's death was the best thing in the end.

Despite Mycroft's involvement, it didn't stop Scotland Yard from hounding them with questions and making them write statements and so on. Sherlock loved solving cases, but this is the one thing he wouldn't mind not being in his professional life. And the endless chatter with Lestrade of course. Even Molly had come round, all teary eyed and apologising. She had seen Moriarty's body in the morgue, didn't understand why and finally got to talk to Lestrade about what happened. She seemed to be blaming herself, and she couldn't believe how much she was betrayed. It took a lot of unneeded effort for Sherlock to calm her down and reassure her, and to just let her get on with things.

Sherlock was starting to get bored, and it took a lot of arguing with Lestrade and John to persuade him from taking any more cases until he was completely better. John didn't want to rush back to work. Sarah had been good in the past week, but he couldn't take more of so much attention from her. Mrs Hudson was fussing enough!

Sherlock was spread on the sofa in his pyjamas and dressing gown, his hands together in a prayer and sighing, while John was sitting in his usual chair reading when they heard a knock on the door of Baker Street. Neither of them flinched, because they knew Mrs Hudson would answer it, bless her.

A low murmur was the only thing that could be heard, and then the light footsteps that could only be Mrs Hudson's; confirmed by her usual tap on the door.

"Only me, dears," she came in. "There's someone who desperately wants to see you, Sherlock. For an important case, and keeps insisting that you listen. I said you were just recovering from an accident, and will not be taking cases, so I to-"

"Let whoever it is up here!" Sherlock jumped up quickly, only a twitch of his face indicating how much pain it caused. "I'll do it. Thank you Mrs Hudson."

She shook her head, but went back downstairs regardless. Another low murmur could be heard. Even lighter footsteps could be heard on the stairs, much quicker in comparison to Mrs Hudson's. When the person entered the room, they understood why.

"You didn't even change out of your pyjamas to greet me? Tut tut, Sherlock."

It was Arianna.

"Well if I knew you were coming over, I might have made more effort." Sherlock gave a little smile.

"Nah, don't worry about it. I've seen you in a worst state," she went to sit down on the sofa, making sure Sherlock sat beside her. "So, how are you recovering?"

"Very well. Bored out of my mind, as John and the others won't let me do anything else. How are you up and about so easily?"

"Oh please, I've had worse injuries than that. Small bit of pain, nothing I can't handle. Not you though, you caught most of that blast. It was very noble of you to put yourself before John."

Sherlock started to turn red, and only shrugged his shoulders in response. John had been silent thus far, so he decided to speak up to get rid of the awkward silence.

"So, what have you been doing lately?"

The Holmes' were now having a mind communication or something, John thought. Both looked at each other not even blinking, and John's question startled them. Arianna smiled at him.

"Oh, not much really. My bossed were glad to have me back in one piece, and I'm leaving London tomorrow for another mission."

"So soon?" John exclaimed.

"I can't have special treatment because of Mycroft's influence, despite what he threatens. And I'll be glad to get away." She turned to Sherlock. "Mummy's been trying to call me every five minutes, obviously wanting to fuss and berate me for getting involved. I take it she's been hassling you as well?"

"Unfortunately," Sherlock sighed. "Mycroft told them all about what happened, of course. Any word from Father?"

"Don't be ridiculous, Sherlock. According to Mycroft, he's "out of town." But I think what happened two weeks ago has shaken Mummy a bit, and she's starting to realise some truths."

"£100 Father's gone before Christmas," Sherlock said as he held out his hand.

"How stingy are you? Fine, I say after New Year, when she'll give that whole speech about 'new beginnings and seeing the light.' £200 on Father worming his way back a week after she does it?"

"Got yourself a deal, Ari," and they shook hands.

A long silence followed this, but it was more of an understanding this time rather than awkward.

"I think I should go then, leave you boys to recover," Arianna stood up.

"No, you don't have to," John was the one who replied first. "I'll leave you two alone, have some family time."

Arianna just laughed. "Oh Dr Watson, you are very kind and thoughtful. I see why Sherlock likes to hang around with you; you're considerate. But I need to go anyway, but we will see each other soon." She walked up to him and stuck out a hand, which John dutifully shook. Sherlock had by now stood up slowly.

"I promise I won't be a stranger this time, dearest older brother. If you need me, though I doubt you will," she turned her eyes towards John, "let me know. I missed you, Sherlock."

Sherlock crossed the room and hugged Arianna. This was the first time John had seen Sherlock give someone a genuine hug, and he felt like he was intruding a moment. Again.

"Come on, we're making John uncomfortable here," Arianna chuckled. They both let go, and she walked towards the door.

"Behave. Both of you! If any other psycho mastermind comes your way, try and avoid it." She started to walk down the stairs, but turned back.

"But if you do get into trouble, call me. I won't be at the Holmes Manor for Christmas, and I doubt you will go. Think I might change some plans and join in the festivities for once with my big brother." She winked, and then she was gone.

"How the hell is she your sister?"

A/N Thank you so much again! Today was the screening of A Scandal in Belgravia so finishing this helped me cope with not seeing it. January, come sooner! So, goodbye and Merry Christmas! Nadolig llawen! (from my native language, Welsh.)