Golden Eyed Guardian

Chapter 1- The Search


My name is Isabella Swan, and I am a witch. Now, before you ask, no I am not an old lady with warts on my nose, nor do I fly on a broomstick, and I only wear the big pointy hats on special occasions. I am only fifteen. I received my powers at thirteen. Here's the story:

My mom and dad died when I was young, only when I was about four or five. I have few memories of either of them. I remembered their voices, faces, and the love they had for me and each other. Nothing more. I was taken I by my godmother and godfather, Eliza and Timothy. They taught me most of anything I know. You see, they are a witch and warlock. On my thirteenth birthday, I felt an intense pain on my chest, and had flashbacks of people I had never seen in my life. I remember than main man in these visions. My godparents told me it was my guardian and my ancestors. My guardian was my protector so to speak. He was supposes to protect me from things I couldn't handle. I didn't know who he was though. I will be the princess in two weeks- my sixteenth birthday, and in order to do that, I have to find him.

So, I am on my way to the small town that he supposedly lives in. My best friend, Angela is coming too. She had gotten her powers when she was fifteen. She just turned seventeen last week. We were driving through town and finally found the house that the leaders had set us up with.

The leaders were called the Augustina Alliance of Witches or AA of W. We walked through the house. They really could've done better than this. I was seriously considering zapping one up. That's another thing; I have some of the most powers you could have:

I can control elements, talk to animals, zap whatever I want whenever I want it, move things with my mind, move from place to place in a matter of seconds, shield mine and others people's minds. I could fly, communicate to other witches by telepathy, and could even shape shift.

We walked through the house and looked for any clue as to where we should go. Just then, the queen, Lineea, popped up.

She smiled. "Isabella, Angela, how are you two?" She asked.

"We're fine." Angela answered.

"Okay, well, I've enrolled both of you in a nearby school; you will be living alone. But I will warn you two, you are under very close watch by us. No behave and change into normal clothes before you leave tomorrow." She said.

We nodded and then she teleported out of the room. We looked at each other and then our dresses. They were practically the same. Mine was a blue dress, with black netting draped below the belt and the netting sewed tightly on the bust. There was a shiny silver satin belt under the bust. I also had on a blue cloak. Instead of blue and silver, Angela had red and gold. Our rings and necklaces were something we couldn't take off though. Our rings had a big black stone and were surrounded by a silver band with the engraving of a magnolia and two swords on each side; it was similar to a class ring. It would turn from black to purple if another witch we didn't know was around us, red if a vampire was around us, and brown if a werewolf was close. Our necklaces held our powers. They were glittery velvet magenta chokers with a half moon charm hanging down. We always wore them about half way down our neck, where our main artery was, it triggered out powers to our system; it sort of worked like a patch you would where to stop smoking- sort of.

We went upstairs and prepared for the long day ahead tomorrow. I dressed in 'human' pajamas and climbed into bed. Our room was big. It was painted dark purple. There were two rooms, which left a little nook in the room on the right. There was a big closet and a bathroom. In the nook was a huge window with turquoise curtains, a pink rug, and green saucer chairs. Interesting color choices. That was divides from the main part of the room with a white beaded curtain. There were three doors. One for the bathroom, closet, and one to get out of the room, obviously. There was a desk next to the door used to get out of the room, cherry wood. A leather white desk chair matched the sofa against the far wall under the bay window to the back of the room. A bed was a few feet away from the desk, a queen sized white leather day bed. Under that was a trundle. The bay window was covered with a turquoise curtain like the other one. The floors were black tile and the molding on the walls was white.

I sat on the bead and looked at everything, there was a shelf for books and things hiding behind one part of the headboard on the day bed. This definitely a big change. My godparents live in a mansion. My room was two times the size of this. Angela saw my face, "it'll be fine Bella." She assured me.

I nodded, knowing she was right.

I woke up and saw the light bursting through my window. I got dressed in a black sundress, with a blue cotton belt under the bust. I put on a purple trench coat and some black flats and walked downstairs.

Angela was already waiting impatiently.

"Come on, come on! We have to go!" She rushed and pushes me out of the door.

We got into her 2010 red Camaro SS and drove quickly to school. We were twenty minutes early. I rolled my eyes we walked through the doors. We were immediately greeted by a lot of face. A boy with baby blue eyes came to meet us. Angela and I laughed; obviously he wasn't used to inhuman beauty.

You see, we inherited many traits from both vampires and werewolves. I mean, it was pretty sick how the first witch came to be- let's just put it this way. A vampire+ werewolf+ Vegas. Get the picture? Yes, a vampire and werewolf hooked up. Sick I know. What the hell was that about?

"Hi, I-I M-m-mike." He stuttered.

"Hey Mike! I'm Angela, this is Isabella." She said.

"Call me Bella." I said and flashed him a smile.

We walked away and laughed. It was incredible to see the way humans interacted with us. Nothing could truly compare. The way girls envied us, was a bit aggravating though. Then, something caught Angela and I's eye. I blonde- more beautiful than us. I innocently looked at my ring. Blood red. I looked at Angela and swished my eye balls in the girls' direction. She nodded. Okay, so we know vampires are here, but what I don't get is how come her eyes aren't red. And how can she be this close to humans while not attacking. Questions flooded my mind.

When you are a witch, you have to go to a special school. They teach you about all the 'mythical' creatures there are. We learned about each and everyone. There was no straight answer that came to mind, maybe my ring was broken, maybe she wasn't a vampire at all, and maybe she was just very beautiful.

Angela and I had every class together. They had lied about her age so she can be a sophomore like me. I was glad that we ended up together.

When lunch finally came, we took a seat by ourselves, not wanting to be bothered. Then we saw the girls again, with what I was her family. A big guy was holding her hand. Behind them was a short pixie like girl and a blonde guy that looked like he was in pain. Then behind him was a strangely familiar face. A guy with bronze hair and was tall. They were all inhumanly beautiful, with gold eyes.

"I've got it." Angela cried.

I immediately felt eyes looking at us. I looked up to see the beautiful family looking at us, half in curiosity, and half in anger.

I looked at my ring, blood red. I quickly shielded Angela's mind invade there were any tracker or mind readers or something of the sort in their little group.

"Later." I mumbled.

She looked at me in confusion. "But I know why the eyes are like they are." She answered softly.

"I know, but later." I whispered and nodded towards the family.

Angela quickly turned away. "Freaky." She mumbled.

Then we saw the short one make her way by us. We tried to start to engage in a real conversation, but it was a stupid idea, if they were what we thought they were, they could've heard everything. She was by our table as we looked up and smiled at her, she smiled warmly back.

"Hi, I'm Alice." She said.

"I'm Bella, and this is Angela." I introduced; she smiled.

"May I sit?" She asked.

"Sure." We answered as she sat down.

"How do you know?" She whisper yelled.

"Know what?" I asked innocently.

"You know what! Tell me. Come on! There has to be some sort of way you two know about us." She whispered again.

"Easy- we're witches." Angela answered.

"Angela." I scolded.

"What? I'm just stating a fact. We are in fact witches. Show her Bella. I don't feel like it." She said and played with her food.

Well, most probably it was the only way for the vamp to believe me. Okay, what to do? What to do? Ahh. I have an idea.

I subtly raised my finger and twirled it around, just then, the water in that guy we met this morning, exploded. Reaching across the cafeteria. Then, due to the water incident, I made another girl trip and make the food land on him. He deserved it. He shouldn't have been undressing me with his eyes.

Alice laughed. "That's the best show we've had in years." She said.

Angela and I did too. "That's nothing." I added. Just as Mike was leaving to get cleaned up, I subtly moved a chair and he tripped doing a flip. Then, a teacher to see if he was okay, and slipped on the water from earlier.

We all laughed. Then, I noticed the blonde girl and the guy, who I suspected to be her mate. They were laughing too.

"What else can you do?" The blonde asked.

Both Angela and I looked for another target. We saw a girl with dark hair and who was slightly tanned glaring at us. If she only knew that she was an easy target whenever she looked at us like that. Angela wiggled her nose, imitating the girl on bewitched, just to have fun with it. The girl's coke she was drinking missed her mouth and went straight down her shirt.

After another laughing fit the girl and guy introduced themselves as Emmett and Rosalie. Angela asked about the other two. Rosalie said that was Edward and Jasper.

The Edward guy, he looked familiar, but I don't know how. I knew I've never seen him in my life. Then, more unfamiliar flashbacks and visions started. The main star: him. Oh God! Good Lord, he was my freaking guardian!