I hate you.

Your always there; looking ,smiling, laughing...

Its fucking disgusting.

I hate everything about you; your hair, your eyes, even you fucking fingers.

I hate it all.

Every time I see you; my heart quickens, my palms produce sweat and I stop breathing.

I cant stop staring, I hate it!

Why do you make me feel this way? Why cant I stop myself from thinking about you?

Why cant I stop dreaming about you?

Why cant I stop?

Why am I like this?

Why is my life so fucked up?

I-I'm sorry...What have I done?

Blood... Its everywhere, your face... Its staring.

Your eyes... There.. Lifeless.

What have I done?

I- I loved you.

Why cant I stop crying?

Is this how it ends? Why was I such a fool?




Your gone... I'm still here.

Everyone stares... Everyone hates me.

Why couldn't I realize before?

I loved you...

I fucken loved you Ichigo!

But, why were you with her?

That stupid fool for a girl.

You-you were.. loving her.

Kissing her, thrusting in her body.

That's why I.. Killed you.. And her..

I was obsessed.. I still am.

I'm in a white room.

My arms are strapped down to me.

I scream.

I didn't mean to do it Ichigo.

I cant stop, I cant stop.

I'm screaming for you, cant you here me?

What have I done?

There coming again Ichigo.. they-there going to hurt me.

What have I become?

I see you. I swear I see you.. Smiling ...Again.

They say your not there.

But there wrong.


I get up. Run.


I'm going to see you.. Again … I love you.

I hit the wall. My neck snaps.


I'll see your face.