Plunging right along...though it did take me a bit to get into the swing of things with this chapter. I'm attempting to wind my way through as best as I can. Juggling three stories...probably not the best idea I've ever had. haha. Sometimes I have issues getting into a character as I bounce around. Ah well, I hope you enjoy this addition anyway. Thank you to all of the lurkers, those who added alerts and favorites and to the ones that have reviewed: EmbersOfAmber, KaeliRed and omgchocolate! As always, your support humbles me and your feedback gives me a giddy boost every time! Thank you all SO much!
Special thanks goes out to my favorite ladies: EmbersOfAmber, VioletTheirin, Erynnar and Ladyamesindy as well as to the folks on Dragon Age Authors Anon on Facebook! You guys always know how to make my day! Much love!
Bioware...yeah...they can have it. Oh's already theirs!
The Bann sat at his brother's desk, his head wearily cradled in his hands. Evelyn's party had left from Redcliffe weeks before and it had been the same since he'd had a good nights sleep. He knew it was silly to worry about her, Evelyn Cousland was a woman that could handle her own, but they had been en route to Denerim. A surviving Grey Warden right under Loghain's nose. The thought of what that bastard would do to her or Alistair if captured made his skin crawl. Those thoughts only got darker when he factored in that weasel Howe. He had already proven just how far he would go to get ahead, together he and Loghain would be dangerous beyond belief.
He sighed heavily and looked up when he heard a quiet knock on the study door. He assumed it was Isolde, she had a way of showing up when he wanted to see her the least. He was surprised however when he bid them to enter the room that it was one of the serving girls instead.
He cocked an eyebrow up at the girl. "Yes, Eirenn? Is everything alright?"
The young brunette dropped into a quick curtsey which made him frown. He had lost count of the number of times he had told the household staff that it wasn't necessary. He was beginning to think that they continued to do it just to confound him.
She looked up at him with huge brown eyes and smiled as he waved dismissively, clucking his tongue. "Please don't do that. There's no need."
Her grin widened. "As My Lord wishes." She said, standing up straight and throwing a look over her shoulder before approaching the desk. Her voice dropped to just above a whisper. "You received a missive this morning. I was able to get it before the mistress saw." She said pulling it out of her apron pocket and slipping it into his hands. "I brought it to you straight away, just as you instructed, My Lord."
He peered down at the letter in his hand, fingertips brushing the wax seal that bore his family crest. A tentative relief washed through him as he looked back up at the girl and offered her a conspiratorial smile. "Thank you, dear lady. Your discretion is most appreciated in this matter."
Eirenn grinned widely and winked at him. "My Lord." She said as she dropped into another quick curtsey which garnered an irritable grunt from the Bann. She giggled and quickly left the room.
He leaned back in the chair and snorted when he flipped the envelope over. Her neat block script addressed the letter to 'Lord Teagan Guerrin, Bann of Rainesfere and Attendant of the Arling of Redcliffe .' Uncharacteristically formal for her, perhaps she was in on the servant's little game as well.
"Ridiculous." He said aloud as he broke the seal and pulled the parchment out.
My Lord,
We have reached Denerim, again, no thanks to the regent's efforts to thwart. We were met with some resistance on the way, in the form of an assassin. As luck would have it, the crow was no more loyal to his employer than Howe was to my father. The sheer number of turncoats in Ferelden these days is bordering on alarming, wouldn't you say?
We did run into some rather interesting company when we called on Brother Genitivi. It seems that the brother ruffled some feathers in his search for the Urn. His assistant was of no help to us considering the state we found him in, but we were able to locate Genitivi's research. We will be leaving Denerim immediately to journey to a town called Haven.
I hope that this finds you doing well and that the Arl's condition has not worsened. We move with all of the haste that the weather allows, My Lord. I pray that our search is not in vain and that we will return in time.
The Bann read the letter twice more before refolding it and carefully placing it back in the envelope. He felt a small swell of pride at the idea of them besting an Antivan Crow, an assassin from an order that rarely missed a mark. He had no doubt that Loghain had assumed victory as soon as the killer was hired...he was just overconfident enough to presume that the remaining wardens were already dead. That would buy them some time at least.
He stood, yawning as he slid the envelope into his jacket. Perhaps now that he had heard from her he would be able to rest easier. He looked down at the stack of papers on Eamon's desk, another wave of weariness sweeping over him. Tomorrow, I will work on them then. He hated putting it off, but he was in desperate need of sleep. Walking around the desk and opening the door he stopped short. Isolde was standing there, hand midair as if she had been about to knock. He rubbed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose as she brushed past him and into the office. She had that look, the one she often wore when she wasn't getting her way.
He turned and leaned against the door frame crossing his arms over his chest as she paced in front of the desk.
"Is there something you need, Isolde?" He queried tiredly.
She stopped, turning to face him. Her eyes glittered with something he didn't recognize even though her face wore it's usual haughty frown.
"Do you truly believe that this Cousland girl will find the Ashes of Blessed Andraste, Teagan? She hardly seems the type."
"Evelyn will find them if they exist...why do you ask? You seemed eager enough to send her before. What are you getting at?" He asked, his eyes narrowing on her as she leaned back against the desk.
"Nothing of course, Teagan, but one does not have to be blind to see that she is not fond of me. I cannot help but wonder if she would abandon us..." She said thoughtfully, running her hand absently along the smooth wood.
He stared at the woman in disbelief. Jealousy and seeding doubt...that was what this was all about. "You would say this after she went out of her way to save both you and my nephew? She is a good woman, better than most. Perhaps you need to rethink for you are a fool if you believe she would do anything of the sort," He said coolly. "Beyond her other merits, she is sincere."
The Arlessa's eyes were cold as they narrowed on him. "I see," she responded walking around the desk and settling into the chair, "obviously her merits have you quite charmed. Tell me, Teagan, would her father approve, Maker bless him...or would he..."
He cut her off with a snarl as he strode across the room, leaning over the desk. She leaned back in the chair in shock as he thrust his finger in her face.
"You will hold your tongue, Isolde. I have put up with your petty scheming and blatant advances for longer than any man should have to bear. If it would not break Eamon's heart I would tell him of every disgusting plot to get my attention that you've ever employed. You would do good to remember that, as my thinning patience may one day outweigh the need to preserve my brother's feelings." He seethed as he took in her shocked expression.
"I..." She began, but he cut her off.
"What's the matter My Lady?" He demanded venomously, "Surprised that you have finally succeeded?Is this not the attention you were seeking?"
She shook her head dumbly.
"I thought as much." He said in disgust as he straightened and walked toward the door. He stopped to look back at her still sitting there dumbstruck. "If we are quite done here, perhaps you should go check on your husband." He put enough emphasis on the last word to make her flinch and shaking his head walked out of the study.
Evie and her companions rushed across the bridge to Redcliffe Castle. The search for the Urn had been a success, but traveling across Ferelden had taken much more time than she would have liked. After they had recovered the pinch of ashes she had set a breakneck pace back to the comatose Arl. She felt bad for overworking her company, but they needed Eamon alive, Ferelden needed him. He was one of the few people that she trusted would help them not only against the blight, but against Loghain. She doubted that anyone else would have the nerve to stand up to the Hero of River Dane.
She took the stone stairs two at a time, giving the guards who opened the heavy door a quick nod as she dashed into the main hall. The room was empty aside from the few guards stationed there.
"Where is Bann Teagan?" She barked at the nearest one.
"In the Arl's study last round, Warden." The man replied, snapping to attention.
She gave him a strange look in response to his formal action, but shook her head and took off down the corridor that led to the office. When she reached the end of the hall she threw the door open without knocking. She almost burst out laughing when the man jumped, his handsome features filled with confusion and shock as he gaped at her. It was only momentary for as soon as he recognized her he rushed across the room and scooped her up in a crushing embrace.
"Thank the Maker." He breathed against her hair.
Though she didn't really want to she wriggled out of his arms. "I have the ashes!" She said quickly as she fumbled with a pouch on her belt and withdrew the package with shaky fingers. "Is the Arl..." She stopped and met his sapphire eyes.
"He is the same. Come, let us see if this journey was worth your time."
The Arl of Redcliffe paced in front of the stone fireplace in the main hall. Despite their protests the man had refused to stay in his bed any longer saying that he'd spent quite enough time there. His brow furrowed as he turned to look at her.
"I have known Loghain for a very long time. He was never a man who senselessly sought power...I do not understand why he would incite civil war when the darkspawn threat is clearly more important. Now, while he fumbles away for support of the regency, he allows that threat to reach our doorstep?" He seemed like he was having a hard time believing it.
"I was there the day he announced he was taking control of the throne, Eamon," Teagan said shrugging, "He is mad with ambition, I tell you. I wouldn't have believed it had I not seen it with my own eyes."
The Arl shook his head and let out a sigh. "Mad, Indeed. He would have to be in order to kill Cailan, attempt to kill myself and destroy my lands! I don't know what happened to him, he always had the kingdom's best interest at heart. Clearly this is no longer the case. He must be stopped. Unfortunately, We cannot afford to fight his war when there is a bigger threat afoot."
Evelyn choked. "What?"
The Arl looked at her and eyebrow raised.
"That man not only caused the death of the king and a sizable chunk of the army, but also condemned my order to death. Then he had the gall to name us as traitors. After that performance I suspect he also had a hand in Howe's betrayal and murder of my family! You do not want to fight? Then offer me a better solution." She seethed. She felt Alistair's touch at her elbow and shrugged away from it.
The Arl looked taken aback by her outburst but said nothing.
"Well, your grace?" She spat.
He sighed again as he searched for words that might assuage her, but knew that he had none. "We do not have the time to wage a campaign against him, surely as a Warden you are aware of this. Someone must surrender if Ferelden is to have a fighting chance against the blight. Divided we will never succeed."
A strangled noise escaped her throat and she turned to walk away from the man only to be caught and turned back around by Sten. "No, Kadan." He said simply as he pushed her back toward the Arl.
She took a deep breath, her hopes that the Eamon would be her greatest ally in this dashed. Her voice sounded strangely monotone as she spoke. "So you intend to give up." Her jaw tightened when he looked as though he might laugh at her.
"Absolutely not. That man's crimes are heinous to say the least and I will see him pay for them. Have no doubt in that, Warden. You must understand, our armies must be reserved for the darkspawn...not for each other. Word of Loghain's treachery both here and against the king will be spread, but it will just be a claim made without sufficient proof." He said as he began to pace again. "While those claims will give his allies pause we must combine it with a challenge that Loghain cannot ignore." He rubbed his beard thoughtfully as he stopped and faced her again. "We need someone with a stronger claim to the throne than his daughter."
Her eyes widened and she cut them to Alistair. He looked as if someone had just punched him in the gut.
Teagan coughed and pulled at his collar uncomfortably. "You intend to put Alistair forth as an heir to the throne? Are you certain about this?"
"I wouldn't have brought it up if I thought that we had an alternative, brother, but the unthinkable has occurred and though you and I have a claim through marriage it would make us be seen as opportunists, no better than Loghain. Alistair's claim is by blood."
"What about me! I suppose I have no say in this?" The former templar asked angrily. "Oh, that's entire life has been snatched around by the blood of a father I didn't know. Of course I would be the best candidate, because no one actually cares what I want!"
The Arl shook his head slowly. "You have a responsibility, Alistair. Without your bid, Loghain wins. I would have to support him for the good of Ferelden. Is that what you would prefer?"
"I...but I..." He clinched his fists as best as his gauntlets would allow. "No, My Lord."
Her throat felt like it might close off as she observed her companions unhappiness with the decision. She wanted to protest in his favor, but knew that what the Arl said was true. "Then you intend to call a Landsmeet?"
"Yes, it is the only way to move forward...then the business of fighting our true foe can begin. What say you to that? I do not wish to proceed without your blessing."
She looked at Alistair for guidance...a deep frown etched across his face but he gave a slight shrug when their eyes met.
"We proceed with your plan, your grace, though I must say that I am loath to make Alistair assume a duty that he was never meant to fulfill. In the end it should be his choice."
"Very well, I will send out word immediately." He replied.
She laid awake nestled up against the warmth of Teagan's bare chest. It's rise and fall and his slow steady breathing against her hair was soothing, but she had too much on her mind for the fade to take her. There were still two treaties to see to and now a Landsmeet. Soon she would be thrust back out into Ferelden battling the beasts in her nightmares and far away from the man that held her now. It had to be done if the kingdom was to have a future, if any of them were to have one.
Duncan had once told her that a Grey Warden's duty was to stop the blight, no matter the means. She found that she wanted to have it done, no matter the cost. Beyond love, friendship even her vengeance for her slain family. As she sensed Alistair's tainted blood somewhere in the castle with her own, she believed that more than ever. The blight would be ended, even if it cost her life.