Summary: If you ask any of Henry Griffin's friends they will tell you he has a spectacular talent for getting himself and them into trouble. Mysteries and bad guys seem to flock towards him and he normally escapes with no injuries. Ella Benson is an old friend of Jasper's. She's talented, funny, smart beautiful and never gets into trouble…and Jasper just knows she's perfect for Henry. But only a week after meeting Henry she and him get into the worst sort of trouble. They wake up and find themselves in a trunk of a car. Henry thinks he may have, in all of his escapades, angered someone very dangerous. But could it be the girl he's with? Is she the reason she's in this mess? And can he get them out of it? Or will they have to face the ever growing possibility of injury or even death?
Disclaimer: Umm, Do I really have to say it? Nothing is mine. At all. I wish, but alas, we cannot get all that we wish for… sadly.
A/N: All right I have to admit that this show is a guilty pleasure of mine. And my brother and sister make fun of me for watching it, but I really could care less. And I could care less that they made fun of me for writing this. I hope Ella is a believable and likeable character and she's totally not annoying. Forgive me if I get any facts wrong and please review and tell me. ;D That would be wonderful.
WARNING! This story will contain cuss words, injury and angst (which is why it is rated the way it is). I mean, like every other word won't be the F-bomb but there will be a few words that as a teenager I use occasionally. The injury will be fairly… um… hurtful and I will warn you at the beginning of those chapters if you do not enjoy reading that kind of thing. Well, if you don't you shouldn't probably read my story at all… But hey, you may want too.
Umm, I think that's all I have to say at this point. Review. I like them. Just don't be terribly mean please… Well I guess without further ado… NO! Just kidding. Okay, so I'm going to bring the characters from Criminal Minds into the mix. And you do not have to have seen the show to understand I will explain everything like a good author should and if you still don't get it, tell me and I will gladly explain whatever you want. :D Okay, NOW without anymore interruptions.
"Jasper, where are we going?" Henry Griffin, a blonde sixteen year old boy asked the boy in the driver's seat. Also sixteen year old Jasper Bartlett, his brown-haired cousin, answer him.
"For the last time, Henry," Jasper said turning into a rather crowded parking lot, "just trust me."
"The last time you took me out and told me to trust you, some guy asked if we were gay and I could feel the thumping of the bass from the speakers for days after we left," Henry replied.
"That wasn't my fault," Jasper snapped. "Okay, that was Maggie's idea."
The girl named Maggie Winnock gave an unapproved snort. "It was not," she said from the backseat tucking a strand of her brunette hair behind her ear. "That was all you, buddy."
"Just stop," Jasper said. "This place is better. Trust me."
Henry rolled his eyes. "I would much rather be meditating," he said and Jasper gave an exasperated sigh.
He parked the car and all three teenagers emerged, only two of them looking like they were going out. Jasper wore a stripped blue button down shirt with a pair of jeans. Maggie had curled her hair and was wearing a stylish purple top with her own pair of jeans and silver sandals. Henry on the other hand was dressed like he was going for a hike. He was sporting some sort of green half buttoned t-shirt with khaki shorts and tennis shoes, much to Jasper's chagrin. "Why couldn't you have worn something else?" he asked shutting the door to his car.
"What's wrong with my clothes?" he asked as he shut his own door, and Jasper shook his head.
"Never mind, dude," he replied. You see, both Maggie and Jasper were used to this almost ignorant behavior. Henry had not grown up in the United States. In fact, he had grown up nowhere near the North American continent. He had spent his childhood moving from place to place with his anthropologist parents. China, Africa, among other places. Even Jasper didn't know all the places he'd managed to live in sixteen years. The fact of the matter was Henry hadn't the first clue how weird he was to the teenage population of Washington DC.
At any rate, Jasper had the idea to take Henry "out" to do things normal teenagers do on a Saturday night. And in DC, the best teenage club (and Jasper was stunned he hadn't thought about this before) was the one they were about to enter. But Jasper lead them past the main entrance with kids lined up out the door to get in and back to a door with virtually no line and big guard standing in front. "Jasper, where are we going?" Maggie asked.
Again, Jasper replied, "Just trust me." If he keeps saying that, Henry thought, I am going to kill him. He walked up to the man, feeling only slightly confident.
"Name?" he asked in a deep voice.
"Jasper Bartlett," he replied. The man looked over the three teenagers and looked back down at his list.
"And these are your plus two?"
"That would be them," Jasper said.
"Go ahead," he replied and move to the side to allow them to enter.
"Thank you," Jasper said, slightly relieved as he, Maggie, and Henry entered the club from the back.
"What was that?" Maggie asked.
"Well, you know how Ella sings here every other Saturday?" Jasper asked.
"Ella Benson?" Maggie asked. Of course she knew Ella sang here. I mean, everyone at Smithson High knew Ella Benson. "You personally know Ella Benson? Give me a break."
"No I do!" Jasper said. "We went to kindergarten together. And we've had at least one class together since then." Maggie shook her head.
"Wait," Henry said confused. "Who's Ella Benson?" Everyone apparently, except Henry.
"She's only like the hottest girl in school," Jasper said. "She's freakin' gorgeous, has a wicked singing voice, is amazing at acting and is like the sweetest girl on the planet. But she's crazy picky about who she dates."
"Which is depressing for you because that means you don't have a chance," Maggie said nudging Jasper on the arm.
"Is not," he defended with a scowl.
"Really?" Maggie asked, her eyebrows raised. "Because I heard a rumor that she was under the impression you were gay for your entire seventh grade year."
Jasper pursed his lips together, clenched his jaw and said in a strained voice, "That may be true, but for your information Miss Missy we went out for two months in eighth grade, thank you very much. But we mutually agreed that it would be best if we remained friends."
"Uh huh," Maggie replied. "I heard she dumped you."
"Well," a female voice said from behind them, "whoever told you that was wrong." All three turned to find Ella standing behind them, a grin on her beautiful face lighting up her emerald green eyes. She was wearing her own pair of jeans with a tank top shirt that was low cut. But Maggie thought to herself it's not that low cut. It's flirty not whore-y. But her embarrassment of being caught talking about her behind her back caught up with her and she blushed.
"Sorry," she said. "I-I mean you hear things and I was… Well I was just-" she stammered, but Ella just smiled.
"Don't worry about it," she said. "It's not like you were telling me to go to hell or anything, so it's all right." Her attention turned away from the girl and towards the boy she knew. "Hey, Jasper," she said. Both were grinning as they hugged and then Jasper spoke.
"Hey, Elle," he said calling her by the nickname that had stuck in second grade. "So how's life?"
"Well, considering we spoke only just last week…" she said, "pretty darn good." He chuckled. "And you must be Maggie," she said as she held out her hand. Maggie took it and nodded. "And you must be Henry, right? Jasper's cousin?"
"That would be me," Henry said shaking the girl's hand.
"Well Jasper's told me all about you two," Ella said. "It's great to finally meet you." Her eyes traveled down Henry's form. "That's an…" she searched for the correct word. "…interesting choice of outfit. But hey, who am I to judge people, right? To each his own I suppose or that's what my fellow Tolkien-ites say."
Maggie was shocked. "Wait, you read LOTR?" she asked.
"Oh, heck yeah," Ella replied. "Read it, watch it, live by it. It's all the same thing!" Jasper had a half grin on his face, but Henry was just lost.
"What's LOTR?" Henry questioned, but no one answered him.
Maggie continued to speak. "Where in Middle Earth would you want to live?" she asked.
"Oh the Shire," Ella replied. "No questions. What about you?"
"Definitely Lothlorien," Maggie answered. "Living in the trees and stuff. Awesome. Favorite character?"
"Aragorn," Ella said.
"Me too! Oh my gosh, and isn't Viggo Mortenson the best person to play him?"
"Of course! There's no one better! Plus, he's like gorgeous."
"Uh, yeah! Though it makes me angry that a man is prettier than I am."
"Oh don't be stupid, you're gorgeous too."
"Really? Hannon le."
"Oh you speak Elvish! Lucky! I never have enough time to learn!"
"Yeah, most people never know it, but its fun to know anyway."
"Five minutes to show, Ella!" a man in a headset called from behind them. Ella groaned, but Henry was thankful. Anymore of the quick banter and he would have lost his mind in confusion.
"Crap," she said. "Well as much as I would love to sit here and talk about Lord of the Rings all night, and trust me I really would, I actually do have to sing." It was the nice way of throwing them out, Henry supposed and Jasper's reply confirmed it.
"Well, we'll just go and sit down then," he said.
"Okay!" she said. "Well, when the show's over maybe you guys can hang around. I can foot the bill for some food if you'd like."
"That would be great," Jasper said. They all turned to leave but Ella had one more thing to say.
"Enjoy the show guys!" she called. They waved and left to find some vacant seats.
Henry was actually fairly impressed. Ella was actually an extremely talented singer and many people instead of talking during her live performances sat –or danced- and listened. She seemed to be a natural on the stage and her mood was infections.
By the time she had finished an hour had passed by and everyone in the club had listened to her at some point. When she said goodnight, many cheered for her and several boys felt the need to wolf-whistle. And Henry had to admit, she was actually quite beautiful.
She pushed through the crowd, acknowledging those who had spoken to her with a smile and a wave and made her way to where he, Jasper and Maggie were seated. Jasper had quickly vacated his seat and hugged Ella again. "Wow," he said. "That was more amazing than I remember it."
She chuckled. "Thanks, but that could be because that last time you heard me sing was a year ago. That's a full year of rehearsals, choir practice, and musical theater lessons, my friend. And it was definitely better than when we were little squirts singing karaoke."
"You used to sing karaoke, Jasper?" Maggie asked with a grin.
"Maybe," Jasper replied, blushing lightly, though in the bleak light of the club no one saw. "But that's not the point."
"What's karaoke?" Henry asked, confused.
"Well, it's kind of like what I just did," Ella replied. "Except there's a screen with the lyrics of the song you're singing, you don't have a back-up band just the music from the monitor, and most of the people can't sing."
"Oh," Henry said, though he still had no clue as to what she was talking about. But he shook his head. He was sure he would not need to know what karaoke was in his day to day life.
"Why don't we sit down?" Ella asked. "Come on," and she led them to an open booth in the far corner of the club.
"Well, it's nice to hear myself think," Maggie commented scooting to the interior of the circular table. Jasper did the same leaving Henry and Ella to sit on the edges. Henry took the seat next to Jasper and Ella next to Maggie. They talked and talked, Henry getting lost in the midst of their topics more than once. This caused him to whisper endless questions to Jasper sitting next to him and sometimes, even Jasper couldn't answer the questions Henry had about what the girls were blabbering on about.
"Excuse me," Henry said as he slid out of the booth. He weaved past people in and out to try and find his way through the forest of teenage bodies moving to the music to attempt to locate the restrooms.
As soon as he was out of earshot, Jasper turned to Ella. "So…" he said with a grin. "What do you think of Henry?"
"Well," Ella said. "He's cute. He has nice hair… good teeth."
"Stop quoting the Parent Trap," Jasper said. "Tell me what you really think."
She tried to hold back a grin. "Why, Jasper, are you trying to set me up on a date with your cousin?"
Jasper's face turned crimson, but he continued to speak. "Maybe. It depends on what you think of him."
"Well, from what I've seen his seems like a nice guy," she said, "but he hasn't really said much all night."
"Probably because you and Maggie were blabbering away," Jasper said shooting both girls a look. Maggie shrugged apologetically. "Anyway-" but Ella cut him off.
"Wait, why does Henry need you to set him up on a date?" Ella asked, resting her chin on her open palm.
Jasper sighed dramatically. "He's just awkward."
"It's cute," Ella said. "He's cute.
"Yeah," Jasper said, "but looks aren't everything and he's weird and I'm sure he's never been on a date in his life."
"So you thought you would ask me to go out with him?" Ella asked, clearly amused. Maggie was also enjoying herself, trying to stifle her laughs at the look on Jasper's face.
He opened his mouth to reply, but couldn't find the words to. "Okay that totally did not come out like I planned it to." Maggie could not hold in her laughter any more.
She snorted loudly and Jasper glared at her. "I hate you," he said.
"I don't know," Ella said honestly. "I like to know someone before I date them, at least a little. And I mean, I'm really sort of weird about who I date."
"You dated him," Maggie said, pointing to Jasper.
"Good point," Ella said, her face acquiring a contemplative look.
"Hey," Jasper said, looking immensely annoyed.
"I'm totally kidding Jasper," Ella said with a grin. "Look, I'll tell you what, because I've know you forever and I trust you I will try and talk to Henry over the next week or so and if I like him, I'll ask him out. Okay? I'm not promising anything though."
"Okay," Jasper said. Maggie snorted again and fell into a fit of the giggles. This caused Ella to start to laugh and when Henry returned he was left guessing as to what happened after he had left.
"What are you guys laughing at?" he asked.
"Oh, Jasper just told this hilarious joke," Maggie said, through her laughs. "Tell-tell him Jasper." And she could speak no more. Everything else she said was drowned out in her fit of the giggles.
"Did I mention how much I hate you?" Jasper asked with a glare at the two girls, still laughing hysterically.
Almost a week later, Henry was walking through the halls at Smithson High alone. He had forgotten something in his locker and he didn't realize it all the way through his volunteer work. It was late, around six thirty and it was already dark outside. Jasper had gone to get his car and would most likely be waiting for Henry already.
He slammed his locker door closed and looked down at the accursed homework assignment he had nearly forgotten. Shaking his head, he stuffed inside his messenger bag slung over his shoulder and made his way out of the school. As he rounded a corner, he found he was not alone in the building.
Ella was standing with her back towards a small lanky boy, most likely a freshman, cowering against the wall glaring at what Henry assumed was a football player. He hid behind the corner but gazed curiously, wanting to know exactly what was going on. "Leave him alone, Michaels," Ella spat.
"Ella," the football player said, in an almost flirtatious tone. "You know, I'll leave him alone if you go on a date with me."
"I wouldn't touch you with a ten-foot pole," Ella said.
"That's not what I'm asking you," he said with a grin.
"Go screw yourself," Ella said. "You're into guys right?" Even Henry could tell that was a terrible insult. She smiled smugly as the boy named Michaels lost his grin.
"You're gonna pay for that one," he said sinsterly.
"Really?" she asked. "Because if you even think about coming any closer to me, I will kick your ass."
"You wouldn't dare," he replied.
"You wanna bet?" she asked, narrowing her eyes. Henry thought for a moment that he was going to move closer to her, but instead he backed away. "That's what I thought. If I ever hear that you've bothered this boy again, well… use your imagination." She tossed her head to the side. "Get going." And Michaels left.
Ella then turned to the boy behind her. "Are you okay?" she asked softly with a small smile. It was much different than the tone she used with the football player. The boy nodded. "What's your name?"
"Joey," he replied timidly.
"Joey," she repeated. "Hi, I'm Ella. Now if that moron ever bothers you again, you come and talk to me. I'll take care of it. Okay?"
"Okay," he replied, a little less timid. "Thanks."
"You're welcome," she said with a grin. "I'll see you around okay?" He nodded and ran off. Ella watched him go and when he was out of sight she said, "Enjoy the show, Henry?"
Henry's eyes widened, but he came out from behind the corner. "How did you know I was there?"
"Oh jungle boy," Ella said playfully. "You're not the only one with skills, you know."
"Apparently," he replied as he walked until he was beside her in the hall. "I didn't know you knew self defense."
"What?" she asked confused. But it dawned on her. "Oh that. Please that was a bluff. I would not want to get into a fight with Jeff Michaels. I sure am glad he didn't call me out on it. I would be down and out in like two minutes, maybe less."
"Oh," Henry said, furrowing his brow. "So I take it, Jeff Michaels isn't gay."
"Oh God no," she said. "He's as straight as they come. Did you see him hitting on me? Gross," she shuddered. "But called a straight guy gay, especially one with the ego the size of Texas like Michaels, is a huge insult."
"Oh," Henry said. It was then he noticed her attire. She was wearing a tank top and sweat pants and her short brownish red hair was pulled back into a tight bun with a few strands here and there falling out.
Ella caught his questioning look and said, "Oh I was at rehearsal for the school musical." Henry nodded in understanding. "Man that should be a sport. All that running around and singing at the same time, whew." He smiled getting slightly more relaxed than he was at first. "What are you doing here so late?"
"Oh, volunteer work," he replied.
"Cool," she said.
"I'll walk you out," Henry said.
She nodded and they walked in silence for a few moments. Then Ella spoke up again. "So how are you getting home?"
"Jasper," Henry replied. "I forgot something in my locker and Jasper went out to get the car."
"Aha," she said. "Well, that makes sense." They had reached the front of the school and both strode up to the idling car near the sidewalk.
"Well, it's about time Henry!" Jasper called from the driver's seat. "Oh! Ella, what are you doing here so late?" he asked upon seeing the girl.
"Rehearsal," she replied simply and he too nodded in understanding. "Well I actually really have to go," she said. "It's a ten minute walk to my house and my dad is expecting me home."
"Wait I thought you had a car," Jasper said.
"Well I did until it got totaled," she replied with an annoyed sigh.
"Whoa, you were in an accident?" Jasper asked, clearly concerned.
"Oh God no," she said. "It was parked on the side of the road and some drunken idiot slammed into it. I had to take it to the shop and I don't get it back for another week. So now I have to walk home," she finished.
"Man that sucks," Jasper said. "But I don't think you should walk alone. Henry, why don't you walk her home?"
Henry furrowed his brow. "Why can't you drive her?"
"Oh well," Jasper said shooting Ella a subtle look and thanking his lucky stars that Henry had not caught it. "I haven't had my license for more than six months and so I'm not allowed to drive anyone other than you and if my dad finds out he'll have like a conniption fit."
"You drove Maggie before," Henry said, pointing out the obvious.
"I'll pick you up in twenty minutes okay?" Jasper asked, making eye contact with Ella and she knew immediately what he was doing. "Awesome, bye!" And he drove off. But though she knew what he was doing, that didn't mean she was okay with it. However, since he was there, she might as well…
"What just happened?" Henry asked Ella.
"Well, I think Jasper is trying to get us alone," Ella said, revealing only some of what Jasper's plan was. He left her here with him, so she was doing this her way.
"Why would he do that?" Henry asked.
"I have no idea," Ella said. "But since he's not coming back for another twenty minutes, you might as well do what he wants and walk me home." Henry debated for a brief moment, but finally agreed.
They walked talking about the typical subjects for about five minutes until Henry heard something behind them. He whipped his head around only to see… nothing, just a few bushes lining the sidewalk path. "What?" Ella asked.
"I thought I heard something," he said softly, still looking around behind him.
"I'm sure it was nothing," Ella said brushing it off. "You know Jasper told me that you were like really paranoid."
"Well, most of the time my paranoia turns out to be true," Henry said.
"It was probably just a squirrel or something," Ella repeated. Henry nodded and turned around to continue to walk forward. Again he heard a scuffle behind him, but this time when he turned around he saw Ella struggling with an assailant who was forcing a rag over her mouth and nose. Henry channeled all of his martial arts training and began to fight back.
He defense lasted a minute, maybe less but then another man came up behind him and slapped another rag over his face. As he struggled, his arms and legs became weaker. He didn't know what was on that cloth, but it was doing what it was supposed to. Soon Henry slipped into unconsciousness, unaware as to what part he was going to play in something far out of his control.
The three men zip tied the two teens' hands behind their backs and shoved them into the trunk of a black sedan. One of them took a Polaroid photograph, took out a piece of paper and jogged the two blocks to Ella's home after slamming the trunk lid shut. He laid the developing photo on top of the piece of paper on her front porch and met the car driven by his two team members out front. And they were off, grinning to each other, eager to set in motion they plan they had so carefully concocted.
A/N: Okay that was the end of my chapter. Yaoza that was long… Review and tell me if you want me to continue please. And if you didn't understand the Lord of the Rings stuff, that was kind of the point. I'd like to think Maggie is a Tolkien-ite. Anyway, review please. :D