True Love.

Withholds pure care.

Pure adoration.

And a pure heart.

When put in Gods most cruel obstacles,

True love proves to be mankind's

Most powerful antidote.


Said man was head, full sprint, towards the voice that was so desperately calling his name.

'Please …let me be there in time.' Those seven words, when separate held absolutely no meaning to the orange haired man who possess the name Ichigo Kurosaki, but at this most critical time in his life those seven words were conjoined in one life threatening sentence.

He needed to be by her side. Now.

He ran as fast as his feet would let him. He needed to protect the raven haired woman that has been by him these last three years.

'If I can't protect her…'

The teeth of a virus infected enemy glistened in the moonless night as they began to descend on to her fair pale skin. The distance between Ichigo and the two grew shorter and shorter but in Ichigo's mind it seemed to take forever to get merely four yards from his destination.

"ICHIGO!" The voice of Rukia Kuchiki could be heard with tears that were already cascading down her face.


'Then life has no meaning.'

The date was August 3, 2023.

Only three years have passed since a deadly experiment escaped from a science lab in Austin, Texas.

Three years since the entire world exploded in a lifeless world and the strong were separated from the weak. When those who knew the real rules of survival, lived, and those who thought they could live off silly rules from a comedy movie like Zombieland, died.

Ichigo Kurosaki knew the real rules. He knew how to keep himself alive. As did Rukia Kuchiki, the only partner he let himself have. Mainly because people were a drag and slowed you down and eventually died off because they were far too reckless.

The two had met several months prior to the incident. They have been, and are still going, through the entire apocalypse together. They fought well side by side, they never had the fear of being injected of the venom that would make their eyes glaze over with the hideous blue white shade, along with the pale white skin. Or losing the only ray of hope their humanity had.

"Hey, Rukia?" Questioned the masculine man as he slowed his pace to a complete stop.

"Hmm?" Said girl replied.

"Everything in this city seems pretty fine. The whole area is completely deserted. Not even a sigh of fresh blood that one of those things could have taken from. Nothing." Ichigo turned to the petite woman mere feet away. Her eyes grazed the unknown fortress, her body stayed on guard. Lately, Ichigo had noticed how Rukia's guard is always up even when they're alone in the middle of an abandoned city. She's been extremely tense at all times and whenever he'd question it she'd respond with 'It's the way of life now.' He never took it any further, though, because of the fear of brewing up a fight and that is not something you can have in this world. There were enough enemies as it was. "We can scope out a house or apartment," He said. "Maybe even a super fancy hotel?" He tried to joke but his partner only nodded her head and began to walk the debris covered roads again. "Rukia?" Ichigo asked, worry weaving through his voice. He placed his hand softly on her shoulder.

Rukia's frame slightly jumped at the contact but it snapped her away from all her deep thoughts. Turning around she finally made contact with his liquid honey amber eyes. She let out a small chuckle before finally responding to him. "Sorry, Ichigo. Just dazing off, didn't mean to worry you." She placed her hand atop the one he placed over her shoulder.

He made short nod before breaking all contact. He let his eyes fall upon the fallen city. He took in every ruined convenience store and office building. Shattered windows, blood, wrecked cars. As cheesy as it sounded the movies had down a well job at imitating the apocalypse they hadn't known would truly happen.

"Let's find the nearest neighborhood, find a small house to stay for the night and lock down." Rukia told Ichigo as she placed the fully loaded silver pistol at her side. "We better hurry so we can beat nightfall." She crossed her arms tightly around her stomach as she spoke. Her eyes looked downcast at the dark green shirt whose sleeves covered all over her arms.

"Rukia, are you feeling alright?" Ichigo asked her.

"Huh? Oh, yeah, of course. Just tired." She let her arms fall back to her sides and continued, "Better get moving. Let's go!" Her small hand grasped Ichigo's much larger one, interlacing her fingers with his. And then they began their search.

Rukia's hand stayed tightly woven with Ichigo's until they stepped foot into the neighborhood. Once in, Rukia let Ichigo's hand fall from hers and her guard level went back up. The two passed house after house, it was a while before Rukia stopped in front of a small one story home that was in the best of condition, at least as best as you can get in a world such as theirs. Ichigo let a frustrated sigh pass his lips, Rukia was a picky home picker, whereas, Ichigo would've just gone to the first house his eyes laid upon. Both began to make their way slowly and cautiously to the front door.

Rukia had no problem opening the unlocked door; she looked around before stepping in. Ichigo followed right after. The raven haired woman walked straight into the fortress without hesitation. Ichigo stopped by the door and flipped the switched that was placed to the left of the door. Repeatedly he flicked the tiny switch up and down, though, he already fully knew that nothing would happen.

Her small hand brought the pistol from its enclosed holder and put it out and in position, ready to fire at any moment. When the pair passed by the open kitchen, Ichigo noticed a small glint of light showed but quickly faded. The man was quick to disregard it.

Just as they began the hallway that lead to all the rooms, the creak of a door was heard and the click of gun being cocked. Ichigo was quick to act. Roughly, he grabbed Rukia and wrapped both his arms around her and slammed them up against the nearest wall. His quick action was what saved them from the bullet that flew by them right as they hit the wall. Rukia let out a sharp gasp and Ichigo waited until everything fell silent yet again. Ichigo, hesitantly at first, let his arms unwrap themselves from the petite woman's waist and stepped back.

Rukia stepped away from Ichigo and took a head slowly towards the direction from which the bullet had been fired from. "Hello?"

Before their eyes a small girl walked out.

The little girl could be no more than sixteen years of age, which would mean she was only thirteen when this apocalypse started. How she survived? Neither knew but for a girl her age to have survived this long is a miracle.

Ichigo stopped and stood his ground, Rukia continued forward slowly towards the child. With each step that brought her closer Rukia examined her. Her hair was an unnatural color of sea green but oddly looked good on her. Her wide eyes, that held dark circles underneath, were a light shade of hazel. Her slim figure was shaking as Rukia approached and the gun in her hand was clanking with each step the older woman took. "It's okay. We won't hurt you, I promise."

Those small words did nothing to persuade the younger girl, when Rukia took a step that put the two only a foot away, the girl stepped back to make the space between them larger. "We're not infected." Rukia pushed the sleeve of her shirt up and showered her wrist, the most common spot for the undead to infected those who are not already, while Ichigo slowly followed suit.

With a great amount of hesitation the nameless girl, slowly lowered her gun. Rukia let a small, reassuring smile. The smaller girls' eyes began to glisten with tears as her gun clanked to the grown and she ran into the arms of the petite, raven haired woman. The second she was engulfed in Rukia's arms the small girl let out a loud sob.

Rukia let her cry, tightly in her arms. Ichigo walked over to the pair and guided them to a nearby couch. They sat like that for a long while, Rukia holding on to the helpless child and Ichigo silently watching. When her sobs slowed her, Rukia slowly let the girl go until she was at arm's length. "Now," She being softly, looking into the tear stained face and the eyes that held so much pain and hurt. Rukia had always been good with these situations. Whenever she and Ichigo had run in to frighten children, children who had been bitten and only had seconds to live, or even children like the one like the girl they see now, Rukia always how to touch or hold them. She knew how to calm them. If it ever came to one of the times when a child was on their last shred of humanity and seconds from being part of the growing undead, Rukia would sooth the child to sleep and Ichigo or a willing family member would take care of the rest.

Every time that had happened Rukia cried after. She said she shed the tears of those who would not know of their loss or just for the child who didn't know that they would not be waking up, come morning. Ichigo never shed a tear since the apocalypse, not that he ever did to begin with. But one would think that a situation like so would soften ones heart to tears.

"Can you tell me your name?" Rukia's soft voice broke through Ichigo's racing thoughts. The little girl looked up at Rukia and shook her head. "And why is that?"

"I… I don't remember it." She replied with a small frown.

"Well, that's no good. Maybe we can think of one for you?" Rukia happily replied.


Nodding Rukia answered her, "Of course." The violet eyed girl put a finger to her chin and examined the younger girl. "Your name will be…"

"Nel." Said a rough voice from behind them.

Rukia frowned at the orange headed man that now stood in front of her. "Why Nel?"

"Neliel, fully, Nel, for short." Ichigo says to the woman.

"That didn't answer my question."

The taller man shrugged and sat next to the girl and the scowl that seemed forever imprinted on his face lifted away as he offered the girl a small smile. "Do you like that name? Nel?"

"Nel." The girl tried it out herself. Then, smiling at how easily it rolled from her tongue and nodded her head.

"Then from this point on your name is Neliel."

"And Nel for short." She added.

Ichigo let another smile graze his lips, "And Nel for short." He repeated with a nod.

Rukia, sitting beside watching the small scene, smiled. Ichigo had a very fatherly presence when he saw children in sensitive moments. Though, he rarely ever showed it, it was overwhelming when he did. He could make children smile no matter how hard they tried to suppress it. This younger girl must have something special about her if she could bring out that side of him.

"Nel?" Rukia interrupted the small moment because a certain question was biting at her throat. "If you don't mind answering a question?"


"How long have you been on your own?" Rukia asked hesitantly.

The newly name girl, Nel, brushed her bangs away from her face and tucked a few strands behind her ear and looked up at the older woman, "Two and a half years."

Rukia and Ichigo frowned deeply. Ichigo asked the next question. "Your family didn't last long, did they?"

"Mhm," Nel nodded. "It was my older brother, mother, and me."

Ichigo was a little more than baffled to hear she was the youngest of her family and the only one to have come this far and to have done it all by herself for two and a half years. "When was the last time you made contact with a human being?" Ichigo questioned. Rukia immediately glared at the orange headed man.

'That's too sensitive of a topic! Idiot, just shut up!' Rukias mind yelled at him.

Ichigo felt the intensity of her glare and the bad vibe that was glowing around her. She had told him numerous times that when asking questions that were sensitive you have either one of two options: One, don't ask or two, do so slowly not blunt. Ichigo just broke both rules. He glance over at Rukia and shrugged his apology.

"Oh, um, well, I think it's been about ..two years?" She said unsure.

"Why didn't you find someone else? Like a partner?" Rukia asked Nel as she comfortingly rubbed her back.

Noticeably the girl stiffened and her hands slowly tightened to fists. "Uh, well, six months after my brother and mom died. I-I met this man I stayed with him for two, maybe three weeks. He said he'd protect me by all means because I looked 'so fragile'. He did for a while." She let out a small cough and cleared her throat as her eyes became intrigued with the floor. "Then, one day a huge league of them surrounded us. It was a normal back-to-back battle until at one moment he grabbed the back of my shirt. Flipped me over his shoulder and threw me on the floor, he began to run off in the opposite direction that they were coming. I remember he turned around and said, 'Sorry, kid, sometimes there's a time when you have to choose being a hero or saving your own life. And you need to choose which is more important." Nel let a soft sigh. "It's a miracle I made it out. I almost didn't but as you can see. I did." She smiled at both adults. "After that I found this house and never left unless completely necessary."

"I'm sorry you had to go through that at such a young age." Ichigo said, his voice twisted with true sadness. "I can't imagine how anyone could be so selfish as that."

"It's okay. I'm happy I made it out."

Nel nodded her head and Rukia smiles at her brave interior.

"Hey? What's your name, Lady?" The green haired girl asked with curiosity covering her eyes. "I never asked for it."

Rukia looked over at the smaller girl and smiled at her with soft eyes. "I am Rukia. Rukia Kuchiki." She replied.

Nel nodded and faced Ichigo. "And you, scary but nice guy?"

A small vein popped on Ichigo's forehead at the nickname. He growls a bit before answering, "Ichigo. Ichigo Kurosaki."

A/N: Why hello dear reader.! Thanks for reading this :o
This was originally planned to be just a one shot. I started writing it on paper and then typed half of it up. So if it gets decent response. I'll continue it:) That's if you want me to.

Aw, as for the name of this story.! Totally didn't come up with it. I was struggling with it. So I facebooked for help, hehe, and had some of my friends read the beginning and my friend Betty came up with a few and I thought this title was the coolest~ Rofl.
And the poem in beginning.? I came up with that.! Aha,

The year and date was picked totally random.

So anyways. Please, Review.! I want to know what you think of this one.!

Hopefully, I'll see your reviews.!


Personal Riot:)