Title: Highlight of the Day
Rating: G
Character(s)/Pairing: Ianto, Jack; Jack/Ianto
Summary: Ianto is fed up with Jack's stationary abuse. For the tw100 Challenge #188: yellow.
Disclaimer: Torchwood and associated characters belong to BBC and RTD.

When Ianto received the requisition forms signed in neon yellow, he knew he had to put his foot down.

"I'm sorry, Jack," he said as he marched into the office. "I'm going to have to take away your highlighters."

Jack, who had been doodling yellow stick figures on some scrap paper, pouted, and clutched the highlighter to his chest. "But I like them!"

Ianto rolled his eyes. "Look, you've highlighted every other sentence in Tosh's report, graffitied Myfanwy's beak, and this," he slapped the form onto the table, "is the last straw."

"What if I do something else with them?"