Disclaimer: Twilight belongs to Stephenie Meyer not me.
Author/Note 1: Sequel from Our Dawn 2
A/Note 2: I'm not a native English speaker so I'm sorry for my grammar and spelling. Thank you for reading.
Thanks to everyone who read and reviewed: teamtorettosupporter, FantasyLover74, Jada91, cinnamin, Cracker679, Blackwater Crazziii, Jacobleah, brankel1, Cherryx3Cat, Blackwater101, piper9004, BlacksWerewolfa, RobertForLife, o0FLAM3S0o, cyrusnjonas, Chica219, Sentinel10, wolfman inc, YoGurlB, Jeakat, CallyGreen, Teagann, Anne Sullivan, Twilighter, As Clear as Black, Rafaela, ILove2Write13, Mistress97.
Alert: the characters in this story curse a lot.
Dedicated to all the readers, reviewers and people who put this story on their Favourites and/or Alerts. You're the best.
Our Dawn
Part III
Sam Uley
Chapter 28 – Epilogue: Cold Vegeance
Vengeance should be served cold. I couldn't stop thinking about it. Her. Them. I knew she had never planned to have this life. If fate had only let her chose, I know she would've chosen me. The problem wasn't her, it was me. I was the one who messed everything up.
Deep inside I knew she wasn't trying to have revenge against me but that was exactly how it felt. It wasn't just her heart that was broken when I met her cousin for the first time, mine broke too. Only Emily filled it with love again and Leah's heart was broken beyond repair. Or so I thought.
But now, after seven years, I was finally aware that Leah's heart was whole again. Someone had fixed her, someone had become her "Emily". I was just too damn shocked to know that the person in question was none other than Jacob Black. My pack brother, my friend, someone I thought I could trust. An un-imprinted wolf for that matter.
I had no idea why I didn't see it coming. I mean it made sense. They were both suffering, they were rejected, humiliated and had to endure all of that pain alone. Two broken souls. Back then all I wanted was for Leah to stop hurting and stop hating me so I never saw any harm on her relationship with Jake. After all Jake was in love with Bella and his feelings didn't change even after she was turned into a leech.
Every time I saw Leah and Jake together I knew she was just trying to get to me, to make me jealous, to make me see she was moving on. I never reacted and that was probably my biggest mistake. I let them be too close and when I realised my mistake it was too late.
I never thought they would actually get involved much less sleep together. I knew Leah better than anyone else. She would never let anyone touch her after having her heart ripped out and yet she had let herself get knocked up. I wanted to believe that Jacob had taken advantage on her. Yes, he was a nice guy but he was a guy nevertheless. With a little help from a painful rejection and his wolf's hormones, I had no doubts he had forced her.
But then she defended him. She wanted to keep the baby and she even told me she had feelings for him. To say that I was shocked was an understatement. It wasn't easy to see her pregnant with another man's child. It wasn't easy to see her smile at him like she used to do for me. Only for me. I tried to understand how could she actually be in love with Jacob and I forced myself to believe that she couldn't. She was only pretending for the sake of her family and her children. Just like I made myself believe that Jacob wasn't also in love with her. She was simply a distraction and after getting her knocked up his only option was to take responsibility for his actions. A marriage for convenience and that was all.
But now everything was different. My theories had crumbled down when she announced her second pregnancy. For six years I had kept my hopes high that one day she would wake up and see that Jacob wasn't meant for her. But this child didn't seem to be a mistake. Whenever they looked at Isaac I could see love and pride in Jacob's eyes and pure adoration in Leah's.
I was wrong about their marriage and about them. Leah loved Jacob and Jacob loved Leah. And as the rain was falling on my already soaked body, I could listen to their words inside their house and it nearly killed me. They had tucked William and Harry and they had fed Isaac. The three children were now sleeping soundly. I thought that with three children at home they wouldn't have time for anything else. I had two on my own and Emily and I could hardly have time to ourselves but with them it was clearly different.
I was forced to leave Leah's back yard because I was close to phasing after hearing their first kiss. It was a long kiss that left both of them panting and my head started to hurt like hell. I knew perfectly well what was coming next and if I stayed there another minute I was sure that I would hear their clothes being shredded, their hearts racing, their kisses intensifying and their moans becoming louder. Suddenly the rain felt colder than usual.
I left because I was jealous and disappointed. Somehow I always thought that Jacob would imprint one day and leave Leah. It would be unfair but it would definitely prove I was right about their marriage being a huge mistake. I was being selfish but I couldn't help it.
The imprint bond was too strong to fight it. We all knew that. I tried to resist but in the end I couldn't. Emily became my world. I couldn't live without her, I couldn't breathe when she wasn't around, I couldn't be myself without her. If someone asked me if I regretted having picked Emily instead of Leah, I would tell the truth and the truth was that I didn't regret it. I was in love with Emily since the first day I saw her. I knew that she was who I needed but I couldn't lie to my own heart and say that I had forgotten all about Leah.
I still had feelings for her. Of course I didn't love her the same way I had before the imprint but our memories were still alive inside my heart and it was hard to know that we would never be together again. It was impossible to say goodbye and it was truly painful to know that someone else had her the way I used to. The worse part of it was to know that he could actually make her happy. He was there for her, he was the father of her children, he was the one she wanted now.
I had to take a deep breath before opening my front door. I had made a promise to myself once. Inside my house I would never think about Leah. It wouldn't be fair on Emily and our children so I was only allowed to remember the past outside otherwise it would be the same as cheating on my wife and Emily was someone who deserved to be respected above all things. I loved her, I loved Ella and I loved Levi more than anything in the world. I would never do that to them.
I walked in and took a long shower. Emily was getting ready to go to bed and the children were already sleeping. I went to their rooms and I watched as they slept quietly. I wanted to be the best dad in the world. I wasn't going to be like my father, who had abandoned his wife and child, who had cheated and had many mistresses. I wouldn't be surprised if Embry was my real brother. It was now safe to say that Billy wasn't his father and I was pretty much sure that Quil's father was innocent too.
Even though things had turned out differently from what I had expected I had no regrets and no sorrows. Inside my house I felt completely happy. I was a husband, a father, a friend. I had everything I always wished for.
I slowly brushed a few stripes of hair from Ella's face. She was my princess. We didn't know if she was going to phase into a wolf but it was unlikely. The leech doctor had said it and he was right most of the times. Levi was another story. He had the gene and one day he would phase. He would probably never be an alpha because Jacob's children carried that responsibility but I was sure he would be the best beta ever. I was a proud father.
After kissing both of my children I joined Emily in our bedroom. With one glance she knew I wasn't alright. Our bond was strong and unbreakable and she seemed to have a sixth sense that always told her when something was wrong with me.
She hugged me as soon as we lay together. As soon as she touched me I forgot about my relapse a few minutes ago.
"Are you worried about the meeting tomorrow?" She asked me.
"If you're not okay about being beta, you can just drop the position and stop being a wolf. I won't stop loving you and the guys won't say anything because deep down they want to do the same and have a normal life."
"It's not that. It's just that…after what Jacob told us about the Volturi and the Werewolves…"
"You don't want to stop phasing." She finished for me.
"Yes but I also have doubts about him."
"Who? Jacob Black?" She was surprised.
"He's…not the most responsible person on the planet and he's too connected with the Cullens. I'm afraid he's not the best person to lead the pack right now."
"He's the rightful alpha, Sam."
"I know and I really trust him, but…"
I couldn't say more without mentioning Leah so I pulled Emily's body closer to mine and buried my face in her long black hair.
"I'm worried about this war." I confessed and it wasn't a lie. Even the Council was worried about it. We were afraid that in a few years more kids started to phase and our own children would obviously be among them. The last thing we needed was to participate in a damn war.
"I'm worried too but Leah told me Alice will warn us when the time comes."
"I know." I inhaled her scent and closed my eyes enjoying the sweet smell of her shampoo.
"I've been thinking and…You know what we should do next year?"
"We should do the same Leah and Jake are going to do."
I knew what she was talking about. Jacob had sold his garage to some rich guy and could now afford to go on a vacation with Leah and the kids. They also had enough money to buy a new car and to save some for the twins. They still had hopes for their future in a good University although we all knew Harrison and William would phase before that and would be trapped in La Push just like us.
"I don't have a garage to sell honey."
"I've been saving…I'll have enough money for all four of us to go on a vacation next year." She said happily.
"Yes. I was thinking about Mexico or Brazil."
"What would I do without you…" I kissed her softly.
"You'd be alright but you wouldn't probably be going to Mexico next year." She replied playfully.
"That's not true. I wouldn't be able to live without you." I told her and I was being sincere. "You mean so much to me."
Emily cupped my face and we kissed with passion. I couldn't deny that we fitted. We were perfect for each other and every time we made love reassured me that I had made the right choice. Her sweet smell drove me insane and I slowly moved my hands to remove all of her clothes that were in the way.
I took my time because I wanted her to feel that she was special, that I really loved her despite my past relationship with her cousin. But during a split second my mind betrayed me and I recalled Leah and her scent. I was so stunned that her name almost left my lips. I managed to control myself just in time and when I rolled off to Emily's side, I realised that I did love her with all my heart but I also loved Leah. And for that I was condemned.
The Council had called a meeting with the whole pack because the New Year was coming and we had important decisions to make. Leah had her baby last month and she was ready to take her place as beta which meant I was going to step down on my position even though I thought I was more fitted to the task.
The meeting would also give us the opportunity to welcome Seth and greet him about his new job at the Hospital in Forks. Two of us were now working there: Kim as a nurse and now Seth as a doctor.
There was also another business to take care of. We had been told by the Cullens that a war between Werewolves and Vampires could happen in the future and the Council had made it clear that it was our responsibility to be ready if something happened. We were almost sure that the war would be fought in Europe and Asia but we had to take precautions mainly because the Volturi still had a morbid interest in Leah and William.
We decided to maintain patrols and be aware of any signs of danger. In the meantime Jacob had told us that Leah had seen two unidentified wolves while she was in Campell Island. The Council was absolutely shocked with her testimony about the new wolves and started to investigate on their own. Now we were about to know what they had finally discovered.
"Let's just start without them." Sue suggested.
Leah and Jacob were late and unfortunately I knew why. As if three children weren't enough they had to give in to their desires the night before an important meeting. That was so damn typical of Jacob Black.
"Maybe Seth should go there to make sure they didn't forget about the…" Billy never finished his sentence because they both arrived that same minute.
"Sorry…Isaac wouldn't stop crying." Jacob said.
I rolled my eyes. Lying piece of shit.
"You were the same Jake. You made me sleep on the couch for weeks after you were born." Billy recalled.
"I'm thinking about camping outside." Jacob whined and this time he seemed to be serious.
Leah hit him in the back of his head and the others laughed.
"So…have you decided what to do about the pack?" Old Quil asked.
I stepped forward but Jacob prevented me from talking.
"Yeah, we did. I'm keeping Sam as my beta." He said making everyone look at him in awe. Including me.
"Are you sure?" Sue asked surprised.
"Yes. We're sure mum." Leah stated.
"Leah can't be my beta because she's the alpha female, so…there's no need for Sam to back off from his beta post." Jacob glanced at me waiting for my reaction.
"Thanks…I guess." I mumbled.
"Okay. If no one opposes it's decided that Sam will remain beta." Billy said.
"Are there any news from Alice Cullen?" Old Quil question.
"No. So far so good. We're going over there tomorrow so they can see the kids before we go on vacations next month." Jacob announced.
"Give our compliments to Carlisle." Billy said.
"What about the other wolves?" Leah asked.
"We still have no clue about who they were." Old Quil stated. "But we're following a lead."
"What lead?" Quil asked his grandfather.
"It's still too soon to tell you but we'll talk about it soon enough." Billy finished.
"Fuck, you made me wake up on a Sunday at eight in the morning to tell us this shit?"
I didn't have to turn around to know that Paul was royally pissed and this time he wasn't the only one.
"I have a fucking exam tomorrow…I was supposed to be studying." Martin said.
"I should be fucking sleeping." Paul insisted.
"You and me, bro." Collin said.
"You sleep together?" Brady mocked.
"Shut the fuck up, you little shit." Paul groaned. "Or do you want me to tell your mother who you sleep with?"
A collective "Uhhhhh" was heard in the room.
"My mum knows all about Madeleine." Brady replied.
"What about Joelle? And Andrea? And…what was her name?" Paul smirked.
"Monica." Collin grinned.
Brady was now red and everyone laughed.
"The boy has skills." Quil stated.
"Aren't you playing with fire?" Seth asked. "What if you imprint?"
"I refuse to die a virgin like you and Quil." Brady said and we heard muffled laughs amongst the younger ones.
"You're dead Brady!" Quil warned and Brady left running to the forest phasing mid way. Seth and Quil followed him and I knew they wouldn't come back before kicking Brady's ass.
"I think I'm going to give Quil and Seth a hand." Paul said.
"You mean a paw." Embry referred.
"Whatever." Paul said leaving too. It was good to see that some of them still had the same childish and playful behaviour as before.
I managed to avoid Leah and Jacob for the rest of the morning. Besides they were more interested in talking with Sue and Billy about Isaac and the fact that he kept crying every night. Curiously that hadn't stopped them from having fun the previous night. I shivered thinking about it.
Minutes later Jared and I excused ourselves and we went home. We lived close to each other.
"How's Kim doing?" I asked.
"Much better…" He said. "You know in times like these I'm glad I imprinted."
"Really? Why?"
"Seth is right. Brady is playing with fire."
I sighed. I knew what Jared meant.
"Yeah, maybe."
"He can imprint any minute and to be in a relationship is…dangerous." He said. "But to play with those girls is also wrong." He added.
"As long as he doesn't fall in love for real, he'll be safe." I stated without thinking.
"Seriously? You think it's okay to have a different girlfriend every week?"
"It's better than having a long and steady relationship with someone and then be forced to…"
"Break her heart." Jared finished for me.
"Her memory still hunts you, doesn't it?"
It did much more than that but I would never admit it to anyone.
"She's with Jake now."
"I know that."
"She's our alpha female."
"I know that too."
"What they have is different but it's strong."
I shrugged. I knew it was wrong and selfish but even after six years I wasn't ready to let her go. It didn't matter that she was his wife, had his children and was his alpha female. I still had feelings for her and they weren't going to disappear anytime soon.
I made my way over to Emily and gave her the milk that she put in the small basket. Ella was trying to choose the flavour of her favourite ice cream and Levi was half sleeping in Emily's arms.
I saw Leah alone with three bags full of groceries leaving the store and I noticed how tired she looked. It was now the last week of January and despite everything we had heard, Jacob and Leah had cancelled their vacations and sent Jared, Kim and Jeremiah with Harry and William to Peru.
Right after their visit to the Cullens last month Jacob and Leah had an argument and although no one knew what that was about, we all suspected it was serious because a few days later Jacob moved out to stay at Quil's again and Seth moved in with Leah.
It was typical and everyone thought they would eventually make up. I couldn't lie and say that I was sad about them being separated. I was sad about the kids having to go all through that again and I was feeling sorry for Leah because she would have to take care of the kids on her own but I had told her countless of times that Jacob wasn't the one for her.
"She looked terrible." Emily said in a whisper. "Aunt Sue said she's just a little tired but I think there's more. They're hiding something."
"Like what?" I asked.
"I don't know. Leah took care of the twins on her own and she was never this tired. Isaac can't be that bad."
"She's probably upset because Jacob is an idiot."
"I'm going to have a word with Aunt Sue. I need to know…"
"Know what Emily?" I insisted.
"Look…Leah's a shape shifter, right?"
I nodded.
"She's strong and she never gets sick…but…her condition isn't normal. She wasn't supposed to be this tired plus I've seen her taking some medicine."
"Medicine? What for?"
"I don't know but I'm scared that she could have the same illness Aunt Sue had years ago."
"The brain tumour?"
Emily was right. Leah could have inherited the same thing which meant she was very sick at the moment and that explained why Sue and Seth were always around helping her with Isaac. If this was the case then Jacob was a fucking moron. How could he leave her in a time like that? Was he that clueless of what was going on with his own wife?
After leaving Emily and the kids at home I decided to pay Quil a visit because I wanted to talk to Jacob as soon as possible. Apparently Quil wasn't home and I found Jake playing some stupid game in the living room.
"What the fuck?" I could hardly keep my temper. "You're playing a damn game?"
"Hey Sam…What's up?"
"You're a real bastard, do you know that?"
Jacob moved his eyes away from the TV's screen and watched me carefully.
"What's the matter with you?" He asked.
"You're the one who was supposed to know that."
"You lost me." He said.
"How could you leave her like this?"
Jacob understood immediately I was talking about Leah and dropped the controller. He glared fiercely at me.
"My wife has nothing to do with you Sam."
"She's a member of my pack too."
"She's my…"
"Alpha female, wife, soul mate." I copied his voice. "Yeah, yeah…so you keep saying, but you're not treating her the way you should."
"You have nothing to do with my marriage."
"You were supposed to be helping her."
"I know that, but I can't…not right now."
"Do you know how much she needs you?"
"Yes Sam, I do."
"She's not well…"
"I know."
"And you left her anyway?"
"I had to. It will be easier this way."
I wanted to punch him hard in the face but I knew he would heal fast.
"I was right…you were never good enough for her."
I turned around and left. He was lucky I hadn't phased and ripped his head off. Without noticing where I was going I ended up at Leah's doorstep. She was alone with Isaac. That was a great chance for me to talk to her privately.
I heard her saying to Isaac that she wouldn't be around forever and he was going to have to depend more on his father. I felt pity for the kid because Jacob was an irresponsible jerk.
Leah was surprised to see me knocking at her door but despite her current state she opened the door and accepted to talk to me.
"You should've left him a long time ago." I snapped.
"What are you talking about Sam?" She asked following me to the messy living room.
"He's a damn jerk!" I half yelled. "How could he leave you like this?"
"Lower your voice, Isaac is sleeping." She warned me.
"Leah…" I approached her and grabbed her shoulders. "You deserve more…please…don't let him ruin your life."
"What are you talking about?" She repeated.
"You're not well. You're sick…"
She looked to the floor not wanting to meet my eyes.
"I can be here for you. Me, Emily, Sue, Seth…We'll help you."
"Sam, I think you should leave."
"I'm not leaving! I need to know you'll be alright."
"I'm fine."
"No, you're not."
"Sam, Jacob is coming over and I don't want you two fighting about this."
"He knows you're sick and he doesn't even give a damn."
"That's not true."
"Yes, it is. But don't worry, I'm here for you. I'm sure that if Sue made it, you can make it too. You just need to talk to the leech doctor and…"
"Sam, stop! I said I'm fine."
In that moment a very pissed off Jacob Black entered the house and came straight at me.
"What the fuck gives you the right to come to my house and harass my wife?" He growled.
"The fact that you know she's ill and don't even care." I replied.
Jacob lifted his fist to hit me but Leah grabbed his arm.
"No. Let's handle this peacefully." She begged.
"There's no other way to solve this, Leah." Jacob said. "Unless you tell him the truth."
Leah let go of his arm.
"I know the truth, Jake." I said. "I know she's sick and I know you're not man enough to take care of her."
"Fuck this!" Jacob said and he grabbed my neck pinning me to the wall. "I'm sick of you and your protectiveness towards my wife! She's mine, do you get that or do I need to draw you a damn picture?"
"Jacob!" Leah scolded. "The baby is upstairs."
"I know. I'm just trying to make this idiot see he can't just claim you back."
"I'm doing the right thing, Jake. You're the one acting like a jealous prick. At least I'm trying to help Leah while you just left her."
"I didn't leave her!" He yelled at me.
"Liar." I spat.
"Sam…I told you everything is fine." Leah assured. "Why can't you just forget about it?"
"Because I care about you Leah. I can't stand the idea that you might die."
"I'm not dying Sam…I'm pregnant."
I felt Jacob loosening the grip around my neck until he let me go. I was completely frozen. I wasn't sure about what I had just heard.
"What did you say?" I asked.
"I said I'm pregnant. I'm having another baby."
I felt numb for a while. I looked at both of them and finally realised that this wasn't a morbid vengeance against me or Bella. This was…true love. There was nothing I could do to break their bond and honestly, maybe that wasn't the right thing to do.
I had to learn to live with this. I had always seemed to play the wrong card. I had been chasing something that I would never have again. This was it. Jacob had won. I had lost. Leah was happy. Their children deserved to be with both their parents.
Fate was a funny thing but in the end we always get what we deserve and in a way, Jacob and Leah deserved each other. As I left their house on that rainy afternoon I became aware that reality was much simpler than I always thought. Jacob and Leah would be together as long as fate would let them.
Leah and Sam would never be a reality again. This was goodbye. At least for me. But I knew that after tonight, after finally accepting my defeat, a new dawn would come and the sun would rise again.
Our Dawn 4
Jacob Black
Prologue: Unbreakable (part 1)
Leah was right all along. Our lives could resemble a fucking carousel or maybe a rollercoaster. When Isaac was born we thought we would have some time to relax and see our boys growing up like it was supposed to be. Instead we rushed things again.
It wasn't totally our fault. I mean that was what we kept telling ourselves. After Isaac's birth Leah had recovered rather fast and the mating season was just around the corner so we took every time we could be alone and together to do what every normal couple of shape shifters do.
Besides Isaac didn't actually let us sleep over the first month so what else could we do? Since we were awake we just decided to take the chance and use the time in a more productive way. Plus we had been far too long without touching each other. We didn't sleep together for almost four months because of Leah's pregnancy.
So, okay maybe we should have talked about this with Carlisle, since he was a doctor, but sometimes hormones just speak louder and in this case things backfired…again. What's new, right?
When we travelled to Canada to visit the Cullens before the New Year, Leah had a fit because Emmett told her she smelled funny. I didn't know why she got so damn upset I mean Emmett always loved to tease us. Especially her.
The next thing I knew she left me alone with the kids at the Cullen's and went to the nearest town saying that she needed to buy something. I thought she was going to buy a fucking gun to kill Emmett but then again she was a wolf and we all knew guns don't work on someone who's already dead. So I waited patiently for her to return. She came back after two hours and God she was pissed off.
When I asked her what the hell was going on she swung her right hook and hit me straight in the face. Needless to say that she broke my nose, that healed seconds later, and it took Alice, Bella and Edward to get her off of me even though Jasper was the one who saved my life because he managed to control her in time.
I was shocked by her actions. I knew Leah had constant mood swings and she could be quite violent sometimes but this was beyond strange. Edward read her thoughts and advised me to be extremely careful with my words. When I asked again what had upset her so much she threw a white stick at my chest and I believe I blinked several times before realising what it was: a pregnancy test. A very positive pregnancy test.
Then I did the most stupid thing ever. I laughed. She almost phased. The Cullens almost became homeless and I thanked the Spirits that Rosalie and Esme had taken the kids upstairs. To say that she was pissed off was an understatement and she didn't speak to me during the whole day. Carlisle asked her to run a few blood tests to check if she really was pregnant and it also came back positive. It seemed that the drugs Joham had given her while he kept her prisoner had some component that had neutralised the pill she was taking. He then gave her a prescription for a medicine to clean her system completely without harming the baby and she almost snapped again. She told him he could shove that up his sparkling ass because now it was useless, she was already pregnant.
He told us that this time Leah was going to need to be extra careful. He didn't know if the drugs had more side effects after a second conception or if her womb was totally recovered from the previous pregnancy. She would have to stop working and our vacation would also have to be cancelled. Since the mating season was starting soon we would probably have to stay away from each other until it was over.
The first couple of weeks we struggled to keep focused on what was happening. Leah was extremely angry with me although she couldn't put all the blames on me. It was hard to have a quiet talk to her because she really wanted to rip my head off, or my balls. But she wasn't the only one having troubles coping with all her feelings. I was also forced to think about our current situation. We had just become parents again and now we would have to remake our plans and our priorities.
But after a while we came around. We gave in and she even cried in my arms all night apologising for her behaviour. I understood. She was exhausted since Isaac was born and wanted to get back to our normal routine fast and now she was going to go through all of it again. She told me she wanted this baby as much as she had wanted Harrison, William and Isaac but she was expecting to get pregnant again only in a few years.
I felt almost the same. She knew I wanted more kids but right now I was focusing on Harry, Will and Isaac and I had to admit that my hands were full. This pregnancy caught both of us off guard. Only this time was worse because we would have to be apart for about four months. We were going to have to handle more rumours, not that it would matter to us. I mean we were used to it by now. When Leah was pregnant the first time, she was called a bitch and accused of conning me after getting knocked up on purpose. The second time everyone thought Isaac wasn't mine. I could hardly imagine what was coming next.
Leah wanted her pregnancy to remain a secret for a while. I didn't see any reason to do that. A pregnancy wasn't something she could hide for too long and she would have some symptoms showing soon enough. So when Sam came to find me and accused me of being a negligent husband and father I didn't tell him the truth because Leah didn't want anyone to know yet. But Sam, being the stupid asshole he always was, went to talk to Leah and she had no choice but to tell him. After that we ended up telling everyone what was going on between us and let's just say people had different reactions.
Fortunately Sue and Seth were on our side and I trusted them Leah and Isaac while I had to stay with Quil. A few months later I was able to go back home and things became easier. Leah ended up handling this pregnancy better than I expected. And if she was happy, so was I. I tried to help as much as I could and in the end I was rewarded when she told me I had made her the happiest woman on Earth. She added something about my flaws but I chose to ignore that part.
I kept recalling all the good moments we had spent together for the last few years while pacing back and forth in the Hospital's corridor. I was outside Leah's room waiting patiently. I was worried and nervous but I trusted Seth and Kim. They were both inside the room with a couple more nurses. Leah was in labour for almost an hour now.
"How is she?" Sue asked meeting me in the hall followed by Charlie.
"She's still in there. I don't know what's going on." I said. "Where are the kids?"
"With Rebecca."
"Didn't they let you in?" Charlie inquired. "I was allowed to watch Bella when she was being born."
"Apparently when she's giving birth Leah hates me. Seth told me to wait outside so I don't disturb her more."
"Right." Charlie said almost in a whisper. "Seth's the doctor now...so maybe it's better this way."
"She's going to be fine, Jacob." Sue assured me. "You know Leah."
As soon as she spoke those words we heard Leah's screams and then a baby cried. I was a father again and it felt like the world had stopped. The feeling of being responsible for the creation of a new life was amazing.
A blondish nurse came outside and called me. I walked in the room to see Leah holding a tiny little baby in her arms. Quietly all the nurses left the room to give us some privacy. Only Seth remained with us.
"Look Jacob…She's so beautiful." She said emotionally.
"Yeah…It's a girl." Seth said with a smile. "A perfect little girl."
I approached Leah and kissed her forehead. I could tell she was exhausted but her smile was absolutely genuine.
"She has your hair but she looks like me." She said.
I sat down beside Leah and watched our baby girl.
"Hey Sarah…It's daddy. You're going to be daddy's little girl." I whispered.
Leah let me hold Sarah for a while and I was completely captivated when she opened her beautiful brown eyes and looked at me.
"You did an awesome job, Leah."
"No, we did this together."
"I mean it Leah…You're awesome."
She smiled at me and rested her head on the pillow obviously feeling tired.
"I'm glad you noticed it." She smirked.
"I always knew you were amazing. I never doubted it."
"Please…get a damn room." Seth said. "Wait…on a second thought just ignore what I said. I just think you should call it a rest for now. No more children for a few years."
"What do you think Leah? Should we call it a rest?" I said in a seductive voice.
"I don't know. I always wanted to have triplets." She answered playfully with a mischievous smile.
Seth looked at us as if we had grown two heads and then put his hands in the air in surrender.
"Fine…do whatever you want. Go for a football team…see if I care." He said with a long sigh. "It's not my problem anyway."
"I disagree." I announced.
"What?" He questioned.
"You're going to be Isaac's godfather, Seth."
"Yep. You picked his name, remember?" Leah reminded him.
"Thanks, sis. It'll be an honour."
We had talked about our kids' godparents a few weeks ago and we decided we should make Seth Isaac's godfather and Kim his godmother. As for Sarah we weren't sure yet but we were inclined to ask Esme and Carlisle to be her godparents.
Sarah was now asleep and I handed her over to Leah who kissed her little pink cheek and we just stayed there watching our baby girl in pure bliss.
The song that was playing on the radio was still in my head when I killed the engine and left my beautiful Land Rover parked outside our house. I knew Leah was probably angry at me after all she had left about seventeen messages on my cell. I was royally fucked.
I loved her more than anything else in this fucking world. I loved all of our four children but I needed a break and tonight I had found my chance to do it with the guys. Leah had sent me over to Rebecca's to ask something I didn't remember anymore. In the process I had learned that Embry was going over to Sam's to play some poker with the guys.
I didn't want to go at first. I had a duty and should go back home to my wife and kids but then I thought that ten minutes wouldn't hurt. Plus it had been three months after Sarah's birth and I hadn't failed any of my responsibilities as a father so far.
Besides the twins had all their homework done, Isaac was fed and Sarah was sleeping. Why couldn't I spend a few minutes with my friends, my pack, having some fun? When we arrived at Sam's, Paul, Jared, Quil, Collin and Brady were already there. Emily was out with the kids, she was probably at Kim's. After all Kim was two months pregnant and she had always been best friends with Emily. They would have loads to talk about.
I played with the guys, we talked about several things and we ended up drinking all of Sam's stash of alcohol. Ten minutes quickly became five hours and now I was standing outside my front door not knowing what to do. I knew that she was going to kill me whether I was drunk or not.
My hand was almost touching the doorknob when the door opened suddenly revealing a very scary Leah. I was pathetic. For fuck sake I was the alpha of my pack, I had killed and fought all kinds of leeches, I had been tortured by that little bitch named Jane in Italy and yet I was shitless scared of my own wife.
"Hey…" I said sheepishly.
"Did you have fun tonight?" She asked almost aggressively.
"I did." I said going inside. By the look on her face I knew I wouldn't win anything unless I was honest.
"Don't you think you could at least call me to let me know where you were going?"
"Well…" She was right. God, I was stupid sometimes.
"I had to call the entire Reservation to know where you were." She said crossing her arms over her chest.
"Sorry." I tried.
"What the fuck have you been doing with those shit-heads?"
"Playing poker." I let my body fall on the couch and put my head back. Her voice was starting to feel like a buzz in my brain.
"Great…gambling and drinking…what a damn model you are for your children."
"Come on Leah…it was one night. I was…exhausted…I needed a break."
"What about me? Don't I need a break too?"
"It's not my fault your friends don't play poker."
"Fuck you." She spat and went to the kitchen.
I heard her pacing around mumbling things, possibly insulting me and my childishness. After a few minutes she came back to the living room holding a cup of black coffee that she handed me.
"Drink it now."
I didn't think I needed the coffee since I wasn't that drunk, but in that precise moment I didn't think it was a good move to antagonise her even more so I drank the coffee and let my head fall again in the couch.
"Are the kids asleep?" I asked.
"Yes. Not thanks to you anyways…"
"I said I'm sorry Leah. What else do you want me to say?"
"Look I'm tired…I'm going to bed."
"I'm going with you." I said getting up.
She glared hard at me.
"What?" I asked. "I need to sleep too, don't I?"
"You can sleep here."
"What? Why?"
"Use your brain, idiot."
"Come on…That's not fair."
"And is it fair to leave me for five hours with four children? Is it fair not picking up your stupid phone? Is it fair to make me worry about you?"
She came closer and poked me on the chest. In a fast movement I grabbed her wrists and pressed her to me.
"Stop that Leah! I'm sorry I was an idiot, okay? It won't happen again."
"Why don't you go to seek some comfort at Sam's? It looks like he's much more interesting than your own family." She snarled trying to break free from my iron grip.
"Well…because I couldn't do this to Sam."
My lips met hers and she tasted really sweet tonight. I didn't know if it was the drinks or the coffee, but whatever it was enhancing Leah's sweet taste was making impossible for me to stop.
We only broke the kiss when the lack of oxygen became unbearable. I had left her breathless and finally she had gone mute.
"I should've stayed home." I said.
"Yeah, you should." She agreed. "Asshole."
"I'm here now." I grazed her lips with mine and I felt her heat consuming all my body.
I knew then why she was so angry about me coming home so late and slightly drunk. She had been waiting for me. The alcohol was disappearing from my system and I could now smell her perfume. I let go of her wrists and took a quick look at what she was wearing. Her black nightdress was so short I could see her long legs perfectly and her neck was totally exposed to me.
"You look so beautiful." I gasped in amazement.
"If only you'd come home earlier."
"The night is still young." I contradicted.
Three months of total abstinence were enough. We had followed Carlisle's instructions and a month ago we had already been told that it was safe for us to sleep together.
"You have to work tomorrow."
"I'm calling it a sick day. Quil can cover for me."
I pushed her over to the stairs.
"You can't come home drunk and expect for me to reward you."
"You want this too, Leah. I can feel it."
She trembled when I kissed her neck on the top of the stairs.
"Jacob…" She moaned. "Stop…"
"Make me."
I pulled her to our bedroom and she didn't resist me for too long. This time we were gentle and patient with each other. I wanted her to feel special; after all she was the most perfect woman on the damn Universe.
"Leah…You're amazing." I whispered.
I could feel her smile on my skin while she was planting fiery and small kisses along my bare chest.
"You're not bad yourself, Jacob."
"I guess I have to go to Sam's and play poker more often." I joked.
"Shut up and kiss me." She ordered.
"I love the way you punish me."
She flipped us over and straddled me. My hands rolled down her sides in an attempt to feel more of her perfect body.
"Let's see what more you love about me…"
"Everything Leah. I love everything about you."
I lifted her nightdress slowly and threw it to the floor. She repeated my actions with my pants. Then I took that chance to flip us over again. Yes, there was a wave of lust washing over both of our bodies but I didn't want her to feel just the want, I wanted her to feel the deep and true feelings I had for her. She was my everything. I knew she was impatient for me to start moving but I wanted to let this moment last.
She put her arms around my neck and I let myself succumb to her want and her desires. We pressed our bodies even closer and it didn't take long for her to start moaning at the pace of our rhythm.
"Jacob…" She said in the most sensual voice I had ever heard before.
"If you get me pregnant again I'm going to cut your balls off, understand?" She was now looking at me with a mischievous expression.
"You're turning me on, baby."
"Did I make myself clear, Black?" She grinned.
"Crystal clear."
She bit her lower lip while we exchanged a silent look and then we had the most perfect night of our lives. Nothing would top that in a very long time. It was absolutely amazing. We ended up resting in each other's arms trying to catch our breaths.
"You should've told me you wanted a break Jacob." She said adjusting herself between the white sheets.
"I know…But I didn't want you to think I'm selfish." I kissed her neck and wrapped my arms around her waist.
"You're not selfish. Being a father can be as tiring as being a mother. I just wish you would've talked to me."
"I'm so sorry. It won't happen again."
I kissed her forehead and held her as close as I possibly could. She embraced me and we stayed in silence for a while.
"I love the sound of your heart." She said.
"Good because my heart is yours."
"Forever?" She asked playfully.
"And ever." I declared firmly.
It was official, I hated mating season. Thank the Spirits the wolves only had one mating season per year: one single period when the female is sexually active in order to breed. Usually we were able to control our inner wolves and Carlisle had told us that if we used protection, Leah wouldn't get pregnant not even if she was "in heat".
So we were used to deal with it but after two consecutive pregnancies, one of which had occurred precisely during a mating season, we decided to cool down and we also realised that it was better for us to stay away from each other.
But this time I couldn't just leave her alone with four kids to take care of. It would be unfair to say the least and we were talking about four months. So we agreed that we should just ignore each other's presence when we were in the house at the same time. Plan number one failed miserably. Her smell was too intoxicating for me to resist and I was too hot for her to keep her hands off of me, or so she told me.
We understood that we wouldn't be able to be under the same roof without purchasing some sort of intimate contact. So after coming home from work one of us would stay with the kids while the other would patrol. Leah hadn't phased in a while and she missed it so in the second week of January I put her on patrol with Seth.
I stayed at home with the kids but three hours later I had to call Sue because Sarah refused to drink the milk bottle I prepared. Isaac was so much easier to handle than her. She would have her mother's temper that much I knew. I didn't know if I should be happy or frightened about it.
Since Sue was in control, I decided to take a small nap on the couch. The TV was on but I was too tired to pay it some attention. I closed my eyes and with nothing to worry about I fell asleep. I woke up with someone shaking me violently.
"What?" I groaned.
"Something happened." Sue's disturbed voice said and I sat down immediately.
What could've happened during, I checked my watch, the two hours I had been off? There were no vampire's activities since Aro, Jane, Demitri and Alec had been here. Maybe Sue wasn't talking about Seth and Leah, after all they were experienced wolves and I hadn't heard them howl.
"Are the kids okay?" I asked, convinced that one of my children had done something.
"They're fine…It's…" Sue's eyes went to the floor and that got me worried. Sue Clearwater would always go straight to the point.
"What happened? Tell me."
"Seth called…They need you in the forest."
"Is Leah okay?"
Sue didn't answer and I just felt my heart racing. Something was definitely wrong with Leah and I had to know what. I stormed out of the house and phased as soon as I reached the first tree line on our back yard not even caring if I had just ruined an expensive shirt.
I ran through the forest as fast as I could, following Leah's scent. I could feel she wasn't too far away. I found her and Seth on the cliffs. A brief look made me notice she wasn't hurt but her face was contorted in a disgusted expression. Both Seth and Leah were in their human forms and when Seth turned around to meet me, I saw another person standing there.
He was just a few inches smaller than Seth. His body was muscled, tanned and he was wearing only cut-offs. His black hair reached his shoulders and he had also black eyes. I didn't know him and I was sure he didn't live in La Push. It was hard to say his age, but he was probably a bit younger than me.
"You better phase back, Jake." Seth said. "There's someone you need to meet."
I didn't have any clothes to put on so Seth had to give me his extra pair of shorts. I phased back behind a tree and joined them. I felt stupid for overreacting when Sue told me something had happened. This was just a stranger. A very peculiar stranger, but we could handle it.
"Who's he?" I asked. "Is he one of the wolves you saw when you were taken by Joham?" I asked Leah and she nodded negatively.
"He says his name is Josh. He's from the Makah Reservation." Seth explained and Josh nodded with his head complimenting me at the same time.
He didn't look dangerous and the fact that he was a wolf didn't surprise me that much. He looked like us and we all knew Quileutes and Makahs always had connections between their people so Josh was just like Embry which meant that his father was certainly one of us.
"He doesn't know his father." Seth said as if he had read my mind. "His mother died a few months ago and told him to come to La Push if something happened to her."
"We have to tell the Council." I stated. "This is their department, not mine."
"There's more…" Seth announced unsure if he should continue. I saw Leah turning her head the other way and Josh simply smiled.
"What the hell is going on?" I inquired.
"Josh…" Seth glanced over at his sister again.
"He imprinted on me." Leah said in a whisper.
I felt the floor disappearing below my feet and my brain shut down for a moment. Someone had imprinted on her. Someone that wasn't me had actually imprinted on Leah. How was that possible?
"Did…Did you imprint on him too?" I almost chocked after saying those words.
"I don't think so…But…I don't know for sure." She said looking at me.
Josh was as lost as me. I could see it in his face.
"Did I do anything wrong?" He asked.
Yeah, you exist you piece of shit. I wanted to tell him that but I knew it wasn't his fault.
"What do we do, Jake?" Seth asked.
"Take him to Old Quil's place and summon the Council. We'll be right behind you." I ordered.
"Okay. Let's go Josh."
"Is he the one in charge?" I heard Josh asking Seth.
"Yeah. Jake's the alpha."
"Really? Awesome."
When they both disappeared behind the trees the silence was almost too much to bear.
"Don't say anything…I can't believe this is happening." She confessed. "I'm so sorry."
"Do you love him?"
"Of course not. I hardly know him."
"What happened when you first saw him then?"
"Seth and I were patrolling and he jumped out of the woods. We were completely astonished to see an unknown wolf out here. Because we couldn't read his mind we decided to phase back and when we met, he couldn't stop staring at me."
"Did you feel the pull, too?"
"No. I don't think I did. I think he imprinted on me but I don't think I imprinted on him. But that's not possible, is it?"
"I have no idea."
"What a mess…" She said and started crying.
"It's okay, Leah." I said embracing her.
"No, it's not. We have four kids, Jacob. I can't be someone else's imprint."
"I know. I don't want you to be with him either. That's why I'm going to ask you something and I want you to be honest."
She looked up to meet my eyes.
"The imprint bond in unbreakable and it can tear you apart both physically and emotionally…" I started.
She nodded in agreement.
"Do you think you can risk your health and sanity for me?"
"I'd risk anything for you Jacob." She stated firmly.
"Okay…then…I beg you Leah…don't leave me. Don't give up on us. Fight it like I would if it was me who had imprinted."
A single tear rolled down my face and she kissed me tenderly.
"I'm going to fight it, Jacob. I swear. I won't let you down. I can't loose you…not like this."
I hugged her tightly and we promised to fight this battle together. Time changes and people change too, but love, our love would never change. Giving up wasn't in our nature and we had four good reasons not to give in: Harrison, William, Isaac and Sarah.
We would prevail.
To be continued…
A/Note 3: I didn't post sooner because I had problems with my laptop, again. He died…like really died. I'm not wasting anymore money or time with that piece of crap, I'm buying a new one…I just need the money first. So I'm sorry about the delay, I hope you like the final chapter. Yes, I'm going to write Our Dawn 4, entering new characters and focusing more on the pack. Any questions, suggestions or comments, please feel free to ask.
Thank you so much for all your support. Take care everyone.
Blackwater101: You, my friend, deserve a cookie, because you managed to read my mind and know what was going to happen. So here's Jake's little girl. This story ends with a cliffhanger but like Jacob put it, their love will prevail.
Rafaela: Não te preocupes, agora que já terminei esta fic vou começar a escrevê-la em português para publicar. Vou também começar a próxima, Our Dawn 4/O Nosso Amanhecer 4. Bjos