Brian was currently visiting his favorite place in the world, Mr. Justin's ass. It had been his 'vacation hot spot' for the past three weeks, and would continue to be so for as long as he damn well pleased.

He wasn't going to spout off any profanities such as 'Forever' or 'Exclusive'. For now, he chalked it up to delicious fucking and incredible blow jobs that just happen to coincide with someone whose personality wasn't entirely repulsive.

As he increased the speed and intensity of his thrusts, he didn't let himself think about the fact that this blond had been spending 'a much too many' nights in his bed. 'It's always handy to have a hot fuck on stand by' he concluded, before feeling a riptide of ecstasy vibrate him to the fucking core.

"Oh shit. Brian." those beautiful lips breathed.

Brian smiled to himself in satisfaction both for his performance and his own mind blowing orgasm. 'Yes. This man had definitely been able to match his stamina. Hell, he almost superseded it. Almost.'

Justin glanced at the clock as he felt GOD pull out of him, eliciting a small groan from both men. Though he could've remained in bed with Brian forever and been content, he had to go.

The past three weeks had been a whirlwind of hot sex and intensifying emotions. He wasn't sure exactly what Brian made of the speed at which everything was progressing 'He was probably chalking it up to fantastic fucking' but he for one, knew it was definitely already beyond that.

'If Kinney didn't watch out he was going to collide head fucking first into a relationship.' Justin smiled as he pondered not letting Brian in on that fact. He knew that the 'Stud of Liberty Ave' was wholeheartedly against anything even remotely resembling one of those 'R' words.

Though, he also knew that he had been unexpectedly introduced to an entirely different Brian Kinney than the rest of Pittsburgh. If the fact that in three weeks he had almost traded in all one hundred chocolate kisses for sexual favors was any indication.

"Well, that was quite the wake up call." Brian drawled as he drew the blond in for a quick albeit deep kiss. "I think we need a shower." his eyes danced wickedly.

Justin's groin responded 'Fuck Yes we do!' but his mouth betrayed him, "I can't. Gotta go." he smiled.

Brian groaned (since his cock couldn't speak for itself).

"It's a school day." the teacher mused. "In fact, it is for you too." he said smacking the brunet's ass and began to collect his clothes that were haphazardly flung about the loft. 'Brian wasn't exactly a man of patience when it came to undressing him.'

"Yes mother." the brunet drawled in falsetto. "I have to pick up Gus, then I'm going to stop by the diner to get him some breakfast." He was already turning on the water, making Justin curse the fucking time clock he had to punch at work.

Brian was going to the diner again, the place that Justin knew all of his friends (family as it were) would be. He felt a sudden pang of disappointment and a tiny (nearly invisible) pang of anger.

Brian had never offered to take him there, or to Deb's for Sunday dinners. Nor' had he introduced him to Deb or anyone other than Mel and Lindsay (who he already knew) and he knew why.

The elusive Brian-fucking-Kinney simply could not be seen standing close to a man unless his cock was being serviced. He didn't expect boyfriend status but damn it, he did expect and deserve respect. Although he relished in his alone time with him, he couldn't stop himself from feeling like the 'Slutty little mistress Brian was cheating on his life with.'

He had already quite ironically repeatedly broken his 'no repeats' rule. Not to mention that Justin was hard pressed to find too many minutes in the past twenty one days that Brian would have been able to trick.

He smiled softly to himself armed with the small hope that perhaps he was inadvertently breaking down more of the King's castle walls with every waking moment.

Justin, now fully dressed, called into the bathroom. 'If he went in there he was absolutely going to be late for work.'

"Alright, I guess I'll see you at the Zoo in few. Just remember when you're riding in your nice air conditioned 'Vette, my ass will be enduring the claustrophobic ambiance of a ride in yellow hell."

Brian chuckled, 'he was too fucking cute'.

"Aw, don't worry, it's only a twenty minute bus ride Sunshine." then he added while shampooing his hair, "Trust me if your ass can handle the pounding it just received, it can most certainly handle that ride."

He smiled as he imagined the blush undoubtedly kissing that deliciously pale flesh.

"I'm so excited you're comin' with me today daddy! Yeah, you sure are the best daddy ever!" Gus smiled brightly then continued to shovel in a mouthful of omelet.

It never ceased to amaze Brian how much food that tiny tummy could consume. He felt a delicate heat spread into his own tummy, it had nothing to do with his coffee he was drinking. Hearing his son's declaration had sincerely warmed his heart. A fact for which he was grateful, it proved that his chest did indeed possess one.

"I'm excited too Sonny boy." Brian smiled all the while wondering why he'd ever agreed to go to the fucking zoo (He shuddered). 'Did he want to be surrounded by filthy animals roasting in the August heat? Not so much.' He looked at the small boy on the stool beside him. Ah, reason confirmed. Gus had quite literally begged him to come on this Overnight trip to the Pittsburgh Zoo and Aquarium.

Ever since their trip to Hershey park nearly three weeks ago 'Christ. Was that all? ' Brian had found himself a lot more involved in Gus' life. That had been a bonding experience for them both and he really did have Gus' best interests at heart. Though he'd be lying if he said a certain tight assed blond wasn't also part of this sudden transformation into 'Ward Cleaver'.

He started to question just what the fuck he was doing with this blond, when he (thankfully) stopped himself. It wasn't anything, at least not anything he couldn't handle. He glanced at the clock, and was glad that it was still early. Hopefully he could duck out of the diner before the gang arrived.

He was well aware that he, Brian Kinney, Stud of Liberty Avenue had been neglecting his duties in the royal court. His loyal subjects were absolutely going to bombard him with questions he didn't want to answer. Since he'd met him, he admittedly didn't go out as much. In fact he hadn't even done that many tricks.

Hell, the only trick he'd been doing in abundance was Juggling. Juggling his job, his newfound daddy duties, his friends and above all else, juggling Justin. He wasn't very good. So he hadn't been in a hurry to send this man away. Who could fault him for wanting to have easy access to the world's most perfect fuck? 'No one. That's who.'

"Daddy!" a small voice with a big attitude snapped. "Listen, are you listening?"

Gus wondered what his daddy was thinking about. It must've been important cause' he sure wasn't paying attention to him. He was excited about today. Yeah, he knew his daddy was too. Even though he said he 'didn't do zoos' whatever that meant, Gus didn't know. He could just tell his daddy was real excited, Mr. Justin was real excited too. When he told his teacher that his daddy was coming with them he had been happy. He means really really happy. Like the time he finally got the training wheels taken off of his bicycle.

He wondered if daddy had taught Mr. Justin how to 'ride like a big boy'. He sure hoped so.

Brian emerged from his mind and faced the expression of annoyance his son was wearing. "I'm sorry Sonny boy, I'm listening now. What were you trying to say?"

"I saaaaaid," he sighed heavily "is Mr. Justin your boyfriend now?" his accusing glare did not falter. The brunet couldn't stop the smile from invading his lips, Gus was nothing if not confident in the importance of his discussions.

'What the hell should he tell the kid? Fuck if he knew.' He quickly searched and grabbed 'avoidance' from the 'Brian Kinney Excuse Arsenal'. "Eat your eggs." was all he said.

"Heeey. You didn't answer me!" Gus exclaimed. It was times like these that Brian wished his son wasn't so much like him. Gus always called him out on his bullshit.

"Hmm, well let's see. Is Layla your giiiirlfriend?" he teased, and was in turn rewarded with a miniature scowl (that could've been plagiarized straight from the 'Kinney Operating Manual') and two tiny shaking fists.

Brian laughed, Gus blushed and picked up his fork, "I think I'm gonna eat my eggs." he declared in defeat. "Good idea." his daddy told him.

Gus finished his breakfast and ran behind the counter to hug nanny Deb goodbye. She had stashed some lemon bars in his backpack when his daddy wasn't looking. She smiled at him and told him it was a secret treat. Gus sure did like secrets. He giggled and gave her one last kiss on the cheek. He heard his daddy say it was time to go. He was ready for the zoo, with his secret stowaway sweets in tow.

As they headed for the door, Brian heard the chime. 'Shit. The gangs all here.' he thought dryly as Mikey, The professor, Emmett and the 'now straight little gay hustler who could' entered the restaurant.

"Hey guys! We're going to theā€¦" Gus's words were cut short when his daddy's shoe lightly pressed his backpack and ushered him out the door.

"Morning fellas, I'd love to stay and chat, but I don't want to." Brian smirked, then added "Don't want Gus to be late for school."

Brian apologized to Gus for literally kicking him out, but he just didn't want his nosy friends to know where he was going. 'Anyway, it was none of their fucking business.'