Hey guys!

Okay, as much as I love Sandy and Andy and Sam individually, I have to confess that Oliver Shaw is my favorite character. He is a complete scene stealer, even when he's not talking. Matt Gordon is an absolutely genius actor. Ollie should definitely get more lines and screen time.

Anyways, hope you all enjoy! Please review, I live for them. xx

On days like these, Oliver Shaw loved his job.

He ate his melon in silence, watching Epstein and Peck bicker like siblings over her relationship with Diaz. It was just like one of his wife's horrible daytime soap operas, but a million times better. He couldn't recall if him, Noelle, Sammy, and Jerry had had this much drama when they were rookies. He highly doubted it - they never had a high strung blond to deal with.

Epstein was quickly turning into his favorite rookie. The kid was witty and quick on his feet, and slightly, very very slightly, reminded him of himself. Of course, McNally would always have a special place in his rookie lineup, since she did save his life and all. But Epstein was rapidly climbing up the ladder.

Noelle walked in the room with an exasperated look on her face, interrupting the cat fight between the two rookies. He was momentarily sad that the entertaining show had been cut short, but Noelle more than made up for it with her story of the crazy, naked John Doe.

He really didn't want to leave his unfinished fruit to process the amnesiac man, so he swiveled his chair around.

"You know what, this seems like a job for..."

"Peck and Epstein!" Noelle finished his thought.

"Peckstein. I kind of like that, actually," he said. Noelle grinned in agreement. He noticed Epstein had a bemused look on his face.

"Rookies, go find our John Doe some clothes," Noelle ordered, grabbing the last piece of pineapple from Oliver's container. He opened his mouth in protest just as Peck slammed her soda can down on her desk, storming off, with Epstein trailing close behind.

His mouth fell open. "Little Miss Put-Upon," he said snarkily.

"What's going on there?" Noelle asked in the same sarcastic tone.

"Wow," he finished. Yep, it was these types of scenes that had him loving his job. Rookies were so predictable...except when you needed them to be. Always in a teenage angsty dilemma. Always in the middle of a dramatic problem that wasn't really dramatic at all.

And then here came Diaz and Nash, tripping over themselves as the carried boxes brimming with God-knows-what. Noelle giggled as Diaz ran into the door.

Shaw smiled. These were the shifts he called his happy days.