Contains spoilers for "Legend: 1 & 2" - but I'm assuming most LA fans already know what happens in those. Heh, even the regular NCIS fans know about those! And spoilers for "Missing" as well.
Written for and betaed by veggiewoppa (from Psychfic).
Disclaimer: I don't own NCIS LA or any of the characters used here (with the exceptions of Garrison, Turner, and a few various others). Wish I did, but nope, this is just for fun with no profit involved. (Bummer.)
Originally written March 2010.
Sam crept towards the back of the house, making sure to stay below the sightline of the windows. Pulling up beside the door, he checked to make sure his gun was loaded. "You ready, Kensi?"
"Ready," she replied over the comm. unit.
"Okay, guys," Eric instructed. "Once you're in, it's pretty much a straight shot to the basement. It's through a door in the kitchen, to the right of the stove."
"All right," Sam acknowledged. "On my count. One …"
The agents tensed in anticipation.
"… Two …"
They reached for the door handles.
"… Three!"
At that, they threw them open, busting in with their weapons at the ready. Shouts of "Clear!" echoed through the stillness as they made their way from room to room.
Sam kept hoping Callen would hear their calls and let them know where he was, but there was nothing to be heard.
"Sam," Kensi's voice came through again, "you might want to see this."
The other agent came running. "What is it?"
In answer, Kensi pointed at the door. Various wires ran from both the frame and the door itself to a small device stuck to the middle of the door.
The digital face of the device read 00:01:49 and was steadily working downward.