Author's Note: Just a short little piece, set sometime in the future. Hope you enjoy!

Disclaimer: I do not own Rookie Blue.

"Remind me again why I agreed to do this." Sam said, holding two tent poles in his hands, completely unaware of what to do with them.

Andy sighed, taking the poles from him and expertly running them through the lining of the tent. "Because," she said, "you wanted to try new things."

He swatted a mosquito that landed on his arm. "Nope, I'm pretty sure that's not it."

Andy smiled triumphantly as she surveyed the perfectly pitched tent. "Because you always wanted to be a boy scout," she tried.

Sam held up three fingers in a mock scout solute. "That's definitely not it."

"Because you wanted to fall asleep to the gentle sounds of nature?"

"My lullabies growing up were car alarms and sirens," Sam said, shaking out his sleeping bag and throwing it into the tent.

Andy looked up from the fire she was kindling and over at him. "Because you love me?"

She saw his lips twitch with a smile. "Maybe."

Standing up, she sauntered to him, giving him her most seductive smile. "Because its just you and me out here, all alone, no one around," she said, running a finger down the front of his chest.

"I'm starting to remember now." He grinned at her, "I think I might need a little more help though."

Andy traced her finger over the zipper of his jeans and heard him moan softly. "Because," she said, rising on her tiptoes to whisper in his ear, "for the next forty eight hours, I'm all yours."

She nibbled along his earlobe and giggled when she felt his hands come around to cup her butt, lifting her into his arms.

"All mine, huh?" He asked, supporting her with one arm while undoing the tent's zipper with the other.

"All yours," she whispered into his ear, her voice smooth.

He laid her down on one of the sleeping bags, zipping the tent closed behind him. "I'm fairly certain you promised me you'd be naked," he said, grinning down at her.

"Well," she said, slipping her shirt over her head, "I always keep my promises."

She woke up the next morning snuggled against Sam, his arms wrapped tightly around her. She took in the dark circles under his eyes and laughed, "Did you sleep at all last night?"

"Not even a little bit." He said, annoyed, "Every time I would nod off a freaking owl would hoot or I'd hear something moving around out there. I'm surprised we weren't mauled by bears."

She grinned up at him. "I saw a hotel a couple of miles back."

Before she had even gotten the words out of her mouth he was up and out of the sleeping bag, throwing her clothes at her.

"You really are a city boy, aren't you?" She laughed, pulling on her sweatshirt.

Sam leaned over to kiss her. "Yeah, but you love me anyway."

"Yes, I do," she agreed.