And here we go! I'm officially flipping the little drop down to "Complete"
Just a note, since this is the second alert for this story that some of you will be receiving today! Make sure you check out Chapter 13 (posted early this morning) before this one or you might be a little lost!
Her Own Rules
Two months later...
"Are you ready yet?" Andy asked for what seemed like the millionth time.
"Andy," came Traci's slightly disgruntled voice from where she was bent over tying up her boots, "we're not going to be late for parade! In fact," the young cop glanced up at her friend, "at this rate, we're going to be so early its pathetic!"
"I just want to get a good seat!" Andy was practically bouncing on her heels.
"You're way too excited over this," Traci sighed. "You know that right?"
"You're just sure that it's done... right?" Andy asked, suddenly fearing that parade might not be as fun as she intended it to be.
"Yes," Traci chuckled. "For the last time, Andy, I'm sure. Best wrote it in as a donation last night before he left. I dropped the money off in his office because Jerry was out on a case late with Luke."
"Just checking," Andy replied. "I don't exactly want to make a fool of myself today."
"Yeah, and showing up an hour early for parade won't do that at all..." Traci rolled her eyes and both girls broke out into a fit of giggles.
"It's not an hour early!" Andy protested. "Only fifteen minutes!"
"An hour, fifteen minutes, it's all the same. Early is early," Traci pointed out, "and you Andy McNally, are almost never early."
"I'm just glad it's finally over," Andy admitted. "I thought it was never going to end."
"Getting a bit frustrated?" Traci asked, raising an eyebrow.
"I think Sam is about to kill me," said Andy.
"Oh, so he's the frustrated one!" chuckled Traci as she began putting things back into her locker.
"It's not funny Trace!" exclaimed Andy. "I had to bribe Doctor Hammond to push back Sam's final checkup so that I didn't lose my 'not until you get the full okay from Hammond' excuse! And Sam's shoulder has been fine for weeks!"
"So you two really haven't..." Traci trailed off. Her question was clearly implied.
"I haven't even stayed at his house Traci," Andy explained. "We decided to take it slow. We've gone out—always to places where we're not likely to run into anyone—but I haven't stayed there and he hasn't stayed at my place."
"All that trouble just to teach some people a lesson," Traci mused, laughing slightly before closing her locker and replacing the lock. "You know... You two probably could have gotten away with sneaking around if you really put your minds to it."
"I decided right off the bat that I wasn't going to do that," Andy explained. "Even if I'm pissed that you guys started a bet in the first place doesn't mean I wasn't going to play at least somewhat fair. I did my cheating by getting the list... The least I could do was actually play by the rules."
"Alright evil, yet apparently fair, mastermind," Traci laughed, standing up from the bench, "I'm ready."
"Good!" Andy smiled at Traci and made her way out of the women's locker room, only to find Sam waiting for her. "Hey, you," she smiled.
"You're here early," he observed. "What happened to arriving twenty minutes before shift and having to rush around just to make it to parade?"
"I wanted some time to ask you how your doctor's appointment last night went," she lied. "What'd Hammond have to say?"
"He said the same thing I've been saying for weeks," Sam grumped. "I'm fine."
"I know you're fine, Sam," Andy explained, "but it's nice to hear that the doctor agrees." Stepping forward slightly, she laced their fingers together. "We got lucky with your shoulder, and every time I think of how bad it could have been... Well, that's why I've been such a pain about it."
Sam smiled, giving her hand a light squeeze, "Despite the annoyance it has caused," he laughed, "I'm glad you've been around to be a pain about it."
"Me too," Andy returned his smile. Out of the corner of her eye, she spotted Luke making his way towards them, nose buried in some file or another. Dropping Sam's hand, she turned to call out, "Hey Callaghan! You going to be in parade today?"
Luke glanced up from his papers. When he caught sight of her a huge grin spread across his face and he began to laugh, "Wouldn't miss it for the world, McNally!"
As Luke continued by, Andy turned back towards Sam only to be met with one of his scowls; something she'd grown used to over the past two months. He still wasn't completely comfortable with the friendship she had with Luke, but he dealt with it for her sake.
"What was that about?" he asked.
"Just something that Luke helped me out with a while ago," she shot him a reassuring smile. "It's nothing to worry about, so cheer up! It's going to be a long day and," she leaned in so that he was the only one who heard her next words, "since Hammond says you're fine, it's going to be a long night too."
Smirking slightly at the blank expression which had taken over Sam's face, Andy turned and practically skipped into the parade room. Finding a seat in the front row, she waited patiently as everyone filtered their way in. Best was the last to join them and Andy couldn't help but notice that he did not seem to be in a very good mood.
The next fifteen minutes were the longest ones Andy had ever experienced. But she needed to wait until the perfect moment...
"Alright... That's it. Serve, protect and..." Best was finally concluding his speech when Andy shot her hand into the air, "yes McNally?"
"Sir," Andy began, playing as innocent as possible. "Is it really true that someone anonymously donated a thousand dollars to the division?" If looks could kill, the one that Best was giving her would have done Andy in, but she kept her eyes fixed on him, giving it right back.
Murmurs spread quickly through the room but Andy ignored them. She knew that everyone was trying to figure out how she'd heard about the money. It would have to be painfully clear that if she knew about the money, she probably knew about the bet too. Now they knew there was a traitor in their midst and she could only imagine the witch-hunt that would take place over the next few days.
Except they'd never figure out who gave up the information, especially since the spilling was actually a team effort. Andy had already thanked Noelle and Traci for their parts and a crisp one-hundred dollar bill had been waiting for Gail when she arrived at work.
"Yes, McNally," Best ground out, "it's true."
"Wow!" Andy exclaimed, trying desperately not to laugh. Out of the corner of her eye, she could see that Luke was in a similar predicament. "Who would donate that much money? Did any of the other divisions get donations as well?"
"No," Best answered. "No other divisions received donations. And this one was anonymous, so we have no way of telling where it came from."
"That's a shame," she sighed dramatically, not caring that by now everyone knew she was putting on an act. "I'd have loved to thank the person or persons."
"We all would," snapped Best. "Now if that's everything... Get to work people!" With that, he practically stomped out of the parade room.
Andy couldn't hold it in anymore and finally burst into laughter as she rose from her seat. She'd actually pulled it off without cracking up, something that Luke had bet her she couldn't do. Now, possibly, the coppers of Fifteen would be a little more reluctant to bet their hard-earned money on co-workers since they knew that secrets have a way of leaking out to the wrong people.
"I clearly missed something," said Sam as they made their way out of the building before splitting up to join their respective partners.
They hadn't been partnered together since she'd been cut loose and while it was hard adjusting to not seeing him all day every day, Andy was actually okay with the arrangement. It was much easier to focus on her job when it was Dov in the driver's seat yammering on about something she had no interest in than it had been when Sam was there to distract her.
"I'll explain it all later, " she assured him, opening the door of her squad and sliding into the passenger's seat. "For now, let's just get through this shift so we can go home."
"No argument there, McNally," Sam laughed, climbing into his own car where Chris was waiting. "I'll see you then."
After a quick dinner stop to see Adèle and an even quicker drive back to his place, Sam hadn't even let Andy get inside the house before he was on her; pressing her expertly against his front door with one hand, his lips never leaving hers as he used the other to slide his key into the lock.
Andy was more than happy to let him take control, after all, she'd practically been torturing him—and herself, by extension—for months. She couldn't even begin to count the number of times they'd come so close, only to have her back away with another lame excuse about his shoulder or something equally as stupid.
But this time she didn't need to stop him, and there was no force imaginable that could make her do so.
Andy watched from behind heavy lids as Sam moved deftly around the room lighting the few candles which were set out. She didn't quite know when they'd made it to his bedroom, but she certainly wasn't complaining. Sam Swarek could kiss her senseless any day he wanted.
She smiled as he lit the last candle, flipping off his lamp and returning to her on the bed. They both knew that he was recreating their almost first-time and that this time the lights wouldn't be coming back on to scare her away. There wouldn't be any horribly-timed phone calls from Luke, and this time she was most definitely not going to run away.
Once they were face-to-face again, Sam brushed his nose against hers—an affectionate gesture that Andy had come to anticipate from him. "You sure?" he asked tentatively.
Leaning up, she pressed her lips softly against his and smiled, "I've never been more sure of anything in my life, Sam. I love you."
"I love you too," he replied, leaning in to capture her mouth once again.
Later that night, as they lay quietly in Sam's bed—both tired and, finally, satisfied—Andy couldn't help but think about how perfect her life was turning out. Sure she'd hit some pretty severe speed bumps along the way, but in the end everything was coming together quite nicely.
She'd managed to stay friends with Luke despite their break up and her subsequent attachment to Sam. Most days were still a challenge, but they were doing it.
She'd passed her evaluations with flying colors—thanks to Sam—and was being viewed more and more as a regular cop each day. She'd still be Rookie McNally until the division got a new batch of rookies, but at least the other officers weren't treating her like she didn't know anything.
She'd managed to not rush into her relationship with Sam and as a result realized she was head over heels in love. Each day was spent learning more and more just how impossible it would be to live without him.
Most importantly though, she'd finally found the confidence in herself that she'd been missing for far too long. No longer did she second-guess every single decision she made. No longer did she fear having to reach for her gun. She was becoming the cop that she wanted to be more and more with every passing day.
She'd manage to take the parts of her life that were spinning out of control and bring them back down to Earth; and she'd done it all in her own way and on her own terms.
"So," Sam began, pulling her even tighter into his embrace, "you said you'd tell me what was up at parade today."
"Let's just say," she smiled, leaning up to kiss him once more and run her fingers down his bare chest, eliciting a noise from him that vibrated the skin under her fingertips, "that when Andy McNally makes her own rules... All bets are off."
I can't believe it's really over guys! This has been such an awesome story to write and I'm going to miss thinking about it all the time! But never fear! Look for more stuff from me very soon! I'm working on some Confessions chapters which should get posted over the next few days and of course I've got a Fic Tac Toe challenge with tikvarn to finish up!
As always, author alerts will get you updated on all my doings fanfic related and so will joining me—and several other marvelous authors such as tikvarn, JacyntheD and ghrocks07—in Twitterland (whttrs)!
Thanks again for all the wonderful reviews that you guys have left me! I'd never have finished this baby without your encouragement!
And... Since this really is the end of Her Own Rules, and you guys have stuck with me since the beginning, I have a bit of a present for you. So... Without further ado, I present for your reading pleasure a sneak-peek at my next multi-chapter fic: Steel Key!
"Leave him alone!" Andy shouted, trying once again to pull free from her bindings but it was no use. The only thing she'd have to show for her efforts would be severe rope burn around her wrists.
"What part," Harris drawled, waving his gun in her face, "of 'shut up or I'll blow your fucking head off' did you not understand?"
"Then do it," Andy spat. "Kill me." She didn't care a single bit about the weapon. The only thing that mattered to her right now was that less than five feet from her slumped an unconscious Sam. "But leave him alone! My partner had nothing to do with this! I'm the one who was sent the drive!"
"Your partner started this, bitch," the man yelled. "He was real selfish dragging you into it. Now you've gotta pay for his stupidity."
"Then like I said: kill me!" she nearly screamed. "Just do it already!"
"I'm not done with you yet," Harris laughed and the sound made Andy sick to her stomach. She didn't want to imagine what he meant by that statement, but one thing she was pretty sure of was that no matter how much she provoked him, he didn't have the authority to harm her.
Andy knew enough about how drug rings worked to know that there was only one boss and unless the orders came down directly from that boss, the "underlings" didn't dare make a move. And if she knew as much about Anton Hill as she thought she did, there was no way he'd order their deaths before putting in an appearance. Especially since even if they were gone, he still wouldn't have the USB drive.
"Just what I thought," she chuckled sarcastically, "you can't do a damn thing."
"Excuse me?"
"You heard me!" she ground out. "You can't do a damn thing! Hill hasn't given you permission to kill us, and even if he had, I bet you don't have the balls for it Terance."
"You don't know anything!" he shouted, moving to stand right in front of her.
"I know I'm right," she assured him. "Hill calls the shots around here, and so far," she glanced around dramatically for effect, "I haven't seen hide nor hair of boss man. I think I'll start worrying when he actually shows up."
"Well in that case, Officer McNally," came a voice from behind her and Andy's blood ran cold. She knew that voice, it was one she'd definitely heard before: Hill. "You can start worrying now."