Characters not mine.

(Originally written for a free-for-all challenge on comment_fic. Prompt was "Trying Muggle clothes for the first time.")

The clothes don't fit quite right. This is okay. They're Remus's - stolen with permission, because he's a friend and knows Sirius doesn't want to be cooped up in a houseful of disappointed parents all summer. His mother has already made her disapproval abundantly clear, and Sirius is pretty certain if he has to sit through one more family dinner with her, he's going to curse the ground open to swallow at least one of them.

There's an entire world out there that she won't follow him into, full of things like working telephone booths and loudspeakers and motorbikes. Sirius understands very little of it, but he wants to - it's so different from anyplace he's been to, since he's never been outside of places like Diagon and Knockturn Alleys, where there was no risk of running into Muggles. Even James, whose blood is as wizarding as Sirius's, has seen some of Muggle London, and Sirius is the one who lives there.

So at the end of the year, Remus shoved a t-shirt and a pair of jeans into Sirius's trunk underneath a stack of books, just in case he wanted to do some exploring. The shirt fits like he presumes it should, although it feels weird because the closest thing to Muggle shirts Sirius has worn in the past were all long-sleeved and high-collared. The jeans more or less fit, too, although Sirius is taller than Remus and there's an extra inch of his socks showing. But he ought to look Muggle enough not to get any stares, if he can get out of the house.

It's really too hot for him to be going out in a cloak, but Sirius grabs one anyway. According to Regulus and the house elves, he's always doing crazy things anyway, so if Dad happens to come out of the office while Sirius is sneaking out, he doubts he'll comment on the cloak. He'll ditch it under a shrub in the front garden and get out of the neighborhood as quick as he can to look for a telephone booth.

Because when Remus had lent him the clothes, he'd put a bit of parchment with his telephone number and a few coins in one of the pockets, and told Sirius that if he ever did get out of the house, to find a phone and call him before Sirius got himself arrested. And even if Remus does come with a chaperon, Sirius is willing to admit that Muggle London is so big he wouldn't mind seeing it with a friend.