The Group Date and the H.C.S. - Chapter 4 The Chase

-ShinjiroxHamuko, AkihikoxHamuko, KenxHamuko Fluff

-Persona 4 characters are also involved (Because I like inconsistency and non-canon storyline, the Persona 4 characters will be the same age as the Persona 3 characters).

-Your story-teller: Cielle's Amour


This newly met silver-haired man was tightly clasping onto her hand as they ran outside of the restaurant. Still running to keep up with him, she asked within breaths, "Where...are...we...going...?" He tugged on her hand to keep running with him and she obliged, still perplexed on what happened earlier. They were now running up a lush, green hill trying to make it to the top.

They finally made it to the top and both of them were out of breath; they had run away from the others back at Paulownia Mall so quickly. Hamuko was surprised, not because of how much they ran, but because the scenery was so stunning from the top of the hill. She didn't even know such a hill existed in the city before.

Souji sat down in front of the tree and quietly looked at the scenery. The auburn-haired girl walked up and sat down next to him. She then asked, "So what's gonna happen now?"

- Do nothing

- Hold her hand

- Put it in

Unfortunately, he didn't have enough courage to put it in, so he stuck with just holding her hand. Stunned by the sudden contact, she blushed but didn't pull away.

Meanwhile back at the restaurant

Both Akihiko and Chie were fuming in anger as they saw Souji and Hamuko run off like that. Ken tried to calm the boxer down, "H-Hey, come on...have some meat..." The young boy held up a sausage from the dish he ordered earlier and held it up to Akihiko.

"MEAT!" He dove for the sausage until he felt a kick to his side, "Oomph!" He was knocked to the side but recovered quickly to find that the girl in the green jacket named Chie grabbed the sausage away from Ken's fork.

Fuming even more in anger, he marched up to her and yelled, "Hey! That was mine!"

She finished chewing and stuck her tongue out. She scoffed at him and turned away from the boxer while saying, "Winner's keepers!"

The girl with the long, black hair named Yukiko laughed again, "Ahaha! You're so funny, Chie!" The blue-haired man-girl named Naoto adjusted her hat and crossed her arms, "Can I go now?"

Yosuke pinched the bridge of his nose, "Geeez, now this groupdate is sorta ruined because of all of you."

Yukari nodded and faced her two friends on the side of her, "Hey, I'm gonna go look for Hamuko." Facing the three other men, she said, "Sorry, but I guess I have to bail out early. It seems like this wasn't the most successful group date ever..."

Teddie ecstatically yelled, "Au contraire, mademoiselle! Meeting you lovely girls made this date bear-y successful!"

Yukari gave an un-amused face as she got up, "For some reason, I get the feeling I'll meet someone like you in the future..."

The blonde held her hand, "Yes, you'll see me again, my beautiful maiden! But next time, I'll score with you!"

She slapped his hand away from hers, "Ew! Get away from me!" She stepped out of the food booth and ran out the restaurant door.

Teddie looked at Yosuke with a confused look, "Was it something I said?" The brown-haired man next to him just sighed and looked downwards in defeat.

Akihiko and Chie were still in their heated argument about their frenzied passion over meat when Ken thought in his head, "Hey...if I find Hamuko before anyone else, then I can have an "alone" time with her...!" The young boy sprinted out the door.

The silver-haired boxer turned around to find Ken running outside. "What's that stupid shota doing?" He gasped and had a look of horror on his face. "He's trying to find Hamuko first! We'll see about that!"

Before Akihiko was able to sprint out, Shinjiro tripped him and ran out himself. On the floor, the boxer yelled, "You traitoooooooooor!" Chie nodded to Yukiko who also nodded and they both ran out the door dragging Naoto along, stepping on the silver-haired boxer in the process. After being trampled, Akihiko was now slowly crawling out of the restaurant.

Back at the table, Kanji looked at the food he was eating, "Hey this is pretty good." Teddie smiled cheerfully, "The city is so interesting!" Yosuke just sighed again and the two girls were disoriented at what just took place.

/ - /

Yukari had just exited Paulownia Mall in order to search for her auburn-haired friend and was contemplating where to search right when a group of people whizzed right by. They ran by so fast, the brunette was alarmed and then saw Akihiko crawling to the same direction. She just shook her head and thought whether it was best to follow them or not. She was a little tired from this whole event, maybe she could get snacks and rest on some greenery?

Ken was searching frantically and had looked all over Port Island Station. He mused to himself while wearing a detective's cap and holding a pipe, "They couldn't have gone to Iwatodai Station, the train hasn't arrived during this whole time and won't be coming until ten minutes later..." Bubbles popped up from his pipe as he blew on it. Shinjiro, the girls, and then Akihiko came from behind and approached the young boy.

Chie bent down to Ken's height and asked, "Have you seen them, shota?" Ken gave an un-amused face and looked away, "Please don't call me that..."

The young boy blew on his bubble pipe again. "They're not here in Port Island Station, I think...I asked everyone here but they haven't seen them. They couldn't have gotten past here to Iwatodai Station because the train schedule isn't matched up..."

The blue-haired girl wearing the hat stepped up, taking Ken's bubble pipe and blowing it on herself, "Then that must mean we have to search the school and vicinity around it." Chie looked over at Naoto and asked, "But isn't the school gates closed today? I don't think they would be at school..."

"OBJECTION!" Akihiko was now standing up and pointing his finger at her. "They could have just climbed the school gates!" He slammed his hand on a table in front of him. Two men carrying the table looked at him, "Um...would you mind taking your hand off?" The silver-haired man took his hand off and said a 'sorry' before walking up to Ken.

Ken nodded to Akihiko and said, "Right, let's look for them at your school then." The boxer nodded back and turned to face Shinjiro, "Hey...w-wha?" Looking around, he couldn't see his friend anywhere. "Wait! Where did he go?" The long, black-haired girl pointed to a direction and said, "He already ran off towards that way awhile ago."

Both the young boy and the silver-haired man were fuming in anger and sprinted off. How dare Shinjiro get a lead on finding Hamuko! ? The girls shrugged and decided to follow them as well.

/ - /

Yukari had just bought some snacks and bottled tea from the mart and was now just lying on the some grass. She laughed at herself, "Geez, this is so unlike me to just sit here and do nothing. Well it's nice to relax sometimes..." With her arms behind her head, she just looked up at the clouds. And then she saw a hill with a giant tree...and on it, there were two with auburn hair and another with silver-gray hair... it can't be! She stood up in surprise and ran up the hill to see if it was Hamuko and Souji.

And indeed it was. And they were holding hands. D'aaww. How convenient for her to find them so quickly and easily. The brunette thought it was cute to see them so close together and was contemplating whether or not she should ruin the moment. Then she thought to herself, "Well those idiots are going to find them and give us all a major headache." She thought it was better if she intruded on their space.

Yukari walked up and waved to them. "Hey, having fun, guys?" Both Hamuko and Souji blushed as they immediately let go of their hands and placed on their laps. She smiled at that and continued, "Well, let's get back home, we don't want those other people to find you and blow a gasket on you guys."

Both Hamuko and Souji stood up. The auburn-haired girl smiled and said, "It was nice meeting you, Souji." He smiled back, "Likewise." Yukari placed a hand on her friend's shoulder and whispered in her ear. The leader blushed and looked downwards.

Walking close to Souji, the ruby-eyed girl faced him and asked, "Um...would you like to stay at my place for a bit?" The silver-haired man smiled and said yes to the offer.

/ - /

Shinjiro had just arrived at school, eager to look for Hamuko and to beat the living crap out of that Souji guy. No one takes his dog...err, love interest. He was about to climb over the school gates when Akihiko and Ken came sprinting up towards him in a mad dash. The tall brunette was taken aback in surprise, "Geez you two run fast!"

The silver-haired man punched Shinjiro on the cheek while Ken kicked his shin. Clutching both his cheek and his shin, the tall brunette yelled, "Hey, what was that for, you punks?"

Looking down at Shinjiro, Akihiko made a 'tch' sound and said, "Thought you could get a lead on finding Hamuko huh? Guess again! The first person who will find her is me!" After saying that, the silver-haired man started climbing up the school gates.

"Oh no you don't!" Shinjiro was now pulling on Akihiko's legs trying to pull him off the school gates. Ken also joined in on the pulling. "That wouldn't be fair if you got to be the one to find her first!"

Akihiko flailed his legs attempting to kick both Shinjiro and Ken off of his legs. "Don't underestimate me, you damn druggy and shota!" While the guys were having their frenzied battle, all the girls had already climbed over. "Oi!" Hearing the yell, all three of the guys looked over and saw the girls waving at them.

Chie laughed and ran off with the other girls. "We're gonna find them first! Better hurry up, slackers!"

The boxer's competitive nature smoldered as he saw the girls way ahead of him. While still on the gate, he turned his head sideways and yelled, "Dammit, we have to work together to find them!" Both Shinjiro and Ken agreed to that and let go of the silver-haired man's legs. With that, Akihiko climbed over the gate and Shinjiro followed suit.

Ken was still on the outside side of the gate, trying to climb it. " guys...I'm not tall enough to climb over..." Both the silver-haired man and the tall brunette sprinted off. Clinging onto the gate, the young boy yelled, "Hey, come back, you bastards!"

/ - /

Hamuko pushed the dorm door and let Yukari and Souji in. "We're back!" Mitsuru was reading on the couch and looked over at them, "Welcome back." Looking at the new silver-haired man, she asked, "A visitor?"

The auburn-haired girl blushed and placed her hand on the back of her head. Yukari piped up, "Yah, it's okay if he stays for a bit, right?" The redhead turned back towards her book and responded, "It's alright if it's for a bit then."

Junpei came from downstairs and greeted all of them, "Hey! Oh! Who's the new guy?" Bringing his hand up, the newly met silver gray-haired man said, "Hey, my name's Souji." The man in the cap brought his hand up to meet his and shook it, "Right back at ya, the name's Junpei!"

Junpei then whispered to the girls, "Ooh, you guys snatched a looker!" Hamuko giggled and blushed again while Yukari just laughed. The brunette's face then became serious glaring horrible, sharp daggers at Junpei. He stepped back, cowering and asked, "Hey...Yuka-tan, why so serious?"

She pulled on his ear and dragged him into the kitchen leaving Hamuko and Souji confused. When Yukari and Junpei were in the kitchen, the brunette harshly whispered at him, "Hey! I thought I told you to keep an eye on those three troublesome guys!"

The man in the cap sheepishly scratched the back of his head and looked away from the glowering Yukari. He couldn't really explain it, but he actually didn't know where those three went. "Well, I remember you calling me to take care of the three sick guys, then I came upstairs, then you guys left, then it went blank afterwards..."

Yukari slapped her forehead with her palm, "How could've it gone blank afterwards? Geez I knew your memory was bad, but who knew it was really that horrible?"

Junpei snapped back, "Hey, my memory's awesome! But put that aside...I blacked out and I remember waking up on the floor... and also I woke up with my cheek aching! What a strange phenomenon!" Yukari gave the man in the cap an un-amused face. "Did you get punched by Akihiko-senpai...?"

Junpei gave a peace sign and laughed, "Heh heh, maybe I did!" She pinched the bridge of her nose at that and said, "Please don't say that in a happy tone..." She looked back at the lounge and saw Hamuko, Souji, and Mitsuru chatting away on the couches. "Well anyways, let's just go back to the lounge."

Right when Yukari and Junpei sat down on the couch with the others, the dorm door burst open revealing Akihiko in tattered clothes along with Shinjiro and Ken. The boxer yelled, "Mitsuruuuuu! Call the Kiriji group patrols! I can't find Hamuko or that damn what's-his-face anywheeeere!" He proceeded to punch the wall in fury.

Yukari blandly looked at her senpai. "Uh...they're right here..." Akihiko turned around to see that both Hamuko and what's-his-face were indeed there. Facing the auburn-haired girl, he smiled with a twinkle on his teeth as his face sparkled, "Hamuko, did you miss me?"

Yukari interjected, "Don't make that expression when your clothes are tattered like that!" The silver-haired man gave a peace sign and laughed. The brunette yelled again, "Don't make that expression either!"

Shinjiro was now leaning against the wall, and both Akihiko and Ken went to sit down on the couches with the others. The boxer cleared his throat and pointed to Souji. "He needs to go." Both Shinjiro and Ken nodded.

Yukari retorted to that statement, "Hey, leave the guy alone, he didn't do anything wrong." Akihiko slammed his palms onto the table in front of him, "Other than abducting Hamuko!" The brunette gave a sigh. "He was more like saving her from you guys..."

Mitsuru interrupted, "There's no reason to chase him out of here, he seems like a perfect gentleman." She then smiled and crossed her arms. "He reminds me a bit of Minato."

The other people looked at each other and Yukari asked, "Who's Minato?" The redhead looked up in surprise and laughed, "Haha, oh no one, don't worry about it."

Ken turned to Akihiko and asked, "Did we just break the fourth wall...?" The boxer responded back, "Indeed we have..."

Yukari then yelled at the redhead, "Senpai! Don't break the fourth wall!" Mitsuru gave a peace sign and just laughed. The brunette scrunched her face. "Not you too!"

Akihiko cleared his throat again. "Well anyways, we need this guy out." Junpei pat his senpai's back and said, "Hey, what's the rush? Hamuko and Souji haven't even held hands, hugged each other, fed each other while the other says, 'Open wide, aaah!', cuddling in front of the TV, or..." All of a sudden, Akihiko, Shinjiro, and Ken pulled Junpei off the couch and started beating him on the ground.

The others simply looked at the man in the cap being beaten by the other three while sipping on tea until Souji's cellphone rang. 'Now I face out, I hold out, I reach out to the truth of my li-' beep. "Hello?" The silver-gray haired man stood up from the couch and faced away from the others. "Oh, okay. I'll come back soon." He flipped his phone back and placed it inside his pocket.

Turning back to the others, Souji said, "It was nice meeting all of you. I have to go, my friends are waiting for me at the train station."

Akihiko yelled, "And don't come back!" Yukari yelled back at her senpai, "Hey don't be rude!" She then faced Souji, "Hey, you're welcome to come back or even invite Hamuko out to a date!"

Akihiko, Shinjiro, and Ken all said in unison, "NO WAY!" with their arms crossed in a 'x'.

Souji smiled at Yukari's offer and then turned to Hamuko, "Well if I were to ask her out to another date, then I would need her phone number." The auburn-haired girl blushed a deep red and shakily pulled out her cellphone from her purse.

Shinjiro quickly reacted to this and yelled, "Go Koromaru, I choose you! Get Hamuko's cellphone away from her!" With that command, the white-furred dog jumped and grabbed the petite girl's cellphone with its jaw and ran towards Shinjiro. The tall brunette quickly opened the nearest window and threw the cellphone far away into the horizon.

Hamuko was in a state of shock as her mouth was gaped wide open. "M-M-My p-phone!" Yukari just sighed and pulled out her own cellphone. "Here Souji, you can have my cell number and just text me when you want to have a date with Hamuko. I'll give you her phone number when she finds her cell." Both of them proceeded to send each other their phone numbers and their text e-mails.

Akihiko punched Shinjiro, "Dammit! That was totally half-assed!" His friend punched him back, "Well atleast I did something!" Both of them were now in a brawl while Ken was just petting Koromaru.

Hamuko walked Souji to the door and smiled at him. "I hope this day wasn't a total failure." He smiled back at her and replied, "Meeting you really made my day." She giggled and waved a farewell to the walking Souji.

Well, I haven't been putting a lot of fantasies in my chapters... Must-Put-More-Perverted-Akihiko-Fantasies rawawawar...

Also no editing, my friends are crashing my new apartment everyday, so yah.

/ - /


'Now I face out, I hold out, I reach out to the truth of my li-'- This is a part of the lyrics from Reach Out to the Truth; I put it as Souji's ringtone (it's also my ringtone xD )


*Akihiko and Chie - Both are addicted to meat and addicted to training. Akihiko uses his fists while Chie uses her legs.

*Shinjiro and Naoto - Both wear hats, pretty quiet, and pretty aloof to the group.

*Ken and Yukiko - Not much of a relation there, but maybe I can make something probable up. Ken tries to act mature, while Yukiko tends to laugh a lot and act like a child.

/ - /

Holy Leonheart: I finally updated! x3 I really like abusing Junpei haha, and I like making Akihiko the abuser xD I really like the P4 characters, they have really well-made personalities. Definitely a game worth playing :3

pchan17: Thank you :3 I'm glad you like this story!

Tsuki Rae: Well it would've definitely be interesting if the groupdate event happened in the game xD but too bad it didn't haha. Glad you like it!

Deidara'sGirl19: I like making some of my characters totally off their personalities xD and yes, I would imagine Shinjiro having a doggy fetish.

LilLaoRyo704: Glad you liked the Wonder Twin reference, I swear I think my brain just goes off on random tangents x3

ToonyTwilight: Thank you! Hope you keep reading :3

NaokoShirogane: I do love Souji x Naoto also x3 and yah I didn't include Rise, because I wanted to make it even (3 on the guy's side, 3 on the girl's side). I'm glad you like Akihiko's wacky personality in this haha.

RageMaster: Thank you for reading! I'll definitely continue :3

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Yah I was bored again, so here's another art of Shinjiro.


Remember to replace the (dot)s with actual periods.