Blank: Fibfi-Chan doesn't own D. Gray-Man. If ya want ta belive she does, ya can. But, she doesn't.

Deke: Always telling people this is getting old!

Blank: I know. But, it keeps us from getting sued….I think….

Deke: ….I think that's why we do it….anyways, stop reading this and read the story!

The Kid In Kanda

"Kanda, Nii-san needs you for a mission!"

"Che, alright."

So far it was a normal day in the Black Order. There weren't that many missions now, so all the almost all the Exorcist's were at HQ, hanging out and enjoying life.

Kanda was walking for a good ten minutes til he finally reached Komui's office, getting an odd feeling that something bad was about to happen, but he didn't know why. He knocked on the door and walked in, surprised to see Komui's assistant Brigitte out cold on the floor. He didn't see Komui anywhere though. He walked in a bit farther and heard the door slam shut behind him. He turned around and saw Komui standing there, looking very demonic.


"Why so scared, Kanda? There's nothing to fear…"

Kanda started backing away slowly, warily eyeing the needle in Komui's hand. Ever since Twi-Chan shot him with that needle nine years ago, he was horrified of them, and the fact that Komui, of ALL people, had one right now, he didn't know what to expect, but he knew it was bad.

"W-Why do y-you have a n-needle?"

"Oh, don't worry about that. Now stay still and relax, this'll only hurt for a second, and you won't remember a thing."



Lenalee was walking down to her brother's office, hoping Kanda's mission would go well, when she heard Komui's evil, crazy laughter, and she heard him scream "IT WORKED!" Lenalee froze, dropped the tray of coffee, and ran to her brothers office. Once there she heard a LOT of commotion inside. She flung open the door and saw the scene: a little five year old was innocently sitting on the couch with Brigitte and some random scientists in front of him, asking him questions, while Reever and some other scientists were yelling at Komui, trying to get answers about what happened, Lenalee found the noise to loud and annoying, and yelled: "SHUT UP!" Everything went quiet and everyone looked at her shocked, and after a few seconds of awkward silence, lots of people jumped in front of the little kid, trying to hide him. Lenalee just stared at them as if they were crazy, and said: "Yeah, I saw the kid already. Who is he?" All eyes instantly went to Komui. "Why are you all looking at me?"


"No need to be mean Reever…"



"Belive it or not, the kids Kanda…apparently, Komui injected a potion into him, and…well…this happened…"

"Well, when are you going to fix him?"

"That's the problem, we don't know if we can."


"That's why we want you and Lavi to take care of him while we see if we can make an antidote."

"I've never took care of a little kid before…I don't know if I can…"

"Don't worry, Lavi knows how, so it'll be easy. He's gonna show you how to take care of him. In the mean time, why don't you go put him down for a nap?"

"I'll try…come on Kanda."

Kanda looked over at her with big adorable eyes, making him look super cute and cuddly, making Lenalee squeal and pick him up. "SO CUTE~!"


It was late…probably midnight. Lavi remembered his orders from Komui, the ones he got just a few minutes ago. He and Lenalee had to take care of Yu. At first, he didn't get it. He didn't know about what happened, so he asked what Komui meant, and Komui told him that he injected Kanda with a potion that turned him into a five year old. Its odd if ya really think bout it. He stopped at Lenalee's door, wondering if she was still awake when he heard a little kid in the room.


The bed…it was so soft…..

The room….was so dark….

Nothing could ruin this perfect moment. Nothing at al- "Mommy. Mommy wake up. Wake UP!"

Kanda? "Mmm…alright, I'm up. What is it?"

"Someone's at the door…he said ta let ya sleep, but I wanted ya up anyway."

"Hey Lena."

"Oh, hey Lavi. How was your mission?"

"It was good…no innocence, but there was akuma. It was weird…"

"…Mister….who're you?"

"I'm Lavi. Who're you?"

"I'm Yu….are you my Daddy?"

"Kanda! Don't ask things like that! Sorry Lavi, he's still a kid, you know?"(Lenalee)



Thud. Stare….

"How can you choke on air?"

"Mommy…did Daddy just die?"

"No…he's still alive….I think….."


Fibfi-Chan: Well, I TOLD you all that I was working on a new story! And here's proof!

Blank: Congrats. Didn't think ya had it in you.

Deke: I'm shocked….it's SOMWHAT good!


Blank & Deke: HEY!