Chapter 2: A Stormy Meeting
The next morning Inuyasha, Shippo, and Sango made their way through the streets as they watched for guards. Black clouds boiled in the sky, warning that it would rain. The trio walked by a busy fruit stand and Inuyasha was able to snatch three peaches from the counter without being caught.
"Here ya go," the hanyo tossed a peach to Sango and another to Shippo. "Chow down."
The three friends settled underneath a roof and watched the busy activity of the city as people hurried to make their purchases before the weather would turn bad. Finishing his food, Inuyasha chucked the pit to the side and, closing his eyes, leaned his head against the side of the building. As usual, the familiar smells of the city filled his powerful nose, along with the scent of the storm. Catching wind on something, Inuyasha realized there was a new scent mixed in with the rest, a sweet and innocent scent that did not fit with the city.
Opening his eyes, Inuyasha scanned the street as he searched for the source of this new scent.
"Hey, Inuyasha?"
"Earth to Dog Boy!"
Inuyasha blinked and turned his head to his friends. "Huh? What?"
"Are you okay?" Sango raised an eyebrow. "Where you looking for something?"
"Keh," the hanyo shrugged his shoulders and leaned back against the wall. "I just thought I smelled somethin'."
Shippo looked up from his almost-finished peach. "Like what?"
"I dunno," Inuyasha scratched his head. "It was this sweet smell, almost like-" he froze as a desperate cry reached his all-too-sensitive ears.
"Leave me alone!"
Inuyasha was up in a flash and raced away in the direction of the voice, much to Sango and Shippo's confusion.
The hanyo shot through the streets and leapt up onto the rooftops. Gripping the old sword at his side, Inuyasha sprinted forward, his eyes staring ahead. A low rumble of thunder echoed in the distance and Inuyasha skidded to a halt, searching for the scent.
"I said leave me alone!"
A silver dog-ear twitched and the hanyo spun around to find the source of the scent and voice in the alley beneath him. A girl wearing a heavy cloak was backed into a corner and pointing a drawn bow and arrow at two yokai that Inuyasha was all too familiar with.
"She's a feisty one," a large, and very bald, reptilian yokai said, grinning. "Can I use her for my hair potion?"
The yokai next to him grinned and his red eyes flashed. "After we've had our fun with her Maten, you can make all potions as you want!"
Maten grinned and turned to the girl. "Much appreciated, brother Hiten!" Before he could take another step, a red and silver shape landed in front of the girl and blocked her from the advancing yokai.
"You ain't gettin' her that easily!"
The yokai jumped back in shock, but his brother laughed at the newcomer. "If it isn't the half-breed himself! What brings you here?"
Inuyasha snarled and he gripped the hilt of his sword, never before had he been this glad he had grabbed the piece of junk from its position against the wall! "When someone tells ya to leave 'em alone, ya leave 'em alone! Or does that not translate through your thick skulls?"
"Why you!" Maten stepped forward, but his brother grabbed him by the shoulder.
"Now, now, Maten. We mustn't get upset over a half-bred puppy dog!"
Inuyasha's eyes flashed dangerously and his grip on the sword tightened. "Don't call me half-breed!"
"What're you going to do about it?" Maten leered.
"Wanna find out?" Inuyasha took a step forward ready to draw his sword. "I'd be more than happy to pound a few lessons into your brains for ya!" Before he could take another step, a hand suddenly grabbed his arm and jerked him back.
"Stop it!" the girl hissed, looking up at the startled hanyo. "It would be pointless for you to fight them in this place."
For a moment, Inuyasha stared at the girl and blinked. "Keh!" he snorted, shrugging her arm off. "What's it ta you?" However, her words made sense to him, it would be pointless to pick a fight with a pair like Hiten and Maten. Especially when a storm was brewing.
He fixed the yokai with an amber glare. "I'll see ya around, Thunder Butts." With that, Inuyasha grabbed the girl's arm and sprinted down the alleyway, the brothers' angry shouts echoing behind him. After running for some time, Inuyasha skidded to a halt and released the girl's hand.
"Next time, don't go wanderin' off in places where ya shouldn't."
The girls fixed him with a glare as she rubbed her wrist. "I was doing just fine by myself, thank you very much."
"Keh! Like hell you were." The hanyo muttered under his breath.
"Care to repeat that again?" the girl crossed her arms.
Inuyasha raised an eyebrow at the girl and looked up at the sky, just in time for the first raindrops to fall. "C'mon, we'd better get inside 'fore we turn into a couple of drowned rats."
"Where?" the girl yelled over the now torrential downpour. She gave a startled squeak as Inuyasha grabbed her arm and had her crouched on his back.
"Hang on!" The hanyo shot into the streets, the rain and wind whistling all around him. The girl held tightly to his shoulders and the hanyo glanced over his shoulder at his passenger. As he ran through the streets, the complete awe that filled her face never left. "Enjoyin' the ride?"
Despite the rain, the girl continued to look around. "I've never seen the city before! At least, not like this."
Inuyasha snorted and grinned at the girl. "Trust me girl, you ain't seen nothin' yet." With that, he leapt up and sprinted away on the rooftops, until he came to his hideout. After letting the girl climb off his back, Inuyasha grasped the make-shift curtain and pulled it away, revealing the amazing view of the city and the grand palace in the center.
"Pretty sweet eh?"
"It's amazing!" the girl stared out at the view. "You were right about the view, the city is just breath-taking from this place!"
Taken completely off guard, Inuyasha did not noticed Sango and Shippo watching until he heard them whisper.
"And what the hell are you doing here?"
The two jumped guiltily as the hanyo glared at them with a look that said Somebody-Better-Start-Talking-Or-Else. Sango cleared her throat and stood up, trying her best not to laugh.
"Well, aside from the fact that we live here, we couldn't find you after you ran off, so we decided to head back."
"It was the only place you'd head to once the weather got back." Shippo added, and shook the rain from his body. He then looked up at the girl and tilted his head, blinking. "Who's this?"
Inuyasha scratched his head. "Dunno really, she was being attacked by Hiten and Maten when I found her."
"I was doing just fine by myself," the girl muttered, pulling back her hood and fixing the hanyo with a look. "Thank you very much."
"Uh-huh," was all that Inuyasha could say as he took in the girl's face. Raven black hair cascaded down her shoulders, framing a fair skinned face and two warm chocolate brown eyes met his amber gaze.
"So," Shippo said, breaking Inuyasha's thoughts. "What's your name? I'm Shippo and this is Sango. The one with the fuzzy cat ears is Inuyasha."
"I do not have fuzzy cat ears!" he spluttered, taking more offense at the idea that they were cat rather than dog.
"Yes you do!"
"No, I don't."
"Yeah, you do."
"Do not!"
"Do too!"
The girl looked at Sango quizzically as the hanyo and kitsune's argument turned into a rather comical fist fight, most of which involved Inuyasha planting his fist on Shippo's head. "Do they always act this way?"
Sango bit back a nervous laugh and gave an apologetic smile. "Yeah, sorry about that. They tend to go overboard, but once you get to know them, they're not so bad. Inuyasha can seem immature, but he's really a nice guy. Shippo's just a big pile of cute fluff."
"He's adorable."
"By the by," Sang leaned against the wall and looked at the girl. "What's your name?"
The girl blinked, caught off guard. "M-my name?"
"Hey, you got a point there Sango." Shippo muttered through Inuyasha's hand. "We gave her our names, but we don't know who she is."
"Keh," Inuyasha released the kitsune and stood up. "Out with it wench, what's your name?"
The girl glared at Inuyasha, then closed her eyes and sighed. "My name is uh-Kikyo."
Inuyasha blinked. "Well, 'uh-Kikyo', what're ya doin' here in the royal city? Visiting someone?"
"No," Kikyo turned back to the view of the city. "I was running away from home."
Shippo hopped up to the edge of the window. "Why's that?"
"Let's just say, my family wants me to marry but-"
"You don't want to?" Sango finished, and Kikyo nodded. "Why do they want you to marry?"
Kikyo shook her head and continued to look out at the city. "It's just really complicated right now and I'd rather not think of it."
"Keh, you're just runnin' away." Inuyasha leaned against the side of the wall. "You're probably too scared to face your family and that's it."
"No it's not!" Kikyo looked at the hanyo. "I did not 'just run away,' I-"
Inuyasha raised his hands. "Yeah, yeah, I know. Ya don't wanna say anythin' that's fine by me. But, do you have any place to stay?" When Kikyo shook her head, the hanyo smirked. "You wouldn't last a day by yourself in the city-which is why-" he held up a hand in defense when a glare was fired in his direction. "I was gonna offer ya to stay with us."
Kikyo stared at him with startled eyes. Those were obviously not the words she was expecting to hear. "You-you mean it?"
"Keh!" the hanyo snorted. "Do I look like someone who breaks a promise?" The hanyo stumbled in surprise as he was bombarded by a massive bear hug.
"Thank you!" Kikyo gasped, hugging him tightly. She then broke away and blushed deeply. "Sorry, I just, wasn't expecting that."
"Neither was I." Inuyasha muttered, scratching the back of his head and hiding his own light blush.
Sango and Shippo looked at each other, both fighting the urge to laugh. "They sure look cute together," Shippo said as Kikyo looked back to the city and Inuyasha leaned against the edge of the window.
Sango nodded, but she narrowed her eyes at their guest. "Yes, they do…"
(How's it turning out? For those of you who are noticing any differences, I'm trying to do my own twist off Aladdin, but I'm still going to keep the same storyline, just in my own way. Any who, please review and more will come soon)