(Hello again, fan fiction readers! Yeah I know, a handful of fan fics have been made from this particular crossover, but the temptation was too great. Anyways, I in no way whatsoever own Inuyasha or the Disney movie Aladdin…There is no justice in the world -sigh-)

Chapter 1: The Thief and the Slayer

"Stop! Thief!"

A red and silver shape raced across the rooftops with inhuman speed as a group of guards chased after him. The thief turned his head, his waist-long silver hair flying about him as twin dog-ears listened to the guards' pounding feet. Clutched tightly in his clawed hands was a single loaf of bread.

"Keh," the boy snorted as he vaulted over an alley and onto a roof with ease. "All this fuss over a loaf a bread?"

A guard rushed at him and unsheathed his sword. ""It's all over, half-breed!"

The boy gave a snort and jumped off the roof, much to the guard's surprise. Reaching out, his hand caught a rope that was being used to hang laundry and swung down, but the rope slipped from his grip. The boy landed on a pile of clothes and sprinted down the alleyway.

The boy smirked as he looked over his shoulder at the panting guards chasing after him. "They're hell a stupid if they think they can nab me!"

Shooting around a corner, he slammed into the captain of the guards and stumbled back as the other guards formed a wall behind him, blocking his path.

"Well, well, well," the captain drawled. "What do we have here? A half-demon thief stealing food? How pathetic!"

The hanyo snarled and backed away from the captain, only to bump into the guards behind him.

"We've got you know, half-breed!" the guard snarled.

Suddenly, a heavy object whistled through the air and careened into the guards. The hanyo dodged to the side and watched as a giant boomerang spun in midair and flew right back at the stunned guards.


"What the hell?" the leader screamed and turned around to watch a young girl with long brown hair tied into a high ponytail catch the boomerang with obvious ease.

The hanyo grinned and jumped over the now-unconscious guards and the two raced off into the alley.

"Stop them you idiots!" the captain shouted as the guards shakily stood up, holding their heads.

"Yes, Bankotsu." They moaned, stumbling after the duo.

High above, the boy and girl were racing across the roofs of the city, leaping from one rooftop to the next.

"So, anything good Inuyasha?" the girl asked, glancing at the bread in her partner's hand.

Inuyasha snorted in amusement. "The old coot didn't even notice me 'till the bread was gone." he turned his head to the girl. "What about you, Sango?"

Sango pointed at a small pouch tied to her sash. "Not much, but it's better than what we got last week."

Inuyasha nodded and jerked to a halt as three of the guards appeared over the side of the roof, gasping for breath. "Sango, heads up!"

Sango darted at the guards and swung her boomerang. The guards yelped as the weapon slammed into them and sent them tumbling over the side and into a fruit cart.

"Nice move!" Inuyasha yelled and shot around a guard's spear, grabbing it with the hand that was not holding the bread. "Don't you fellas know it ain't polite to point?"

The guard sailed through the air and skidded to a painful halt on his rear, before tottering over the side and landing on top of his fruity comrades. Inuyasha could not help but grin in satisfaction at his work. His ears twitched and the hanyo turned his head to see five more guards appear on the roof.

"These guys don't know when to quit," Sango muttered and the two jumped over the side of the roof, landing in a tight alleyway.

"Halt!" The fruit-guards shouted, charging at the pair with spears that were dripping juice. One had a peach stuck on the tip of his spear.

Suddenly, a giant snake fell out of the sky and landed with a heavy thud on the unsuspecting guards and hissed menacingly.

"Wha!" the leader yelped. "Get it off!"

While the guards struggled with the snake, a small shape plopped down on Inuyasha's shoulder.

"Perfect timing as usual, Shippo." Sango said, laughing as the guards scrambled with the snake.

The tiny kitsune grinned. "Thanks Sango!"

"Yeah, yeah," Inuyasha muttered, rolling his eyes. "Let's just get outta here 'fore they figure out its all a trick."

With that, the three raced off into the streets, leaving the guards in the dust. After running for some time, Inuyasha slid to a halt and glanced over his shoulder. "I think we lost 'em." He then slid down the wall to sit, Shippo leaping off his shoulder as Sango joined him.

Inuyasha broke the bread into three pieces and handed it to his friends. The thought of stealing had never bothered the hanyo, but he always felt there was more he could do than run from the guards, but it was all he knew. Life as the child of a human and a yokai was never easy, as Inuyasha had learned long ago.

A small sound caught his attention and he looked up to see two children, a sister and a brother, hunched over a trash heap searching for food. Noticing the hanyo looking at them, they stopped what they were doing and huddled together.

Inuyasha looked down at the morsel of food he held in his clawed hand, and back to the children. Hearing movement, Inuyasha turned his head to see Sango standing up with her piece of bread, and Shippo's, in her hands.

"What're ya doin?"

Sango looked at the hanyo. "I'm thinking they need the food more than we do." She narrowed her eyes when Inuyasha looked away. "Wasn't that what you were thinking a moment ago?"

"Keh!" the hanyo snorted, avoiding the slayer's gaze. "Why would you care?" But when Sango handed the children the food, Inuyasha felt something stir inside.

Giving an irritated growl, the hanyo stood and began to walk down the alley. He paused by the children and tossed them the small bit of bread he had in his hand. "Here, take it." Inuyasha then continued down the alley and Sango and Shippo joined him.

"That was nice of you to do." Sango said, but received a 'Keh!' in reply.

A loud trumpet jolted Inuyasha to a halt and he looked up to see a large crowd of people gathering at the edges of the streets.

"What's going on?" Shippo asked, trying to see over the crowd from Inuyasha's shoulder.

Sango shrugged. "Don't know,"

"It's the Lord of the West," a man said.

"Must be here about the discussion of the new territory," his friend muttered, eying the procession with an uneasy eye.

The hanyo watched as an escort of soldiers and servants made its way through the city. In the middle of the procession was grand carriage, flanked by more soldiers. The image of a great white dog flashed in the sunlight from the sides of the carriage.

Inuyasha raised an eyebrow and snorted. "Keh! Nothin but another rich, 'pure-blood' bastard who can't keep their nose outta the clouds for even a second." His eyes then caught on the image of the dog and he stood there, narrowing his amber gaze as something stirred in his memory.

Sango sighed and placed her hand on his shoulder. "C'mon Inuyasha," she muttered. "Let's go home."

Slowly, the trio made their way to the outskirts of the city and, coming to a ladder, climbed until they reached the top of a run-down building. Inside was a small room with a couple of old pillows, some dusty carpets, and a large cloth covering an entire wall. A ratty old sword in a battered black sheath rested against the wall with the makeshift curtain. Reaching out, Inuyasha grasped hold of the cloth and pulled it to the side, revealing a magnificent view of the city and the grand palace in the center.

"Wouldn't it be nice to live there?" Sango asked aloud, staring at the castle.

Inuyasha snorted in agreement. "Wealth, food when you want it, not having to duck the guards," he shook his head. "Who wouldn't want a life like that?"

(Thus ends chapter 1 of Wish! Please review!)