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Danny pursed his lips, tapping his fingers against the lunch table. "He can't be giving up…" he murmured.

"Maybe it's best if he is," Sam said with a shrug. "You don't need to worry about it."

"But he's…Vlad!" Danny shouted and threw his hands up. "Vlad doesn't just let things go."

"He's bored?" Tucker wondered, taking a bite of his lunch.

"Nah…" Danny placed his head in his hands. "I just don't get it- Unless he's plotting something huge!" His blue eyes widened. "That's it! Vlad's plotting something huge and he doesn't want me to expect it! Ha! I got him this time!"

"Or he's just done," Sam insisted. "Danny, don't go and do something stupid."

"I'm not doing anything stupid. I'm winning this war."

"Or doing something stupid," Tucker agreed. "Come on, man. How much farther can you take this?"

"As far as I want," Danny retorted. "He's not just giving up, Tuck. He's Vlad. Vlad has to win everything because his of his ego."

"You know," Sam began hesitantly, "I heard that Vlad is giving a speech to Casper High tomorrow…"

Danny grinned. "That's where he wants to get me. But it's not going to happen!" He slammed a fist down on the table. "Because I'll get him first!"

Sam glanced at Tucker out of the corner of her eye. "This has 'bad idea' written all over it," she whispered.

Tucker hid his face behind his PDA. "Believe me," he said. "I think I'm getting that…"


"Where is he?" Sam wondered quietly, turning her head to try and find her friend.

"I haven't seen him," Tucker answered, also scanning the gymnasium. "Did he tell you what he had in mind?"

"Not a word."

"This… Normally, I'm all for pranks, but this…probably isn't going to end well, is it?"

Sam shook her head and sighed. "Not at all…"

"Well, how worried should we really be?" Jazz asked, seated beside Tucker.

"…I'd say pretty worried."

Danny snickered, floating above everyone else in the gym- invisibly, of course. "This is going to be so good…" he chuckled. "Vlad won't see it coming." Right on time, Vlad walked into the gymnasium and up to the podium, ready to begin his speech.

The projection screen behind Vlad came to life, lighting up. The room quieted down and Danny had to hold a hand over his mouth to keep from bursting into laughter.

"Now, I would like to begin by showing a short video of-" Vlad started, only to be cut off by giggles and chuckles. He cleared his throat in confusion, eyes running over the teens before him. "What in the world…?" He turned around to view the screen and blanched, eye twitching when he saw what everyone else was.

A slideshow of Vlad was commencing, the pictures being from his childhood and such. There was a little Vlad dressed in a tuxedo, his hair cut short. And there was Vlad as an infant, clearly crying in the photo. Vlad sitting grudgingly at a small table with a large and girlish hat on his head while a slightly older girl poured him 'tea', smiling happily at the lovely tea party she was hosting. Oh, and there was Vlad-

"Daniel," Vlad hissed quietly, snapping his head around, eyes automatically locking on the black and white figure silently heaving in laughter, flickering from being visible and not. The agitated mayor swiftly turned on his heel and left the room, entering the empty hallway while the rest of the student body continued to laugh. "Where are you?"

"I was surprised that you actually do have a sister," Danny stated, appearing in front of the older hybrid with crossed arms. A large grin was plastered onto his face and he was still trying to sober up from slight chuckles. "Weren't you just adorable?" he cooed.

Vlad narrowed his eyes at him. "I was actually ending this little game of idiocy, Daniel," he said. "I planned to call it a win by leaving it as a truce with you." Danny's chuckles died down to short hiccups while Vlad continued talking. "But you the audacity to pull this?"

"…no?" Danny weakly replied, not liking the look in Vlad's eye.

"No? Are you guessing now, my boy?"


"You've embarrassed me and my image and you can barely form a few words." Vlad suddenly transformed into Plasmius and Danny paled, floating a few feet back.


"You will be."

Danny promptly yelped and shot through the roof, Plasmius hot on his trail. "Sorry, sorry!" he yelled over his shoulder.

Tucker wiped a tear away from his eye as the faculty were finally able to shut the slideshow off. "Man, I never thought I'd see Vlad in a dress," he commented.

Jazz bit her lip. "Okay, so that was funny, but still…" she trailed off. "Vlad looked pretty mad."

"Yeah…" Sam sighed, nodding her head. "Danny's so dead."

"Aw, crud!" Danny shouted, flying sideways to avoid a pink blast. "I said I was sorry!"

"That isn't going to fix this, Daniel!" Vlad returned.

"Ack!" Danny tried flying backwards from the clone he had rammed into and then sheepishly chuckled. "Truce?"

Vlad's double formed a palm of ectoplasm, a deadpanned expression on his face. "I don't think so."

"Come on, guys," Sam complained, trying to pull her friends down the bleacher steps. "We have to go find him."

"He's probably…fine," Jazz offered slowly. Sam raised an eyebrow.

"Okay, so he's going to get his butt kicked, but we can't exactly do anything about that," Tucker finished.

"We can try-" Sam began, jumping a little when two beings crash through the roof of the gym and into the floor.

"What the heck is that?" Tucker wondered, peering over his friends shoulder at the dust that was floating around in the air. He immediately paled, along with Sam and Jazz, as the two on the gym floor stood up, each slightly wobbly, and allowed two pairs of similar rings to switch over their bodies.

The second that action finish, Danny froze, hands still gripping his head from the fall. "…crud." His blue eyes flittered over to Vlad, whom was still in a state of shock as to what happened. The gymnasium was in complete silence, not quite comprehending what had just happened.

"Daniel…" Vlad growled as he came out of his stupor.

"Hey, you were the one who had to chase me," Danny defended weakly, pointing at him.

"You were the one who started this game in the first place," Vlad countered, glaring at the teen.

"…okay, true, but still." He swallowed at the red glow in Vlad's eyes and lightly stepped backwards. "Hey, we can work this out." He held his hands up. "I know a guy…" Vlad stalked a step forward. "Nuh… Come on, V-Man!"

"Funny, joke around Vlad isn't here today."

Danny bit his lip, trying not to glance at the still stunned people in the room. He mentally shrugged and chuckled a bit. "Uh…nice shoes… Armani, right, Vlad?" he tried.

"I'll give you a five minute head start," Vlad announced, black rings flowing over his body.

"Is this like the minutes/seconds thing we've gone over…?"

"Something like that."

Danny's eyes widened as he changed into his alter ego. He gave a short shriek and flew upwards and through the ceiling, Vlad not waiting even a moment to fly after him. Sam blinked in shock, rooted to her spot, as the gym came alive with murmurs and questions.

"Uh… Sam?" Tucker nudged her side. "We should…uh…you know…"

"Damage control?" she assumed.

"Damage control," Jazz agreed.

The Goth sighed and continued down the bleacher steps, Jazz and Tucker following close behind her. The three walked up to the podium and Sam tapped the microphone a couple times to catch the attention of the student body. They stared back at her, eyes full of curiosity and more.

"Uh… Hey," Sam said simply. "What an assembly this was…"

"Come on, Vlad!" Danny yelled, phasing through the roof and back out again as the older hybrid fired off at him.

"Get back here!" Vlad demanded sharply, taking off again in pursuit of his target.

"Yeah…" Sam trailed off into the microphone. "That actually happens a lot."

"Where do we start?" Jazz whispered. "This is really…"

Tucker cleared his throat and then released a breath, scooting Sam out of the way so that he could speak. "About a two weeks ago," he started, "Danny and Vlad started a prank war."

"Where is he going with this…?" Jazz murmured.

"I have no idea…" Sam answered just as quietly.

Tucker suddenly grinned. "And for the entertainment of you all, they decided to call a truce and prank the entire school," he continued. "They recruited the help of Danny Phantom and Vlad Plasmius, who have no relation to Danny Fenton and Vlad Masters, to pull this off."

"Oh, God…" Sam groaned, resisting the urge to face palm.

"And by the looks on your faces," Tucker concluded, laughing in a sincere tone. "It worked!" He held a hand out to high five Sam and Jazz and they quickly high fived him back, trying their best to smile realistically. "Thank you all for your patience in this awesome prank that included fooling you all into thinking that my friend and the mayor were part ghost! Which they aren't! You guys were super!"

"That is so not going to work…" Jazz breathed.

An awkward silence fell over the room for a few seconds longer before a boy whooped and jumped to his feet. "To the prank masters!" he yelled, immediately sending the gym into a state of cheers and hollers.

Sam and Jazz's jaws dropped and Tucker continued grinning, nodding his head. "That's right…" he began to his friends. "I'm that freaking awesome."

"I can't believe," Jazz said, "that they believed that. It's…"

"Jazz, do you know how gullible and simple minded the population of this town is?" Sam slowly mentioned.

"I sort of figured…"

"Now all we to do is find those two before they cause more trouble," Tucker announced brightly.

Sam and Jazz then glanced at each other, each sighing heavily. "Easier said than done," they replied as one. "Easier said than done…"