Kagome tought over her plan one more time, making sure it would work. If she played it right there would be no way Inuyasha would try to come back. Well, anyways, before she is gone far away... Well, so far that Inuyasha can't track her scent.

Soon, it was late afternoon. The sun was shining, and Kagome was sweating like hell. Her hair was in pigtails, too cool her off. Even wesring her short shorts she's still sweating. And her belly top wasn't really helping. Miroku, Sango, were sweating too ! Though they didn't really change clothes. Speaking of...Has Miroku ever changed from his monk clothing ? But, maybe Inuyasha isn't sweating because he is a half demon...But then why is Shippo sweating too !

Growling, because she is annoyed, and wants to see Inuyasha sweating, or atlest acknolwedge that the weather is warm! "INUYASHAA!"

"What? " Inuyasha turned around, wondering whats her problem. Then noticing her angry face, he takes a step back. " W- What wench! "

"SIT BOY! WHY ARENT YOU SWEATING! ITS FUCKING HOT! SIT! GAH! SIT! " Kagome was literaly blowing steam. Sure, maybee...it wasn't fair for her to punish Inuyasha for the shitty temperatue, but come on! Can't he show any sign of uneasiness! GOSH! "ITS HOT! SIT!"

" Lasy Kagome?" Miroku asked, relucantly coming to stand beside her, " I don't really think you should blame Inuyasha for the weather," He sent a sly grin to her.

"Oh, fine! But we are taking a rest! OR ELSE!" Kagome said, shouting and pouting.

"I dont think I have a choice," Inuyasha said. Well, not really said, more like grumbled, and mumbled.

Kagome stickes her toung eout at him, and then soon something catches her attention, "Guys Naraku's half of the Jewel is coming!"

Everyone imeadetaly stiffened. Inuyasha more so than everyone. Growling, Inuyasha bit out " Sesshomaru," before unsheating tetsuga.

Kagome's back stiffened, realizing that this was what she was waiting for. Sesshomaru has all the jewel shards, but hers. Naraku stole Koga's, and took away Kohaku's. No one in the Inutachi is sure about what happened with Kohaku, but their all hoping for the best.

Sesshomaru walked in the clearing, and before Inuyasha could say anything, threw the almost complete Shikon Shard to Kagome. " Miko," Sesshomaru acknolwedged her. " Slayer," He said, while turning around, and nodding to a unseen shadow.

Kagome gasps, and Sango chokes back her sob, "Kohaku," Sagno said, staring. "But, why? Why did you bring him back to life?"

Sesshomaru looks over at Kagome, "To thank her," Sesshomaru says nodding, " Now I am not indebt to you. Have a nice life."

With that, Sesshomaru left, leaving very confused Inutachi's.

hey guys! Im taking enrinched english in highschool! My first week of highschool just went, EPP! Hopefully my english improved :$ Probably not, because we've barely had 5 classes yet, but you never know :D Different opinions are always good, speaking of R&R !
I might not have much time this week because we are starting grade ELEVEN AND TWELVE english, while im in...wait for it! GRADE NINE! :O