I was weary about doing one of these, but I got a few responses urging me to do so. I hope you enjoy it just as much as you enjoyed the story. This is the final tie of all loose threads.


Adam could probably safely bet you two limited edition Chinatown Saga comics that they were having an intense make-up-make-out session in front of the whole airport in the International Wing. Thankfully, Adam didn't have to witness his two best friends swapping spit because he was still waiting in the car. With Helen.

He didn't really want to talk to her. And for once, he rationalized happily, Helen's mouth had been shut due to regret. Who knew helicopters had emotions? An hour ticked by and she kept opening and closing her mouth slowly. She was deciding something; attempting to say something. But as for what, Adam couldn't really guess-

'I'm sorry,' she whispered. He would have barely caught it if he hadn't been so intent on not hearing her say any words at all. Ding dong. Helicopter landing! This is Helen now putting her feet on the ground and touching sanity!

'I know,' Adam replied back simply.

He tapped his fingers on the steering wheel as he began mentally debating whether to text Eli again. Gosh, of all times for Clare to act on sexual gratification, it just had to be now. He shot a glance at the elder woman in the backseat. And Adam just had to be here with her while they waited for Clare's modesty to kick in.

Matchmaker Adam can call the shots, too, you know. He pulled out his cell and selected Eli's number. Impatiently, he waited for Eli to pick up. Three long rings later, he finally got him, 'So I take it you found her?'

'Yeah,' replied Eli. Adam could feel the sexual tension emulating through the phone signal. 'Thanks. For everything.'

'No sweat. But listen, you two left me with Clare's mother. And so-'

'We'll be right there. But give me a minute. I need to kiss her again.'

'Suave, Lover Boy. Just make sure you save some of that passion for the kiss I'm going to witness. A matchmaker deserves to watch a happy ending!'

Adam's standing in an itchy tux. There's a box in his pocket that he keeps opening and closing. His impatience growing as he's waiting for the bride to come. He shoots a glance to the man next to him. He's smiling, of course. But his eyes are a mess of hopeful to anxiety.

"Eli," Adam whispers. "You'll be fine."

And soon enough the wedding march proceeds. Alli comes forward in her pale blue Maid-of-Honor dress, a bouquet of violets in her hand. And a single pause later, there's Clare.

She's happy, that grin on her face more pure and wider than any he'd ever seen. She's walking slowly and he can hear Eli's breath hitch. She had stolen Goth Boy's breath away.

He would start cheering right now if Eli hadn't warned him earlier to keep his yahoo's to a minimum unless he wanted his butt kicked. Eli didn't want the added humiliation tacked on to the fact that Clare had finally gotten him to wear a tie that wasn't black.

When Eli and Clare made it to the car five minutes later, Adam could have screamed boo-yah out of joy. But he didn't, because that would have probably ruined the moment.

He was watching them walk back, their fingers intertwined. Eli had his suitcase in his other hand. And Clare's other hand was fiddling with one of the buttons on her jacket. Their footsteps were in sync.

It was the way they were looking at each other. Happiness. Contentment. Bliss.


He didn't want to break it.

It's that moment when Clare finally reaches the platform and stands next to Eli. It's that small smile they give each other that makes Adam sure that this is forever.

Because really, who could second guess that look they shared?

The wedding ceremony continues and soon enough, the priest is calling out, "Objections?"

'Listen, I am so sorry,' Helen began. They were standing outside of the car as Adam helped Eli with his bag. She had tears forming in her eyes and she was sniffling. 'So, so sorry.'

Clare stood there, unsure of what to do. Her lips were twisted in consideration. Meanwhile, Eli was just dumbfounded that Ms. Edwards was even there.

'We can talk about this later,' Adam interjected.

Three long seconds later, there was still a silent crowd. Adam looked over at Helen, whose eyes were gazing intently on Clare. Her mouth parted in a loving smile.

And all Adam can do is silently thank God that Helen had finally given up her battle against Eli.

'So what about the office? I thought you had some huge proposal you were working on?' Adam questioned as he made his way to the driver's seat.

Eli got in the back with Clare as Ms. Edwards moved to the front passenger seat. His arms were wrapped around Clare and her head was leaning on his shoulder. 'They'll understand.'

They hadn't. They fired Eli. But then before Eli left his boss's office, he was re-hired. The boss man asked to see just who was stealing away his pride and joy of the company, and in walked Clare. She was smiling in a floral dress and cardigan. She had joined Eli on his trip back to New York City on his early Saturday morning flight.

The boss man was charmed by her. And as Adam stole a quick look at the old man, he saw him rub a pudgy finger against his eye.

Adam's attention was stolen away as he's asked for the ring. Pulling out the box, he hands it to Eli.

Everything is silent.

The conversation dies and there's comfortable silence. Ms. Edwards is gazing out the window, a thoughtful expression on her face. Adam's eyes are on the road. He's navigating around the other cars and his eyes look up for a second into the rear-view mirror.

It's the kiss. Husband and wife. They're trying to keep it modest but Adam can tell they just want to get to the hotel room stat.

People are applauding and whistling. But all Adam does is smile inwardly at himself. Good job, Machismo. For a lawyer, you make one hell of a matchmaker.

'Clare,' Adam says as they near their town home. 'I would like to use my favor now.'

Clare turns her head away from Eli as she seeks clarification, 'You mean the one I owe you for becoming my fake husband?'

'Yeah, that's the one,' he says with a grin. 'If I'm a single man again, I'm going to be on the prowl. I need you to spread the word that Machismo is playing the field again and is looking for Mrs. Awesome.'

She nods her head as Eli hides a smirk, 'Anything.'

He follows Clare and Eli down the aisle and he glances to the girl sitting in the middle row close to the aisle. Her hair is in its natural chocolate brown curls and her winning smile is shining. She's wearing some designer dress that Adam doesn't know the name of. But he doesn't care because she just looks beautiful.

He closes the door for Eli and Clare as they settle into their getaway car. They wave at him, and Adam waves back happily.

This wasn't goodbye.

Like, duh.

Truly the end.

Reviews/Comments/Judgements. Thoughts?

Once more, thank you for all of your time spent reading and reviewing. It's been wonderful.