Note: Scene outside clare's house feom "all falls down part I"
Part II- circles and lines
"What side are you on?"
Maybe if the situation were different. Maybe if it were a joke he was plotting or the bottle more laxative in nature. Maybe then she would have found the Romeo and Juliet connection she suddenly felt would sit more comfortably in her gut.
Maybe if the thought of Fitz actually hurting Eli wasn't running rampant in her head. Maybe then she could make light that his question tied to their WW1 conversation earlier that afternoon. Now it was all laid out in front of her: sides, allegiances, loyalties, the drawing of the battle lines.
She couldn't just take the bottle and pretend like she would do it. Eli would know she was lying. She couldn't really do it nor stand by and do nothing. And she could go to Adam who had already planted his flag firmly beside Eli. The voice in her head cried in frustration boys, stupid, stupid boys.
More than anything she would not be Juliet and declare her love (or in Clare's case, her 'like' for Eli) above the blurring lines between right and wrong.
Clare Edwards had always been smart for her age. Maybe it was time to be wise beyond her years.
"I don't know." She watched his face fell before she continued, "What was it you said about the only way to fight bullies is to keep them scared? I just can't help but wonder how scared he's got you."
"Me?" He scanned her face to know if she meant what he thought she was impling, "Scared? Clare, I'm not the bully. I'm just protecting us and Adam from Fitz. What he's done is..."
"Is wrong." She agreed, "But just becuase he's done it first doesn't make what you've done, what you're willing to do," She gestured towards the bottle still in his hand, "Less wrong. The differnce between the offenders and the persecuted is getting thinner, Eli," She lowered her voice just above a whisper, "I'm scared of what will happen if you cross it."
He closed his eyes briefly, "Then don't go with him tonight. Let me fight my own battle."
"Yeah? And what if Fitz does hurt you or worse?" She asked, knowing the next question would be a low blow but the voice in her head to stay strong because it could be her last chance to get her point across. "Do you really want me to feel like you do about Julia? Like it was my fault? Like I didn't do enough to save you?"
With that she snatched the bottle of his hands, and he knew she would destroy it. Maybe that would be for the best. But she had played the Julia card without realizing he'd been playing it all along. If something happened to her...Maybe he knew where he could find another bottle.
Two chapter one day...rare occurnce for me!
REVIEW, please. Also any request just let me know!