Of Telepath and Vampire Born

This is the follow up story to The Choices Left to Us. Eric and Sookie are expecting. But there are few things they have to sort out first. Can they overcome their issues for the good of their unborn child? Sookie/Eric. AU. None of it is mine so don't bother suing me!

Sookie rolled herself up in her doona. She felt snug and comfy and wonderfully dozy. The cold spout of weather had ended up dragging on for several weeks and she had found herself longing for sunny days and sunbathing. Instead she had to settle for plenty of wood on her fire and woolly jumpers.

Listening to the wind blowing outside her window Sookie rolled onto her back. She rested her hands on her expanding stomach and sighed.

"You just keep on getting bigger and bigger, don't you?" she muttered. Giving her belly a rub she looked up at the ceiling as a wave of anxiety washed over her. She felt the foetus move. Sookie felt bad for feeling wigged, but she couldn't help it. The thought that there was something alive and moving inside her was a little freaky. But then again, it was pretty amazing too.

It had been nearly 12 weeks since that night in Shreveport. Sookie had managed to put most of the trauma behind her. Not to say that she was on speaking terms with Bill. Or that her relationship with Sam had been repaired. But she was managing to get her life back on track. She wasn't working, hadn't been able to go back to Merlotte's. But she had money in the bank that she had earned working for Eric.

Speaking of the big Viking. Sookie felt a flutter go along her spine as she thought about the vampire sheriff of Area 5. Her baby's daddy. How weird did that sound? The father of her child was a 1000 year old Viking vampire. And she had been impregnated while she was unconscious, under a witch's curse. Not exactly the definition of normal.

But normal had never been on the cards for Sookie. A telepath from birth, she had always been a little different. She'd never expected that her life would turn out quite like this, but she'd known it would not be white picket fences and church on Sundays. Now she had vampires and witches and shape shifters and werewolves. Definitely kept life interesting.

Closing her eyes Sookie tried to sleep. She was due for a doctors appointment early in the morning and she knew she had to get some sleep. But she was nervous. At 12 weeks she was able to find out the sex of her baby. She wasn't sure if yet if she wanted to know, and the decision was weighing on her. She was also hoping that the doctor would be able to get a clear image of the baby this time. The last couple of attempts had only resulted in blurred, vague images that resembled squished fruit.

A brief flash of guilt hit her as she considered Eric's position in all of this. After she had found out she was pregnant he had whisked her off and thoroughly celebrated with her. He had been like a whirlwind; hands, teeth, tongue everywhere. He had made love to her like a man dying of thirst and she was a long cool drink. He had been passionate and gentle and loving - three things she hadn't imagined Eric could be. And yet, he had been. And it had been wonderful.

Cutting him off had been hard. Especially when, before the rage had hit him, his eyes had been so wounded. He had looked devastated when she'd firmly told him that she had to sought her life out for herself and that he had to back off. Sookie had felt like a piece of her was being ripped away. He had stared at her with his blue eyes and simply asked "why?". Her answer and led him to fly into a formidable rage. He had been destroying his office when she'd left. And she'd not seen him since.

Pam had called in on her several times. The peculiar vampire had delighted in sitting in Sookie's living room, drinking a tea cup full of Tru Blood and talking about baby products as though it were completely normal. And while dated, some of Pam's advice had been quite useful. Turned out the vamp knew ebay like a pro, and was aware of all kinds of things about pregnancy and childbirth that Sookie had never even considered. She hadn't had the guts to ask how it was Pam knew all this.

And neither of them had brought up the elephant in the corner that was Eric. Although Pam had hinted several times that Eric wanted to see Sookie, she hadn't pushed it. Even Bill had been keeping his distance, lurking in the woods but never approaching the house. Sookie felt almost like she had escaped from the chaos that was the vampire world.

But now, when she could feel the life growing inside her, and it was all becoming a cold hard reality she was suddenly feeling very lonely. She sighed again as a fat tear welled and trickled down her cheek. Its just hormones, she told herself. She rubbed her stomach again, willing her nerves and nausea to settle.

Sookie felt something tingling the back of her neck. It was a familiar feeling, one that excited her as well as made her nervous. There were waves of calm being washed over her and Sookie realised they were not her own.

And then he was just there. All 6'4" of him. Sitting gently on the edge of her bed and reaching for her hand. Sookie jerked in surprise.

"Eric!" She yelped, clutching at the blankets.

"You did not rescind my invitation," he said softly. His expression was gentle and Sookie could feel relaxing waves washing over her. "You are anxious." Eric said matter of factly. He stroked her hand, trying to soothe her.

"Why…why are you here?" Sookie stuttered, trying to gain control of her fluttering hormones. Eric smiled, only a tiny smirk showing through.

"I thought it had been long enough. I decided that if you had not forgiven me I could wait no longer and I would come here tonight and make you forget that you were ever angry with me." He flashed her a charming smile.

Sookie looked at him for a long time, her brain going a mile a minute. Eric seemed to sense that she was sorting things out and allowed her the time to think. He watched her intently, and tried to make himself look as forgivable as possible. Finally Sookie's eyes met his. Her brown ones locked onto his blue as she eyed him.

Eric was about to speak when Sookie closed her fingers around his.

"Do you want to feel the baby?" She asked softly. Eric's eyes widened and he felt something catch in his throat. He nodded, wondering where his years of calm had gone. All of a sudden he felt nervous; something he had not experienced in a very long time. He allowed Sookie to lift their hands and place them on her exposed stomach.

Eric frowned. He couldn't feel anything. He was about to say so when he felt the tiniest flutter against his hand. His eyes shot to Sookie's. She laughed, catching his expression.

"That's him?" Eric asked, incredulously. Sookie found his reaction very endearing. She realised that Eric had probably not been in this situation in a very long time, if ever.

"Or her," she smiled. "I'm able to find out tomorrow. If I can ever decided whether I want to know or not." She pulled a puzzled face, looking down at their hands on her abdomen.

"How can you find out?" Eric's eyes did not leave his hand. He was fascinated by what he was feeling. He could hear the tiny hum of a heartbeat. And Sookie's blood was singing to him. It was overwhelming. He raised his eyes to hers, questioning.

"The doctor does an ultrasound. They can see if it's a boy or a girl. At least, if they get a clear picture they can. But I think this baby is camera shy. Last couple of times the doctor couldn't get a good clear look." She rambled. This baby stuff was pretty new to her. When she took in Eric's face she realised just how new it was to him. When he'd been human there had been no such thing as ultrasounds. Or hospitals. Or anything remotely like what existed now.

"But how do they see the baby?" He asked, his brow furrowing. His hand was gently rubbing against her skin and Sookie felt tingles spreading across her body.

"I think it picks up sound waves or something. The doctor has a wand thing that he puts over here," she moved Eric's hand over her lower abdomen. "And then there is a screen where a picture comes up and you can see the baby."

Eric nodded slowly, although Sookie wasn't convinced he understood fully.

"He uses a wand?" He asked, his voice a rumble. Sookie nodded, feeling her knees going weak as she took in Eric's features, his muscles, his piercing blue eyes. "Then it is magic." His voice was firm. Sookie was about to argue when Eric leaned forward and kissed her.

Gasping in shock Sookie allowed Eric's tongue entrance to her mouth. He was like a whirlwind. His hands caressed her face, trailing down her neck and over her breasts. He moved to lie over her, his body pressing into hers. Sookie felt herself submitting to his touch. She had been dreaming about this since that night. Her body had been trained to respond to his. She was desperate to feel him inside her again.

As Eric's hands trailed down her thighs and slipped under her nightshirt Sookie felt the baby move. She jolted to her senses, her hands pushing against Eric's shoulders.

"Stop!" She said. Eric groaned and kissed her neck. Sookie almost melted back into his touch. "Eric!" She said more urgently. Eric pulled back and looked into her eyes, concerned.

"Yes, my lover?" His fangs had dropped and she could feel his hardness against her leg.

"We cant," she muttered, feeling heat flood her cheeks.

"Why not?" Eric gave her a puzzled look, his hands gently stroking her arms.

"The baby. I don't know if it will hurt the baby." She looked apologetic. Eric pulled back immediately. He looked down at her, his eyes clouded with worry. His hands went to her stomach, feeling intently and he reached out with his senses to feel the baby. Everything seemed to be ok. He made a decision then and there. He was not going to miss any more of this baby than he already had. Whether Sookie wanted it or not, he was going to be there. He was going to care for her.

"I want to come." Eric said solemnly. Sookie gave him a puzzled look.

"Eric I just said we couldn't…"

"No, Sookie darling. I want to come. Tomorrow." He gave her a loving smile.

"How are you going to do that? My appointment is first thing in the morning, Eric. You'll be asleep."

"Change it." Eric said, practically.

"Change it? Eric, do you have any idea how hard it is to get these appointments?" Sookie pushed herself off the bed.

"Tell them its an emergency and that you have to change it. I will call them if you wish." He pulled out his cell. Sookie grabbed his arm.

"No! Its ok. I'll call them tomorrow. I don't want you making death threats on my doctor!" She pulled his cell phone out of his hand. Eric allowed it. "So you really want to come?" She asked tentatively. Eric took in her nervous expression.

"Yes. I want to be a part of this with you, Sookie. This is my child too. I will do my duty. I want to be with you. I want you to be mine. I want to look after you and protect you. Let me do this." He implored, his hands caressing her face.

Sookie slowly nodded.

"I guess. If you really mean it. But Eric, this isn't something you can play at. I don't want to let you in if you are going to pull out when you get bored, or if it gets too hard for you. I'd rather do it on my own and save myself the heartache." She set her features, although inside she was terrified of his answer.

Pulling her into his arms Eric placed a kiss on her forehead.

"My dearest Sookie. I am all in."

Sookie smiled at Eric's use of a modern phrase and allowed him to lay her back down. The Viking pulled back the blankets and slipped in beside Sookie. He turned her onto her side and spooned in behind her. His large hand rested on her hip.

"Go to sleep Sookie. Everything will be fine in the morning." He placed another gentle kiss on her head, feeling her drifting off to sleep. He smiled to himself. He was going to be a dad.

A.N: Dah dah dahn! So what is going to happen? Can Eric vamp up and be a baby daddy? Can Sookie deal with pregnancy? And what about Sam and Bill? Are they going to cause trouble for the unlikely pair? What fine things are going to happen in Bon Temps? Stay tuned and read and review for faster updates!