You guys, this chapter kind of sucks so please give me some love so that I'm motivated to write the fourth and final installment. What do you want to see happen here? You tell me and I write it.

And, a huge thanks to my lovely readers: petuniatc (for letting me know that this is AU), Grande (for giving me the wonderful story idea), LunaZola (for picking out and sharing a specific portion that she loved), Betherzz (for always reading and replying and offering wonderful insight), GrassyNight (for sharing a specific portion), Mogget067 (for being a faithful reader and sorry about the cliffhanger ), ncis29 (for the fabulous feedback and you'll have to wait to see if Ziva is paralyzed!), jaimee01 (for agreeing that we don't like Tony with Jeanne), Migalouch (for explaining AU), Diana teo (for being a faithful reader and offering input into the AU scenario).

And Fictionnaire – sorry that you had to read the first two parts before finding out no Jeanne. Let me know if there is anything I can do to make it up to you!


You can never prepare enough to see anyone you love hooked to machines. Not breathing on her own.

But Ziva? It was the first thing Tony thought as he stood just inside the door to room 204. For a girl who'd rather show her naked body than an ounce of weakness, breathing with the assistance of a machine would have sent Ziva into an overcompensating frenzy, dragging Tony to the gym to grapple or out to the shooting range.

But then Tony remembered. Ziva didn't - and wouldn't for awhile - have the strength to do any of that for. Frankly, she might not even have the strength to care.

He felt a hand fold over his shoulder. Squeeze.

Tony didn't have to look to know it was Gibbs.

They stood like that, for a solid minute, watching her, before making their way carefully to the bedside. Tony took the right side without thinking, watching as Gibbs picked up her only good hand. And so Tony traced her fingers sticking out from the cast, eyes trained as Gibbs kissed the back of her hand, letting their intertwined fingers linger against his cheek.

"Welcome back, Ziver," he said in a voice that gave way to exactly how tolling the afternoon had been.

Tony tried to remember how he would have acted when Ziva was just his partner. When he wasn't filled with an uncontrollable urge to fix everything for her, to run to hell and back again if it mean releasing one ounce of pain that he knew shook through her.

But in all honesty, he didn't know what to say, what to do. And he was afraid to test the waters with Gibbs in the room.

So he continued to stroke her fingers, his mind screaming everything his lips couldn't. Please don't leave me.

He moved to the left side of Ziva's bed after Gibbs left, Abby sitting down in Tony's still warm seat.

She placed a small hand against Ziva's cheek. "Hi, Ziva."

She looked at Tony and gave a small half smile, raising her eybrows as if to say, It's your turn to say something, Tony.

But he simply looked down at Ziva, studying the rise and fall of her chest. The tube snaking out of her mouth.

"I knew you'd be ok, Ziva," Abby continued. "I mean, this team would be nothing without you! Who would stand up for McGee, keep Tony in check, tug at Gibbs' soft spot? And I never took you up on teaching me how to fight - or, at least, defend myself - so we still have to do that. Really, Ziva, I promise, and..."

A lone tear escaped the corner of Abby's right eye as she stopped abruptly, though she didn't bother to brush it away. She let it slide down, slowly, before falling onto the shoulder of Ziva's hospital gown. She wanted to ask Tony what came next, she wanted to tell him that seeing Ziva so small, hurt, vulnerable. It scared her. But admitting any of that would bring negativity into the room, and frankly, Abby didn't think Ziva could survive much more.

When McGee came, he matched Tony's uncomfortable unsureness. He stood in the doorway for a minute, watching Tony and Ziva, before the senior agent finally looked up.

"It's ok, Tim," said Tony, meeting the third agent's eyes.

And McGee cautiously made his way to Ziva's side, sinking into the chair, letting his eyes roam over the machines, up and down her body.

It was the first moment that evening that Tony finally felt sure, in charge, control of something. "You can talk to her, McGee."

The junior agent cleared his throat and nodded. "Ziva, uh.."

He looked up at Tony. "Can she hear me?"

Tony thought for a moment. Hesitated. "I'm not really sure...but if she can, I'm glad we're talking."

"Ziva, I, uh, I really need you to come back to work," McGee let out a nervous chuckle as he spoke. "You can't leave me for too long with just Tony."

If it was any other day Tony would have jumped to defend. But tonight, he only smiled and squeezed Ziva's hand tighter. "He's right, Zee, without you to torment, all my energy will go into McGee."

The two male agents met eyes over her motionless body.

Tony knew the words were coming - Tony, is she really going to make it - and he shook his head sternly at McGee.

Don't say it, Probie.

Tim nodded and sat stiffly for a minute, picking at the peeling plastic on the cushioned chair. Out of the corner of his eye he watched Tony hold Ziva's hand against his cheek. Watched him watch her face.

"Tony, should we go check in with Gibbs and Ducky?" McGee finally asked.

"Go ahead," replied Tony, indifferent.

McGee stood. "Uh, Tony, maybe we should let Ziva rest quietly."

Tony's eyes flashed anger, annoyance when he looked up. "She's my partner, McSensitive. Not leaving."

McGee pursed his lips, looked to the floor. "Are you sure that's all it is, Tony?"

It would have been a perfect excuse to finally get mad at someone, to finally have a place to direct all of his anger over the day's events.

But Tony only took a deep breath and spoke through clenched teeth, trying to make his voice sound as even and calm as possible. "I've got my cell if you need to reach me."

With that, Tim placed a hand on her shoulder, squeezed gently for a second. "See you tomorrow, Ziva."

Long after Tim left, Tony continued to sit, hold Ziva's hand. He ignored the cramp that was forming in his lower back, his full bladder, his growling stomach. He focused on her, as the sun lowered outside, dimming the hospital room so that the green and red lights of the machine shone brightly around Ziva.

It was a steady reminder of what was keeping her alive. A steady reminder that she was still here.

And for the first time that night, Tony began to talk.

At first, it was superficial conversation. The movie he saw last night, his dad's latest escapades. He told her of a prank he was dying to play on McGee, or a recipe he thought they could try together.

And then he hesitated. Spoke.

"C'mon, Zee, you've gotta wake up. I can't…I can't do this, without you."


When the nurse came in, she seemed almost afraid to speak. "Sir, I'm afraid you're going to have to leave."

Tony didn't look at her, but held his breath. I can't leave her.

"Visiting hours were up two hours ago. You can come back at 8 tomorrow."

Tony thought about fighting, flashing his badge. Throwing some weight around so that he'd have unlimited access to her room. But in doing so, it felt like he'd be angering the powers that be, take their energy away from healing Ziva.

And so he took another look at her still body. And left. Retreating to the darkened waiting room, empty except for a worrisome trio. Gibbs. Abby. McGee.

Tony joined them. Gibbs handed him a cup of coffee. And together, they waited.


By the third day the waiting room group had somewhat dismantled. Abby and McGee came twice a day, together. Spent time with Ziva and then even more time with Tony or Gibbs or whoever from their team was at the hospital.

Gibbs came once or twice a day, but spent hours. In Ziva's room, in the lobby. Sometimes he simply strolled the hospital, walking past the newborn babies and eyeing from a distance new, happy parents.

He had been there, once.

And Tony, he only left briefly, twice, to shower and change.

At first, the doctors had thought Ziva would wake up within a day. But now that three had passed, they were starting to talk of a permanent coma, decisions that needed to be made. The blood loss was one thing, the infection they were trying to treat another. But apparently, the head injury and swelling was much worse, than originally thought.

On the second day Eli sent a Mossad operative, to assess the situation. Tony stood in the doorway, arms crossed, as the man sat by Ziva's bedside and spoke quietly in Hebrew.

When the man had left, Tony called Gibbs. He wasn't exactly sure why - a man has a right to check on his daughter, after all, even if by proxy - but he called Gibbs nonetheless.

It was a rare occasion, this third day, for the four of them to be sitting together in the hospital room. Abby and McGee had brought pizzas and coffee, Gibbs had brought a comforting hand, squeeze of the shoulder. And Tony, he had left the hospital room without protest, as he did yesterday when Gibbs forced him to go home to sleep, shower and change.

The four looked up as Dr. Reynolds walked through the swinging doors. They knew all of her doctors – and nurses too – by name now.

"She's awake," he simply said.

And as a wave of relief crossed Gibbs' face and Abby broke out into a huge smile, crushing McGee into a giant hug.

And Tony? He got up and strode past the group, past Dr. Reynolds, and down the hall toward room 204.


Remember to let me know where you want to see this go, because otherwise I honestly am going to have a hard time/might not finish. How does the relationship with Tony/Ziva end, what is Ziva's recovery like – where does she go, when does she leave the hospital. TELL me!