A/N: So updating totally slipped my mind during the first few weeks of school. I'm so sorry!

Disclaimer: I am not JKR. :(

Between thinking about what a twat Michael Corner was and his own situation with Luna, it was surprising that he was pulled out of his head for even this.
He strolled over to his laughing schoolmates at the window.
"What's so funny?" He asked Seamus.
"She's bloody mad, that's what's funny!"
He pointed out the window at the miniature girl twirling in the rain.
He couldn't believe it- this on top of everything else! Oh, when he got down there...
"Just what do you think you're doing?" Now, she was skipping around in some sort of circle.
"Enjoying the rain. Would you like to join me?" She stopped to look at him, though still swaying on the spot.
"No, I would not."
"Okay, then." She continued to prance around the now-muddy lawn.
His annoyance stood plain on his face. "Luna!"
"Yes?" She spun to face him.
His sigh was angry. "You're embarrassing yourself!"
"No, I'm not embarrassed."
"And you're soaked, and now you're all muddy." Ron grabbed her arm to lead her back to the castle, but she yanked it free.
"I didn't ask you to look after me."
"And if I don't, who will?"
"I know I don't have many friends, and if you don't want to be one, you don't have to."
She turned away from him, wiping the tears forming in her eyes.
"Luna," He placed his hand on her shoulder. "I didn't mean it like that."
But she just shook off his hand and walked away.
Ron spent the next week miserable, not even trying to persuade anyone that Michael Corner was a deplorable scumbag.
Luna spent that week at the Ravenclaw table during all meals. Eating at the Gryffindor table at least once a day had become customary for her that year.
At the D.A. meeting, she steered clear of the redheaded fifth year, which was also out of the ordinary.
And she most certainly was never seen wearing the red sweater that had seemed to become part of her uniform.

Reviews = 3 + :)