Here chapter 11. I think it's pretty bad.

The next morning Mai and Lin walk into the office to see Ayako and Masako there looking at a dress of what looked like silk. It was black with a beaded circle between the breasts leading up into the neck. Mai wondered why they brought that here then realized she was going to have to try it on. (http:/ www .camdendrive. com/media/ resized/N1080 -Black-f_ )

"Mai, this is your dress. I maid you the Maid –of-Honor, hope you don't mind, " Ayako said holding the dress out to her, "here try it on." Sighing Mai took the dress and went to the bathroom. She quickly changed and walked out to show the three that were standing there. Ayako and Masako smiled at how it looked, Lin didn't show any emotion that she could see from far away.

"So is it plain enough to draw all the attention to you Ayako-chan?" Mai giggled when Ayako shook her head yes.

"But it is pretty on you. You, Masako and Madoka will all look wonderful."

"Wait, who are Bou-san's ushers?" Mai said as she walked back to the bathroom.

"John is his Best Man, Lin's one, and * whispers * Gene."

"EHHHHHHH! But wasn't he dead!"

"Turns out I wasn't" Gene said steping out of Naru's office.

"How do I know you're Gene and not Naru!" Mai said hiding halfway behind Lin. "Wait do you know who I like?"

"Hmm, is it still Naru even though he's gay?"

"GENE! It is you! And hell no!"

"EH? Then who! You have to tell me!"

"Look who's she's hiding behind Gene." Masako said holding her hand out towards them.

"EH! Lin, but don't you hate Japanese?" Gene said glaring at Lin.

"Well once both of you chewed me out about it I kind of just started liking the ones I work with. And then this happened." He motioned to Mai who was still partially behind him.

"Oh well th-."

"Gene? Masako? What's wrong?"

"Who are you?" Masako whispered looking at Mai. "Why are you holding Mai?"

"I want my daughter back. I can't believe what she did last night!" The ghost that everyone could now see screeched. "She's my baby girl! Stay away from her!"

"Father! What the heck are you talking about!" Mai yelled.

"Your mother, she saw it, what you did last night. Nobody's good enough for you!"

"Father! I am an adult; I can make my own decisions! Now please daddy, go. I love you and always will, but I need someone in my life to hold me when I kneed to be and I am finally over my boss. Please go!"

"Not until he stays away from you! I don't trust him." Next thing everyone saw a chair fly through the air towards Lin. It hit him in the gut and caused him to fall to his knees.

"FATHER!" But Mai's screaming did nothing, her father kept throwing anything he could at Lin. After the chair he grabbed the tea set and started to throw it at him. Mai ran to stop him but to no avail, the tea set still hit him in the back. The sound of the door opening didn't stop anyone; Father kept throwing everything he could.

Bou-san walked in and saw the ghost and the bloodied Lin. "What happened?"

"Mai's father is mad at Lin, says he's not good enough and not trust worthy."

Bou-san didn't hesitate and started chanting (A/N don't know the chant sorry). The ghost froze as Bou-san started. When Bou-san finished Ayako said " Rin! Pyou! Tou! Shah! Kai! Chin! Retsu! Zai! Zen!," while moving her hand in the right formation. After her father's ghost disappeared Mai looked over to see Lin standing up. Rushing over she helped him to his feet and saw blood dripping from his head.

"Koujo you have to go to the hospital, your head is bleeding." Mai said to him as she pressed her hand to the wound.

"I'll be fine."

"No! At least let Ayako wrap it!" Mai said looking to Ayako. Ayako walked up and grabbed the first aid-kit from the desk next to them. She quickly cleaned the wound and dressed it.

"What happened?" Naru asked just now coming out of his office. "Gene? Masako? Is there a ghost here or something? Lin what happened to you?"

"Mai's father's ghost came, started throwing stuff at Lin, Bou-san and Ayako got rid of him and this is how Lin came out of it all. He refuses to go to the hospital and that's angering Mai." Masako said looking to Naru then at Gene.

"Why is Gene still frozen?"

"I don't know, he might see another ghost… HUH? He's smiling now. And waving?"

"Who do you see Gene?"

"It was Mai's mom. She just wanted to hug Mai and leave." He said looking to his brother. "Isn't Yasuhara here?"

"No he's at his normal job for a few more hours."

"Okay. HA look Mia's still trying to get Lin to go to the hospital. She's not going to succeed. Lin is the most stubborn person I know." Gene said.

"Then you don't know Mai." Ayako said walking over "Mai before you ruin the dress go and change please." Stomping off Mai went to change. "Mai will pester him till he agrees, I'm sure he'll go crazy if he doesn't. Here comes Mai again." And sure enough she started pestering Lin again. After half an hour of watching then they finally see Lin agree. Sighing he lets Mai lead him out of the office.

"Wow she is really different than what I know of her." Gene said to a room full of laughter. When they caught what her said they turned to him.

"What do you mean Ani*?" Naru asked him.

"Huh? Oh well I was her dream guide; she's so different in that little area. Haha."

"Oh okay, that makes no sense!" Ayako said.

"Don't worry about it, I did nothing bad; in fact, I helped her find Masako when she went missing. Well gotta go bye." Gene said walking out the door.

"The polar opposite of Naru." Ayako said gathering the dress from the bathroom, "Don't you have to meet Yasu soon Naru?"

"Yeah. Bye." With that Naru booked it out of the office. Masako stood at the window watching Naru walk up behind Gene.

"HAHAHA Naru just slapped Gene for no reason." She said walking to Ayako, "We best be going."

"Yeah. Let's go check on Mai. Her dad was really rude, don't you think?"

"Yes, but I'm sure any dad would do that."

"You're right. My dad would have killed him if I had been the one dating him with that much of an age difference." Ayako and Masako were already out of the parking lot when they heard Bou-san yell:


*Ani: Big brother (sort form of oniisan)