Because I've gotten better at writing and after reading the first chapter of the old version I slapped myself and felt bad for what I put you all through…and I thought it was good…WELL THIS WILL BE BETTER! I PROMISE! There'll be some changes in this story like characters and relationships but everything's probably going to be the same. Review and tell me what you think of 'Re: Tennis Isn't My Thing' There will also be this thing in the beginning that's like a flash back of Hoshi's. It'll be in Bold Italics.

Normal is Japanese

Italics are Thoughts or emphasis, depending on the situation.

Bold is English

"…It hurts,"

"It'll be okay. The doctors said that the surgery will fix everything…"

"…I'm scared….what if I can't play anymore?"

"You will be able to play…I promise,"

"Good game Tezuka-San!" a third year boy cheered as he passed me in the halls, his friend saying the same as a small blush crossed my cheeks.

"A-Ah, thank you very much Senpais," I thanked quietly as the two nodded before they continued on their way to class.

"You're so shy Hoshi-Chan~," Chiasa, a fellow first year and my best friend teased as we made our way to class.

I could only offer her a small smile while I adjusted the Seigaku Tennis Bag and school bag around so that I could open the door to our classroom, Class 1-2. The room was barley occupied, save for the three girls in the front talking amongst themselves. Moving towards the center of the class, I put my stuff down near my desk as Chiasa did the same to right of me. Rummaging through my school bag, I took out my homework and English book as Chiasa recited the events of yesterday's game to Sakuno and Tomoko, who came to visit before they had to go back to their class, Classroom 1-1.

"-then Hoshi won the game and we all got ramen at the twins' family ramen shop to celebrate!" Chiasa finished with a grin.

"That's amazing Hoshi-Chan," Sakuno complimented quietly as I gave her a small smile and 'thank you'.

"That is amazing Hoshi but…" Tomoko paused, seriousness covering her face before it broke out into a love struck look. "My Ryoma-Kun could probably do way better with more grace!"

"Um…thanks Tomo-Chan…" I said with a slight grimace due to the fact that she just insulted me…

"Speaking of my future husband~," Tomoko cooed as she practically melted at the sight of Ryoma walking into the classroom, Horio, Kato and Mizuno following behind.

"A-Ah! It's R-Ryoma-kun," Sakuno silently stuttered as the boys made their way towards us.

"Good morning Ryoma-Kun! How did you sleep last night?" Tomoko cooed as Ryoma placed his stuff on the desk to the left of mine, completely ignoring her.

So cold.

"That was a good game you played Tezuka-San," Kato praised as I gave him a shy smile.

Ryoma seemed to perk up a bit at the sound of my last name.

"Thank you Katsuo-San," I thanked as Chiasa held out a piece of paper.

"Hey! Can you help me answer number 7 on our homework Kachiro-San? English isn't my best subject and Hoshi sucks at English so she's no help," Chiasa pouted.

"O-Oi! I'm right here!" I stuttered, slightly angry as Chiasa patted my head before tugging at my braid that fell over my right shoulder.

"No hard feelings Hoshi-Chan~!" Chiasa sang as I pouted.

"Do you need help on your homework Tezuka-San?" Kachiro asked as I directed my attention to him.

"No, Kunimitsu helped me after his tennis practice," I answered while taking out the sheet that was filled neatly with Japanese kanji and English words. "Thank you for asking though,"

"Ryuzaki-San, Osakada-San class is about to start. You both should head back to your classrooms," Miura-Sensei informed the two as he set his briefcase on his desk and adjusted his tie before drinking the contents of his coffee mug.

"Bye Ryoma-Sama~!" Tomoko sang as Ryoma bluntly ignored her.

"B-Bye Ryoma-Kun. Hoshi-Chan, Chiasa-Chan," Sakuno said with a stutter.

"See ya later you two," Chiasa said as she finished her homework, thanks to Katsuo-San.

"See you at lunch Sakuno-Chan, Tomo-Chan," I said as the two girls waved before leaving to their classroom.

Sitting down at my desk I took out my English notebook and folder along with my light green mechanical pencil, Chiasa taking out a pink mechanical pencil with a rabbit head eraser. Glancing at my friend I eyed the bunny eraser with distaste.

"Seriously Chiasa? That's what you spent with the 128 yen I lent you?" I asked bluntly as she merely grinned at me. [1]

"Heh, I was going to go get Pockey but then Carrot-Chan here just called out to me~!" Chiasa giggled as I merely sighed while putting on my black glasses with a semi-thick rectangular frame that curves slightly around the edges.

"I should've known better than to lend money to Chiasa," I thought dejectedly as the bell for class rang, silencing the students' chatter.

"Good morning class," Miura-Sensei greeted as he wrote today's lesson on the board.

"Good morning Mr. Miura," the class greeted in unison as Miura paused in his writing before thoughtfully looking at the board, taking a sip from his coffee mug before continuing to write.

"Today we'll learn the wonders of food and ordering at a restaurant in an English speaking area," Miura stated as he drew a hot dog and a plate of fish and chips.

During the lesson I scribbled down detailed and neat notes in my notebook, occasionally doodling in the margins of my notebook paper when my attention has drifted away. Most doodles were of people and Ponta cans bullying a bottle of Pocari Sweat, only to have a chibi me drink all the evil Pontas and saving the Pocari Sweat for practice later after school.

Soon the class ended with the ring of the bell and the silent cheers of the students. Pinching the bridge of his nose, Miura let out a loud sigh before erasing the board and writing down our homework on the upper left corner of the board.

"Read chapter 6 on pages 156-141 and do the questions on page 142. Make flashcards from the words on page 143 sections one, two and three for homework since there will be a vocabulary test Friday. There will be a small group study session and a quiz Saturday to make sure everyone's on track," Miura said as he put down a white piece chalk and looked at me before the rest of the class. "Have a good day," with that said, Miura packed up his briefcase and exited the classroom leaving the students by themselves.

"Tezuka-San…" a male voice called from beside me.

Turning my head I saw Ryoma looking at me with mild interest shining in his gold colored eyes. Blinking with curiosity as to why Ryoma had suddenly decided to talk to me, I took off my glasses and looked at him with my sepia colored eyes.

"Can I help you with something Echizen-San?" I inquired while quirking up a single eyebrow.

"Your brother is the Captain of the Tennis Club, right?" he asked as I nodded my head.

"Yes, he's my older brother. Couldn't you figure out by my last name?" I asked with a slight frown.

"Play me in a tennis match," he requested as my eyes widened slightly.

"O-Oh no…you don't understand Echizen-San. My brother may be Seigaku's best tennis player and Captain of the Boy's Tennis Team but that doesn't mean I'm good at tennis," I admitted with a blush as I held my hands up. "In fact, I don't even like the sport,"

"Hmm…Then why do you have a Seigaku Tennis Bag?" Ryoma questioned as I pinched the bridge of my nose.

"My brother accidentally took my soccer bag and I took his tennis bag. I have to switch with him before soccer practice starts. That's all," I said with a bitter smile as I glanced down at my homework. "I'm sorry to disappoint you Echizen-San," I apologized as Ryoma shrugged his shoulder before starting his English homework.

"No problem," he answered as I ran a hand through my bangs and started my homework before our math teacher came in.

School passed quickly and I was eager to go switch bags with Kunimitsu. People kept asking if I finally decided to do tennis and follow in Kunimitsu's footsteps and lead Seigaku to the Nationals with the Female's Tennis Club, only to deny them and explain the mix up I had with Kunimitsu this morning after our sports' practice.

"Kunimitsu!" I called as I saw my older brother talking to Inui.

He paused in his conversation and turned his head to see me approaching him, holding up his bag.

"Just as I thought," Kunimitsu mumbled to himself before taking his bag and returning my Seigaku Soccer bag.

"You can go home after tennis practice, Kunimitsu. The Regulars are having an extended practice to prepare for the upcoming match against Fudomine Junior High so I'll be getting out a bit later than usual," I explained as I rummaged through my bag for my knee brace.

"Make sure you stretch well and do a warm up jog around the soccer field before playing," Inui advised as I nodded my head.

"Thank you Inui-Senpai and it was nice to see you. See you at home Kunimitsu!" I shouted as I ran towards the Girl's Locker room and changed into my Seigaku Soccer Uniform before going towards the fields for practice.

The uniform looked very stylish, in my opinion. It consisted of a white fitted sleeveless soccer jersey made of breathable fabric and a collar around the neck, 'Seigaku' sewn around the upper left part of the jersey. The shoulder part of the uniform was blue, along with the collar and the sides of the jersey, a thin red strip circling the collar. It basically had the same design as the Boy's Regular Tennis jersey. White soccer shorts and white soccer socks with blue electrical tape to keep them up finished the uniform. My neon red puma soccer cleats always made my feet look like a blur of red when I sprinted and ran across the soccer field during a game, making the game more fun to watch, especially when everyone else wore brightly colored cleats.

"Hoshi-Chan! How's your-"

"-ankle?" twins Ayumi and Azumi asked as I came into view.

"It feels fine, thanks for asking," I responded as the twins gave me identical grins.

"Take it easy and stay back when we scrimmage. I can always use some company in goal," Haruhi said as she placed her goalie clad hand on top of my head.

"Hello there chums!" Eliza greeted everyone, a thick British accent making her words barley understandable. "All right?"

"Yeah, save for the fact that Hoshi almost sprained her ankle at yesterday's game," Nunnally said while flipping through a small notepad.

"If you guys have enough time to chat then you have enough time to warm up!" Sophia, our Captain, shouted from across the field as we all groaned.

"Might as well get it over with. Get together with your running buddies and we'll do two laps around the field before stretching. After stretching we'll all take a water break before doing a complex," Ying, our Vice Captain, stated as she brushed away her horse bangs and tied her long silky black hair into a bun.

"Come on mate!" Eliza exclaimed as she grabbed my hand and guided me to the line everyone was making.

"Ah, no fair Eliza! You got to be buddies with Lolita-Chan yesterday!" Akane pouted as she pointed at Eliza.

"You just want to be partners with Lolita-Chan because you know Sophia makes her run slow! How cruel of you to use Lolita-Chan for such a devious plot you lazy git!" Eliza retorted while waving her arms around as Akane looked shocked before slightly furious.

"That's the same reason why you want to be Lolita-Chan's partner!" Akane accused as Eliza gasped.

"Come on Hoshi, be my partner. Those two will kiss and hug before they become running buddies with each other like always," Haruhi smiled as I watched the two hug dramatically with tears rolling down their eyes.

"This wouldn't happen if someone would let me run normally," I stated while glancing over at Sophia, who was walking to the front of the line with Ying.

Sophia adjusted her blonde pixie cut hair so that her bangs covered the black eye patch she wore over her right eye due to a recent injury. She glanced at me with her visible green eye, giving me a small frown at the sight of my pout.

"You have a bad knee. I don't want you to push yourself and injure yourself Tezuka," Sophia stated, using my last name to make her point.

"This sucks," I mumbled to myself as we started to jog around the soccer field, passing by the first, second and third years trying out for the five spots available as substitutes for the team during games.

"Hey, look at that freshman trying out over there," Haruhi said as she nodded her head in the direction of a Japanese girl with long brown hair in low twin braids and bangs that framed her face.

"She's playing a bit dirty, don't you think?" I asked as she roughly shoved a girl to the side and kicked the soccer ball towards her opponent's head, almost decapitating it.

"But she's good," Nunnally piped in from behind us. "Good enough to be on the Regular team but as a substitute, not a starter," she continued as I squinted my eyes.

"I think she's in my class," I said as we did high knee kicks while jogging around the field.

"Sato Megumi, born July 21st, 1996 and is in class 1-2. She started playing soccer seven years ago, participating in soccer camps and the Tokyo Tigers, Tokyo's city soccer team for girls in the Under-16 category. She likes to play rough, dirty soccer as you can see." Nunnally stated as Akane let out a low whistle.

"Even though she's good, I don't want to be on the same team as her. I'd kind of rather be on the worst team than the best team with her on it. You know?" Akane asked as we started our stretches.

"She's kind of mean in class and is Vice-President to Echizen Ryoma's Fan Club. She gets a bit scary to girls who get too close to Echizen," I recalled as I remembered the time she humiliated a girl in Ryoma's Fan Club because the girl talked to Ryoma without another club member present.

"You mean the super freshman on the Regular Tennis Team?" Naomi questioned as I nodded my head.

"You know, he's kind of cute. I think that super freshman and Lolita-Chan would make a cute couple, ne?" Ayumi grinned as the others thought about it.

"Yeah, but Hoshi's one of the few freshmen girls that doesn't have a crush on Echizen," Azumi pouted as I looked away, a light pink blush barley covering my cheeks at the thought of said boy.

"Eh? What's this? Is Hoshi blushing?" Haruhi teased as she poked my cheek with her index finger, causing me to swipe it away.

"He's cute, I'll give him that," I replied as I turned my attention to the water fountain where some tennis players were drenching their head with water. "But he plays a sport that I dislike so that takes away some brownie points,"

"But your brother plays tennis and you like him," Ying answered as I tensed a bit before relaxing.

"He's family. That's different," I answered as Eliza pinched my cheek.

"It's okay to admit it Lolita-Chan~! Everyone has a crush! I have a crush on a boy back in England. I'LL WAIT FOR YOU EUGENE XII!" Eliza screamed to the heavens as she stood up and raised her fists to the air.

"What kind of name is Eugene?" Naomi questioned in her usual dull voice as Eliza had a look of shock before falling back but quickly recovering with hearts in her eyes.

"Only the most gorgeous name in existence! Just listen to the way it rolls off the tongue! Eugene~! Eugene~! Eugeeeeene~!" Eliza repeated in her first language.

"It seems like everyone on the team has a crush now," Ying said thoughtfully as we got ready to run around all of the school's sports fields.

"Yeah…but everyone's been teased about their crush besides Lolita-Chan~!" Ayumi and Azumi chimed as we started jogging.

"We pass the tennis courts when we run the complex, right?" Haruhi suggested with a sly smirk as my face drained color.

"TEASING TIME!" the twins yelled as the bolted towards the tennis courts.

"Remember the rules! Don't say who it is and don't make it obvious who the crush is!" Akane shouted as Sophia merely sighed.

"Come on Hoshi, time to run and remember to keep the same pace as me," she stated as I nodded my head before jogging towards the others at a reasonable pace.

"Why are they going to tease me at the tennis courts?" I frowned as we passed the baseball fields and headed towards the tennis courts, only to hear my teammates' chanting and singing about how I had a crush.

"Because Echizen and your brother are at the tennis courts," Sophia mention as I tensed.

"I forgot about that!" I shouted as I felt anime tears cascade down my cheeks. "I think I'm going to die from embarrassment."

"Hey Tezuka-Senpai!" Ayumi called as Kunimitsu turned his attention to the twins.

"Your little sister is growing up!" Azumi followed as Akane skipped behind.

"Lolita-Chan has a crush on someone in the Tennis Club~!" Eliza sang as she twirled around before continuing her skips.

"I ONLY SAID HE WAS CUTE!" I screamed as I started to sprint towards them, only to have the collar of my jersey held back by Sophia.

"Tezuka! You will not sprint and risk injuring yourself!" Sophia barked as she stopped jogging and turned towards Kunimitsu who was looking at us. "I apologized deeply for my teammates interrupting your practice Tezuka-San," Sophia bowed in a 90 degree angle as Ying stood next to Sophia and did the same.

"Sorry for interrupting your practice Kunimitsu," I apologized as I gave him a small bow before standing straight up. "I'll take up your chores this weekend so you can go fishing with Grandfather," I offered as Eliza pushed my head down and leaned against me.

"I'll give ya a hint Tezuka-Senpai! The lucky guy is on the Regular Team~!" Eliza sang before she scurried away with Akane.

"Don't listen to them Kunimitsu. They're just…" I trailed as my eye twitched in annoyance. "My annoying Senpais…"

"But you love us!" came the distant voice of the twins as I slapped my forehead before blushing at the attention I was receiving.

"Great…they think I'm weird," I muttered as Ying giggled.

"Are you sure you're not just worried about him thinking you're weird," she whispered in my ear before jogging away.

"Xia-Senpai," I whined quietly as Sophia started jogging away.

"See you at home Kunimitsu and sorry for the interruption," I gave one last goodbye as I jogged next to Sophia, only to step on a stray tennis ball and fall on my back. "Itai!"

"Five laps for whoever didn't pick up the tennis balls," Kunimitsu stated in a stern voice as I sat up, Sophia checking the back of my head for a bump.

Tennis isn't my thing.

VOILA! IT'S DONE! CHAPTER ICHI IS DONE! Tell me what you think about it and if you think it's better or going to turn out better than the original 'Tennis Isn't My Thing'. PEACE OUT!

Tezuka will make you run laps around Japan if you don't Rate/Review/Message.

[1] That's about $1.50