Turnabout Nightmares

Hi everyone! So this is my first Ace Attorney fanfic. This was supposed to be like only one chapter. But I wrote it too long… again so I'll make it in separate chapters and short ones as well.

Disclaimer: I do not own the Ace Attorney series

Chapter 1:

Turnabout Elevators

Miles Edgeworth stepped out of the courtroom with confidence and his cold demeanour. He had just finished prosecuting a case that sent the accused a lifetime jail with no chance of parole.

He left the court with the demeanour still on him. He notices that Gumshoe wasn't with him. "Hmm… he might be still cleaning up that mess I told him to clean" He said to himself.

When Edgeworth had won the trial, the Gumshoe showered the courtroom with confetti in celebration. He was totally embarrassed from it that he ordered Gumshoe to clean it up and not leaving a single piece of confetti behind.

He heads towards the stairs but then he suddenly stopped, noticing a machine that was next to him. His turned his head, and realized what it was.

"It's just an elevator" he moved sideways a bit trying to not get closer to the elevator. He got annoyed by his actions, "Why am I hesitating to an elevator?" He said to himself again, then looking at the thing that he had feared since childhood.

He started to walk towards it and stopped in front of it.

He looked at the down button; his trembling hand slowly moved to the down button and pressed it.

The doors slid open as the prosecutor stepped inside.

He looked on the buttons on his right side, he pressed the 1 button and the elevator's sign glowed a down sign in red, it closed the doors, then it went down to the 1st floor.

Meanwhile Edgeworth went silent; he didn't make any sound as he waited for the elevator to stop.


The ground started shaking; just a few tremors made the Demon Prosecutor realize what was happening.

"E-e-ear-r-rthq-q-u-u-a-a-ke-e-e…" he trembled as his legs collapse and crash onto the floor, dropping his briefcase, "EARTHQUAKE!" He yelled.

The tremors continued as it became stronger by the minute. The elevator lights blinked then it sparked and then it went black. Edgeworth started to hold his knees next to him and began to tremble, he shook as the world did. His head was tucked near his knees and shuts his eyes closed.

The tremors eventually stopped as Edgeworth slowly opened his eyes, finally realized one fact.

He was alone.

In the elevator.

Stuck, just like 17 years ago.

He quivered as he tried to stand up trying to find a way to get out. He couldn't see a thing from the sudden spark from the lights. He moved his feet and felt something from his shoes. It was a round, circular, tube-like object, he bent down trying to pick it up, and he grabbed it with his still wobbly hands and recognized the object.

It was a flashlight.

He had remembered that this flashlight was one of the evidence used in the case. He tried to keep his composure and opened the flashlight. He scanned the elevator from top, seeing the broken lights, and down his open briefcase and different kinds of objects everywhere. He picked them up placing them back to his briefcase and picked up the paper scattered with it. He then closed his briefcase and sat on the floor hoping someone would find him. But then he would have to cope with his situation in the meantime, trying to be as calm as ever to prevent any more dangers.

Surprising huh? Or was that expected… anyway, Please read and review! :D By the way, if there is a fanfic with the same idea as this please tell me if I should keep this posted or not.