A/N: I'm a sucker for happy endings ;) and here it is! Hope you all enjoy it! Thanks to everyone who reviewed the story and read it when it was practically abandoned... it meant a lot to me!
Chapter 8
As weeks passed Legolas was very well aware that the aching in his heart was not fading. Every now and then he had to stop and place a hand upon his chest only to feel nothing. He was too proud to let such a thing, a mere mortal man turn him weak but at times he did feel almost as if he was dying inside. Even now, while four months had passed.
Standing within the beautiful forest of Lothlorien he felt something pulling at his heart, almost like it wished to jump right out of his chest. Tucking a strand of hair behind his ear he wondered if Aragorn felt the same. He was sure the man had thought of him, Aragorn had told him he loved him. None could forget that so easily. But Legolas had abused that love by lying to the king. He had not done so on purpose and he had wanted to tell Aragorn the truth, now he had wished he had told Aragorn sooner. Or that he had never left for Minas Tirith. For now Aragorn had still found his sister, the real princess Vanya.
The news that had come from Minas Tirith had made that much clear. It had seemed that the king had visited Mirkwood to find the princess, to ask her to return with him to Minas Tirith. No one would know that the new princess was not the old one. It would all be a perfectly laid out plan to have the princess come with him. While everyone had celebrated the marriage of Aragorn and Legolas, not Aragorn and Vanya, no one would know.
A tired and slightly suppressed laugh escaped Legolas' pale mouth as he shook his head. It was no longer his concern, neither Minas Tirith nor Mirkwood was his home now. He had been cast aside by both. Walking back to the talon that now belonged to him Legolas was glad that Lady Galadriel and Lord Celeborn had been so kind to him and had given him a new home.
Stopping and turning Legolas was greeted by one of his newly aquired friends. "Yes?" He asked gently.
"King Aragorn has come to Lothlorien, he says he is seeking his Queen." The tall blonde elf offered, shifting uncomfortably from side to side. "He is with Lady Galadriel now and she is asking for you to join them."
The Mirkwood elf felt his blood run cold, blinking a few times before he found himself steady enough to answer. "Very well, I will go see them then..." He spoke softly, still not trusting his voice. Why would Aragorn be in Lothlorien seeking for Vanya, she was in Mirkwood. Was he there to upset Legolas even further. A shiver ran down his spine as he reluctantly started to change his route.
Aragorn sat in silence, nothing could be heard except for the lovely voice of Lady Galadriel speaking to her companion. He watched them, realizing now that he had never known much about elves. He had been a fool thinking it had only been Legolas' fault for betraying him, now Aragorn was starting to realize it was also his own fault. He hadn't even been able to notice the distinct differences between a male and a female elf. Now that he was seeing Lord Celeborn and Lady Galadriel together it was safe to say he could not mistake one for the other. The radiant glow that captures the Lady was nothing compared to Celeborn's, but when Legolas joined them it was safe to say it did not compare to Legolas' either. Legolas was far more radiant and even more beautiful. Aragorn felt his breath hitch in his throat.
He had visited Mirkwood, where King Thranduil had offered his daughter to Aragorn. He had spoken his regrets towards fooling the young king and Tranduil had decided it was only fair that princess Vanya would return to Minas Tirith with him. The sadness he had seen in the king's eyes had caused his determination to find the real princess to waver. It was clear why the elven king had not wished to give his daughter away. Even for an elf she had looked like a child and when Thranduil had mentioned she would be leaving her beloved forests the princess had whimpered and slumped in defeat. Aragorn knew that neither the princess nor him would be happy if she returned with him.
"Legolas." Aragorn whispered softly, drawing the blonde's attention.
Legolas politely offered a similar greeting. "King Aragorn."
Lady Galadriel broke the tense silence, catching both Aragorn and Legolas off guard. "It seems that King Aragorn is here to find his queen." The blonde elf spoke, a mysterious smile upon her pink lips. "A princess from Mirkwood who, according to her own father, should be living here." She continued. "But as I recall, only a prince from Mirkwood has found his home here."
"Indeed." Legolas agreed, looking sideways as the Lady of the forest. "So I do not understand why he would be here either."
Aragorn got up, taking a step towards Legolas until he noticed the other step back in return. "Because my queen is here, my king." He corrected himself. "And I have been a fool to let him go." The young king offered, rubbing his neck awkwardly. "When I found out the truth I was upset, I felt betrayed, but I went to Mirkwood." The dark haired man spoke. "I met your father and I met your sister, now I understand why you came to Minas Tirith under false pretence, and I felt even more like a fool for letting you go."
"And yet you did." Legolas crossed his arms before him, creating a shield that would keep him safe from Aragorn's gentle words. "Aragorn, I apologize for what has happened and for how I have betrayed you, I have felt this way even when I was still in Minas Tirith but I feared telling you for I was afraid of how you would react..." The blonde elf sighed, feeling the same tugging he had felt earlier return. It tugged at his heart and wanted to pull him closer to Aragorn.
"I am sorry, I should have given you more time to explain, I know that now." The dark haired man offered weakly. "Please come back with me, I need you Legolas."
"No." Legolas spoke harsly, taking another step back. Watching the tall man he felt a weight push down on his shoulders, almost like it was telling him he had made the wrong choice. But Legolas was too proud to change his words now, he would not return to Minas Tirith. And so he quickly turned and fled.
He returned when the sky was dark, when everyone except for Lady Galadriel had retired to their homes in the trees to sleep. The blonde elf was sitting by herself, looking at her delicate hands. She only looked up when Legolas sat down beside her. "I was waiting for your return, it took you longer then I had expected."
"You know now what has happened?" Legolas asked, afraid to look at the golden haired elf beside him.
Galadriel smiled and nodded. "I can guess, yes." She spoke as she took Legolas' hand within her own. "You are a fine and proud elf, Legolas, I am thankful that there are still individuals such as yourself." Squeezing his hand gently she continued. "But I believe you are making a mistake."
"What?" Legolas interrupted, pulling his hand away. Shaking his head he immediately disagreed with her.
"Reconsider Legolas." Galadriel said, getting up. "Think of what you are so easily giving up, just because you fear that you may look weak." Before she left Galadriel offered a few more words that made Legolas think. "He has come all the way from Minas Tirith with hope in his heart feeling like a fool, ready to fall upon his knees and beg you to come home with him... and yet he did not look that weak nor foolish to me..."
The last words Legolas heard came from Lady Galadriel, informing him that Aragorn would returning to Minas Tirith early the next morning.
In the morning Aragorn felt a pain clawing away at his heart, making him realize that the final decision had been made by the blonde elf. He tried to stall the small group of men that had travelled with him. Saying his goodbye to the Lady and Lord of the forest he hoped to catch a glipse of golden but found his vision too blurry to even notice. Getting upon his horse he sighed, feeling cold defeat wash over him. He had been a fool to let the other go.
"Are you ready my Lord?"
Aragorn nodded sternly, not trusting his voice. He would return to his white city without their beloved Queen, his companion.
"Do you have a place for one more rider?" Came a gentle, warm voice.
The brunette turned his head, looking at the elf standing beside his horse. Blinking a couple of times to press away the burning sensation that was causing his vision to blur he felt his heart stop for a moment. "Always." He spoke, his voice almost lost upon the wind.
"I am not saying I forgive you." The elf spoke, placing his hands on his hips. "Not yet, but I am sure I will." Legolas offered, a smile tugging at the corner of his lips. He watched as Aragorn got off his horse and immediately pulled him into a warm embrace. Closing his eyes he enjoyed the familiar scent and warmth that he had come to care for.
"I love you Legolas." Aragorn breathed into the other's skin.
Legolas wrapped his arms around the other's waist, chuckling as he realized it was the first time Aragorn had offered those words while knowing he was prince Legolas and not princess Vanya. "And I love you." He spoke softly in return, keeping a tight hold on Aragorn, not yet ready to let go.