You Only Get One Shot:

Author's Notes: Please don't expect frequent updates anytime soon with my other stories. I never wanted to be one of those authors that "didn't finish" so despite my lack of interest in fan fiction, I will put forth some time to my stories over a set period. I don't know how long that period will be, but I will keep it on my mind.

Long story short: My mom died a while back and it's taken its toll on me. I'm trying to use writing to help deal with things. So I apologize for the break, but hey; I hope this comes as a pleasant surprise to some to see that I have no completely forgotten about this site.

Sorry for the damper on things guys, but I thought all of you deserved to know why I've been out of the loop. However, I'm starting small with this multi-collection of one-shots that I hope you all enjoy! I also will take requests over which pairs you'd like to see and any situations for that matter. However, please do keep in mind that I'm really not a yaoi or yuri fan. Nothing against it, though…just not my cup of tea!

Oh and the title is a play on words, but it also comes from the JLS song "One Shot". I was in London for college this past spring and I fell in love with this adorable boy band. Look them up :)

So please enjoy these small drabbles and I vow to try to be more active on this site again!

Summary: …so make it count. A collection of one-shots between multiple characters. (Requests taken!) (Ratings may vary!)

#1: Innocence (Roxas & Naminé)


"Are you sure he won't mind?"

Roxas smiled sweetly as he tightened his grip around Naminé's little hand. "Not at all, Nam," he started off saying, "after all, Sora owes me for all the times he's brought Kairi over here."

Naminé blushed as she knew what Roxas meant. Her cheeks reddened even further when the blonde realized that those same actions were being expected by Roxas himself this very same night. Her companion kissed her cheek as he headed towards his room. "Wait here a minute, Nam, I'll be right back," Roxas assured.

The 21-year-old sat down in the untidy living room that belonged to Roxas and Sora. Naminé chuckled at the mess, knowing quite well that as long as the two were roommates, the floor would never see the light of day. It had always been that way ever since the Hikari brothers were little. Her cousin Kairi would tease them about it, and Naminé would smile in agreement without having the heart to actually put her sentiments in words. She found it odd, yet amusing how Kairi and her both ended up with Sora and Roxas, respectively. The former of the two pairs had constantly been at each other's throats while growing up. However, that all changed once the four of them started college.

During their first party as underage freshmen, Kairi had underestimated the amount of alcohol she could handle. While caring for her cousin, Naminé also tried to fend off some horny football players who wanted to take advantage of Kairi's inebriated state. Sora didn't take too kindly to that as he ended up knocking the living daylights out of the three unsuspecting jocks. Kairi, though well past tipsy, promptly thanked her rescuer with a big kiss on the lips. From that point on, the two were inseparable.

Naminé's relationship with Roxas was much more tamed. The two had simply always been fond of one another since childhood and acted on those feelings by the time their high school years came about. Naminé never required Roxas to make a big showing of his boyfriend status. A simple clasp of the hand or a stolen kiss on the cheek would do for her. He, on the other hand, loved to show Naminé off as his girlfriend whenever the occasion arose. Yet, anytime Naminé was on display for others, her nerves would act up. She much preferred the private moments she shared with Roxas in the seclusion of their rooms.

Despite this, Naminé had never gone further than making out with her boyfriend of five years. She was embarrassed about her underdeveloped frame and her naivety when it came to such experiences. The pretty blonde had always been just the shy, art student that would blink in confusion at the mentioning of anything lewd. She knew that Roxas always desired more out of their relationship than she was willing to give. But, being the sweetheart that he was, Roxas never pressured the pale beauty into doing anything she wasn't ready to do.

Naminé knew his patience had to be wearing thin, though. She recalled a conversation with her cousin about the matter and the memory made the embarrassed girl flush ever further.

"I guess Roxas was discussing your relationship with Sora," Kairi chuckled amusingly. Naminé's ears perked up in interest.

"Oh he did, did he?" she questioned. "How do you know this?" the blonde mused as the two cousins were studying in the library.

The red head smiled deviously. "I had Sora tell me, of course!" she rang out in delight. Naminé rolled her cerulean tinted eyes.

"Why am I not surprised?" the blonde chuckled in response. Curiosity got the better of her though as she closed her textbook promptly. "What…exactly were they discussing?" Naminé asked quietly.

A devilish smirk appeared on Kairi's lips. "You sure you want to know?" she questioned in a teasing tone.

"Of course I do, silly!"

"Haha, alright. I guess Roxas was talking about your upcoming anniversary and how he wanted to well, 'woo you' properly."

Naminé, being the innocent girl that she was, didn't understand Kairi's hidden meaning. Her cousin laughed promptly following Naminé's inquisitive gaze.

"Naminé, the poor boy wants to make sweet love to you!"

"He WHAT!" Naminé shouted causing everyone in the library to turn in her direction. She blushed when she realized how loud she had just been. Kairi fought off the urge to laugh uproariously. She clucked in amusement.

"Dear, dear cousin. Despite Roxas being the most chivalrous man to walk the planet, he still has his rather roguish desires," Kairi explained to the blonde.

Naminé frowned slightly. "Does," she started off saying in a somber tone, "does he tell Sora how I don't please him in that aspect?"

Her violet eyed companion's face grew dismal as she realized she had upset her cousin. "Oh sweetie, not like that!" Kairi assured the art major. "Roxas totally respects you and your decisions…it's just that he and Sora are boys and they like to discuss boyish things," she finished.

The blonde was still frowning despite Kairi's clarification. "Still," Naminé began, "he must feel deprived of certain experiences because of me."

Kairi gently placed her hand on the upset girl's shoulder. "Nam," Kairi whispered, "you and I both know Roxas loves you enough to be patient with all that physical junk," she continued. A wider smile appeared on the auburn woman's face. "Besides, it's not all that great anyways!" Kairi insisted.

Naminé shot her cousin a look of disbelief, knowing full well how much Kairi enjoyed the "physical junk" with Sora.

The red head's cheeks matched her hair color. "What can I say? Those Hikari men are well endowed," she murmured quietly so only the two cousins could hear. Both girls chuckled, trying to contain themselves from letting an even louder noise emit from their table. Kairi went over to give Naminé a quick hug. "Nami, like I said before, Roxas is a great guy and won't ever pressure you into doing something you don't want to do," she stated. Naminé returned the hug.

"Thanks Kairi, but what am I going to do? I want to be able to be intimate with him but…" Naminé paused, discomfited by the thoughts she was having.

"You're embarrassed?"

"That's an understatement!"

"Just talk to him about it…Roxas will understand,"

Naminé sighed as she remembered her cousin's advice. Roxas, being the wonderful that he was, would more than certainly accept her decision to wait a little while longer before sleeping together. But Naminé knew all too well that the choice would sadden him.

"Nam?" the blonde turned her head as Roxas returned from his bedroom with a small box in his hands. Her boyfriend was smiling warmly as he sat next to the girl he cared for so much. Naminé eagerly cuddled up closer to him.

"What's that?" she questioned, ever the curious girl.

Roxas continued to smile. "Oh this? Nothing important…" he joked in a sing-song tone.

His lack of an answer prompted Naminé to reach for the mysterious box. "Let me see it!" she laughed extending her arms out.

"You'll have to take it from me, Nami!" Roxas replied.

Naminé smirked. "Well good thing I know your weakness," she murmured in an almost seductive voice. The blonde snaked her arms around her boyfriend and pressed her chest up to his own. She batted her long eyelashes and pursed her pinkish lips together. Roxas grew confused at the newfound courage Naminé was exerting. Was she being…flirty?


"Yes, baby?" she answered in that foreign way.

"You said something about," Roxas gulped, feeling his nether regions stir in excitement, "about a…weakness?"

The smirk on Naminé grew even wider than before. "I did, didn't?" the blonde whispered, inches from Roxas' face. She could feel his warm breath heat up her face as it steadily increased with each passing second. "I know you're weakness," Naminé repeated once more. Roxas closed his blue eyes, preparing himself for anything.

"…you're quite ticklish,"

Anything, but that.

Roxas immediately opened his eyes in terror as Naminé descended her fingers on his hips. The boy could barely contain himself as he succumbed to the torture otherwise known as being a ticklish person. A painful laugh escaped his lips. "Oh, Naminé!" he laughed, unable to control the pressure being put on his lungs.

"Haha, my oh my Roxas you certainly are weak!"

He laughed in between his next words. "You…are…not as… innocent as you…seem!" Roxas shouted. He attempted to pull the girl off of him but it was all in vain, as Naminé held her tiny yet firm grip on the man.

Naminé chuckled along with her boyfriend. "Do you give up?" she asked.


The blonde increased the pressure of her tickling, causing Roxas to squirm even more. "What was that, baby?" she questioned in that same seductive tone, giggling all the while.


"I can't hear you!"


Roxas found some strength as he accidently knocked the two of the off the couch and onto his messy floor. Both of them laughed at what had just occurred as Roxas set the black box down to brush Naminé's hair back. Naminé placed her delicate artist fingers on top of his own. The darker haired of the two put his lips to her own for a deep kiss, which Naminé eagerly returned. "You're my biggest weakness," Roxas whispered in his girlfriend's ear. The words made Naminé's heart flutter on the inside. Before she could respond she heard the door open suddenly.

"Well dang Roxas, I expected you to at LEAST put a sock on the doorknob or something!"

Sora chuckled as he and Kairi walked in, only able to see Roxas' head peak out from over the couch. Kairi elbowed her boyfriend. "Don't tease them, Sora! We can just go to my place!" she nudged with a wink. Naminé had to use up all of her strength not to laugh. Roxas just looked plain confused.

"Wait a minute…you thought we were-?"

"It's okay Roxas! Kairi's right, we'll leave," Sora stated as the two headed out the door. However, he let Kairi go ahead so he could turn and silently mouth 'Way to go man!' to Roxas before he left. When the door shut once more, the two blondes found themselves laughing once more.

Naminé wiped a tear from her eye. "Oh my goodness, could you imagine what they were thinking?"

"Haha, I didn't think we were being that loud!"

"Me either!"

Roxas continued to grin as he lifted himself off the floor and extended his arm for Naminé to grab. "Like I said before, Nam," he began, "you aren't as innocent as you seem."

Naminé grasped Roxas' hand, while her free arm snatched his box. "You got that right," she murmured to an unsuspecting Roxas.

Another laughed emitted from the 22-year-old. "You little sneak…" he said.

The artist just beamed as she stole a peak at what was inside the mysterious container. Her heart stirred once more when the box's contents were exposed. Inside was a brilliant diamond ring that shined brightly as the lamp's reflection bounced off of it. "Roxas," she could barely murmur.

The blue eyed man squeezed her hand tighter than before. "I know we're still young and all Naminé," he started off saying, "so take this ring however you want it. Whether it's next year or five years from now, I know that I want to be with you in every sense of the word. Legally and physically," Roxas whispered the last part suggestively.


"Please know that I love you so much Naminé and I'm willing to wait as long as you want to before we do anything that would make you feel uncomfortable," Roxas continued to speak in such a sweet tone. Naminé felt a tear roll down her cheek.

"How did I get such an understanding and sweet man?" she stated quietly as she placed the box down to touch Roxas' cheek.

"Luck of the draw," Roxas joked pressing his nose to Naminé's own.

Naminé returned the Eskimo kiss. "Roxas," she breathed, her insides burning with sensations she never knew before, "what if…if I feel comfortable enough right now?"

Her boyfriend blinked in astonishment. "Naminé! Are you-?"

A familiar gleam in Naminé's eyes appeared as she placed her lips on Roxas' earlobe. A gentle flick of the tongue caused Roxas' foundation to quake. Her newfound courage surprised and turned on the man all at the same time. "You said yourself I wasn't as innocent as I seemed," the blonde whispered tugging on her boyfriend's shirt. Roxas smirked as he lowered the two of them to the floor once more. Thank goodness Sora and Kairi came in only minutes before, because who knows what kind of shenanigans the two lovebirds were in store for in the upcoming moments.

I hope you all enjoyed the first story so far. Please feel free to request things like I said as I'm sure it'll motivate me into updating more, haha. So R&R and have a blessed day!

