Authors Note: Hey guys, this is yet another one-shot from me. I know this has been done before (I swear I say that in every AN lol), but I really wanted to do my own take on it, especially since Rebecca is probably the one character I can relate the most too. I guess you could count this as a song fic since this is based loosely off the song "My Happy Ending" by Avril Lavigne.

Sorry it's a bit angsty, but I've been in a pretty bad mood today and I just needed to somehow get some of this stress off my mind. What better way then to write something that's a smudge on the dark side? I know it's not very good, but I thought I'd post this anyway; it might make me feel a little better.

Disclaimer: I do not own Resident Evil, or the song "My Happy Ending", just this story.

It's only been two years; two years since all of our lives had changed, for better or for worse; two years since I have ever truly been happy.

Once STARS broke apart, I decided to go back to school and get my doctorate in medicine. That led me to get a residency in one of the best hospitals in New York, but I still miss being a part of Bravo Team. Currently I'm roommates with Claire; we became best friends when Chris brought her back from Antarctica. Don't get me wrong, I love her as if she were my own sister, but it's hard seeing her with her friend Leon. At least, they say their friends, but it's obvious that their relationship goes beyond that.

Of course I'm happy for Claire, she deserves someone that will be there for her, but what about me?

More then once Jill has tried setting me up with a friend of hers, half the time they ended up being blind dates though. I appreciate her attempts to make me feel like I belong, but she's just wasting her time. None of them could ever match my expectations.

Every man, no boy, I've met never had the soothing tone to his voice when he talked to me, they didn't have the right amount of flirtatious humor, they didn't make me feel safe from everything and anything, they were just never him.

I know I should be over him by now, but I'm not. For only getting to know him for a few hours, my mind is haunted by thoughts of that one man every chance it gets. What is he doing? Is he happy with his new life? Where is he now? Is he still the Billy Coen I love?

I try my best to hide my unhappiness, but I know I'm failing miserably. Whenever I'm with my friends, I can tell they try to be as gentle and caring as possible, especially Chris. Leave it to him to always crack a joke just to see me smile. Sure, they would be like that no matter how I'm feeling, they are my friends after all, but I can tell they try extra hard to make me feel like I'm just like them.

How can I be though? All of my friends have someone that returns their feelings of affection. Claire has Leon, even Chris and Jill have gotten closer ever since the Mansion incident. I don't even know if Billy ever felt the same way about me, let alone if he even still remembers me after all this time.

I shouldn't be so affected by this, but I am. At night, I hold on to his dog tags and think about the little time we spent together. More then once I've fallen asleep crying. It's pathetic of me, but it's all the fault of that infuriating man. I can never move on, I don't know how to.

Everyone is living wonderful, fulfilling lives, just not me. I guess I'm doomed to never have the fairy tale ending I always dreamed about as a kid. Just like that song I heard playing on the radio a few days ago, so much for my happy ending.