Pairings: none yet
Warnings: none yet

"Depression is nourished by a lifetime of ungrieved and unforgiven hurts."
-Penelope Sweet

"Breifing in ten minutes" JJ told the team. "They were kept alive for seventy-two hours, raped, and strangulated. 20 year old Alexis Pierce was found raped and strangulated by campers in Yellowstone National Park. 19 year old Genesis McLellen was found raped and strangulated just off Interstate 90 in Quincy, Washington. 16 year old Danielle Barnett was reported missing by her mother, Cathy Barnett 4 hours ago from Tacoma, Washington"

"So this unsub's heading west" Morgan concluded.

"So are we" Hotch said firmly.

Upon landing Hotch had plans ready for them. "Morgan and Rossi go to where the unsub dumped Genesis' body. Reid and Prentiss set up at the police and JJ we'll interview Danielle's parents" he didn't usually pair himself with JJ but he figured it might be easier since they're both parents and would identify better. True they had young sons and this was a tennage girl, but the parenthood was just the same.

"Mrs. Barnett, do you know what Danielle would be doing out at eleven at night?" JJ asked.

"We had gotten into an argument and now that I think about it, it was something silly" Cathy said between sobs.

"Every detail counts, so do you mind telling us what you were arguing about?" Hotch asked.

"Just about why she was practically failing all of her classes"

"So just a quiet and troubled girl"

"Wait" Hotch dialed Garcia's number. "Garcia, i need to look up these girls"

"How far back?"

"Five years. Call when you get something"

"Consider it done"

"Thanks" Hotch dropped his phone in his pocket.

"So if these girls do have troubled pasts and-" JJ was interrupted by Hotch's cell ringing.

"Garcia you're on speaker phone"

"So, Genesis McLellen had been sexually abused by her stepfather until she was fourteen when her mother filed for divorce and a restraining order. He hadn't touched her since"

"Ususally people who are sexually abused are more distant from others"

"Genesis was lonely and the unsub probably made her feel like something other than a sex toy so she went with him willingly"



"Alexis Pierce had been hospitilized for suicide. She was also addicted to heroin"

"Thanks, Garcia. This unsub is coercing his victims. He would be anything but forceful with them"

"So what'd you find?"

"These girls are depressed or in an unstable frame of mind. Not stable enough to resist the charm of the unsub who they're willingly going with"

"Agent Hotchner" Deputy Anderson had an uneasy look on his face, and Hotch knew exactly what it meant.

A/N: Send in what you think. The more reviews I get the better chance I'll continue. It boosts my ego.