Hey. This is my first story on fanfiction so please tell me what you think.

Chapter 1

A boy and a girl. Best friends for 3 years. 3 long years of spy games, playing by the lake and tea parties. They had met on the exact spot where they sat now. She had been playing with her dollies in the back garden and he had walked past. Being nosy by nature he had scrambled through the hedge and it had gone from there. Every day since then they had met at 4pm and played until she was called in for dinner. On weekends they spent the whole day at the lake. Today was a Thursday. They both sat on a picnic blanket, heads bent, studiously completing dot-to-dots. The boy broke the silence.

"I finish school tomorrow. Summer holidays!"

"Does that mean you have no more lessons?"

"Yes. Now we can go to the lake everyday!"

"I can't. Mummy says I have to study at least 3 times a week."

"Ooh. That's still 4 days free."

"Yes. That's lots of time to play."

The children lapsed back into not speaking. He glared down at his picture, then balled up the paper and took a blank sheet. She watched him, fiddling nervously with her hair.

"Sam?" she asked, plucking up the courage.


"Do you promise to be my best friend forever?"

"Of course."

"No matter what?"

"No matter what. Do you want to be my best friend forever?"

"Yes! I would bet my bracelet on it!"

"OK then." The boy said, reaching out his hand for it.

"What?" Stunned, the girl backed away clutching at her bracelet.

"To prove we'll be friends always."

"OK then. My bracelet for your necklace."

"It's not a necklace! It's a chain!"

The children quickly swapped and gave each other an awkward hug. A voice yelled from the house,

"Lily honey! Dinner!"

"OK Mum. I'll be there in a minute!"

They packed all of their drawings and crayons into their tin box and stuffed it into the hollowed out tree. Struggling together they dragged the swingset back in front of the tree. As he climbed through his holein the hedge she called after him:

"See you tomorrow. Same time, same place. Maybe we can go down to the lake."

The boy and the girl never saw each other again.

9 years later

"That's the last box Mom!"

Lily grabbed the last box out of the van. It was labelled KITCHEN UTENSILS. She pushed through the crowds of delivery men and dumped the box in a free space on the kitchen work surface. She hitched up her jeans and headed for the garden. It wasn't as big as she remembered. The grass was a lot longer too. She sighed and sat down on the swing. She jumped up again almost immediately as the frame moaned and shuddered. Looking for somewhere else to sit, Lily spotted a glinting in the old tree. A box. Rusted and breaking at the hinges.

"Lily honey! Come help!"

Jolted out of her reverie Lily grabbed the box and headed inside.

It wasn't until evening that Lily remembered her discovery. She'd spent the day directing the delivery men and trying to assemble her bed. Using 1 of the mysterious screws (which seemed to have no point for existing) she prised off the lid. Out spilled long forgotten memories. Crayons. Half finished dot-to-dots, Polaroid shots and all kinds of crap. And a bracelet. She gasped in shock. Her favourite childhood piece of jewellery. A present from her uncle in Australia.

"I thought I swapped this," she muttered to herself. Absentmindedly fiddling with her chain.

Thanks for reading. I'll be posting again soon x x