Stargate Atlantis

Farewell to Pegasus

You cannot be always torn in two. You will have to be one and whole, for many years. You have so much to enjoy and to be, and to do

The time has come.

It was and always will be a tough decision to have made, but after over three years I have finally made the decision to walk away from this virtual season that I was writing. Am I sad that I didn't reach the end of the 20 episodes I had planned? – and yes, I did plan for the whole season – Yes, in many ways I am, but there were and are also a lot of other factors involved in the decision, and I'd like to share those if I may.

First of all, and no small consideration, moving the choice forwards – Fanfiction dot net was recently hacked and mirrored and every single story any writer ever posted on this site is being used on other websites where the owners are making money from our work, through the use of advertising. There's a name for it, it's called 'spamdexing' Suffice to say a) I and other writers like me are very upset by that, and by the fact that seems to have done nothing to address the issue and b) the disclaimer says that I'm not making any money from these stories and that they're purely for entertainment purposes. Well now someone /is/ making money from them and I'm not quite sure where that makes Fanfiction writers stand to be honest. And that's before you even going into the notion that these websites (and there is not just one) that have done this, are littered with viruses and spyware, and I don't want to be even a little bit responsible for putting that in the way of my fans.

In fact, I'm considering leaving Fanfiction dot net altogether, which is sad as it's been a home for my fiction for many a year, but it seems the only way to remove the plagiarized fiction from the other sites is to remove your fiction from fanfiction dot net so that in the next 'update' it's all – whoosh – vanished. And I do have other outlets for the remaining fan fiction.

By far the biggest reason for this decision, however, is that I am also writing as a professional now (albeit in a small way), and much of the material included in the Virtual Season is actually original thoughts/ideas and progression in the fiction, only woven into the Stargate Universe, and the fact of the matter is, I have my own universe – one that's been under development for at least eight years maybe more, and that original material fits – glove-like – into those worlds, and so, that is where it should reside.

I know, for many of you, this will be disappointing, and I sincerely apologize for that. I'd love it if you could forgive me enough to start following the progression of that original material into a published novel series of my own, and if you'd like to do that, I would urge you to visit eirianhoupe dot wordpress dot com (I'm sure you know the adjustments to make, to get that link to work) in order to get the latest news and to remain involved and keep in touch. I would love to hear from you all.

Please be aware that in approximately a week's time, these stories will begin to be removed from this website.

With the best of regards:
